New upgrades to The Armada Systems:
A new technology called Grand Rapid Decompressive Escapade (GRDRDE) is a most spectacular find. Now unbelievably extracting more energy out of the event in a controlled manner so as not to destroy everything in the cosmos. This allows:
GRDRDE Exlposive Rockets: These monstrous size rockets take full adavtange of GRDRDE technology and put it to full use. One of these rockets can take down an average battalion. Way cool power. NickName: TITAN
GRDRDE Rapid Gattling Gun: A massive rapid fire gattling gun shooting an impressive 10000 bullets a second of the most powerful ammo in the cosmos. If whatever your shooting isnt gone after a few rounds of this gun it was never there to begin with. Nickname: MONSTER
GRDRDE Explosive Remote Programmable Mines: These mines harness utilize a powerful GRDRDE event. They can be programmed to go off at whatever time or remotely triggered, the can even be triggered by GODSENSE. Powerful fun. Nickname: GODSMITE
A new technology based on Harry's WARHAMMER's OF COSMIC DECIMATION called Yleb Matrix Insertion allows us to create and utilize material from the very primordial creation of the cosmos. This allows us to make:
Yleb Maximum Plate Armor: This is the toughest armor in the cosmos ever. Tougher then your Aunts Fruitcake even. This stuff can take multiple Dark Matter hits with out even a scratch. It is now deployed on all Armada ships and all troops armor. In addition Giant Robo and Gamera are equipped with it as well. Nickname: TuffStuff
Yleb Tipped Rapid Rockets: These massive rockets achieve super hyper light speeds and slam into their targets with hugmomongous force. You want to break stuff this is what you use. NickName: SPEEDSLAM
Yleb Tipped Gatlling Torpedoes: These are just the ticket for the away team troops. Super massive power in a light machine gun like device. Great for just destroying everything around you. Nickname: DECIMATOR
A new techonolgy called Impossibilification: Level 5 has taken the impossibility technolgy up several levels at once. Way cool and amazing. This allows:
Impossility Drive: Level 5: The impossibility erngines on all the ships have been upgraded. At fuill throttle these puppies will travel through a whole universe in 10 minutes. An incredible speed that will rip up space and time as well so use with caution.
The Impossibility Sniper Gun: One shot. One massive destructive blast. These new guns utilize the impossibilty technoilogy for the first time creating a massive universe ripping distortion that wreeks ultimate havoc. Nickname: WORLDRIPPER
A new technology called Time Twirling allows the creation of massive whirpools of warped time creating a massive destructive gradient on everything caught in it. This allows:
The Time Cannon: The Celestial Cannon technology is combined with the Time Twirling technology to produce these massive weapons of cosmic destruction. NickName: TIMEOUT
The Time Grenade: These tiny grenades about the size of an egg produce a massive time twirl event causing massive destruction. Use with caution. NickName: TINYTIM
Finally the Lil'Universe Technology as been controlled and casn now be utilized fully. This allows:
The Lil'Universe Flying Mine: These lil babies fly to the target and then destroy just about everything and create a nice pine scent when done. One mine can destroy a whole galaxy so clear out after deploying. NickName: LIL'TROUBLE
These upgrades are all in effect. Enjoy.