*THE THREAD and kurch look at each other as the finish the entire 1000 list of elements in the Dark Element periodic table. *
THE THREAD: We did it. All done.
kurch: Great work my friend. Some really cool elements here. We should be able to make some really cool weapons and other cool stuff.
THE THREAD: Yea I cant wait to get started on that.
🙂 A lot to do.
kurch: Yea that always seems to be the case. Doesnt it?
*Element 444 rolls around on the floor bounces up to the table in front of kurch and then bounces into his lap*
THE THREAD: What should we do about element 444... its the oddest of all of them
kurch: Yea. It certainly is. I guess first we should give it a name.
THE THREAD: That would be a good start. What do you want to call it.
kurch: I think the most unique coolest element should have the name of our most unique coolest friend who has recently passed. So how about Zodium?
THE THREAD: Yea I like it. You are always so good at these things kurch.
kurch: Glad you like it.
🙂 and thanks

Just comes with caring about people I guess.
*kurch looks at the ball of element 444* and says Would you like to be called Zodium little guy?
*Zodium bounces up and down and snuggles into kurch's lap*
THE THREAD: Looks like thats a yes.
kurch: LOL Yea I think thats a yes too. Welcome to the Armada Of Divine Light Zodium.
*Ball of Zodium does a little happy dance in kurch's lap*