First try: PLEASE leave a comment - even to tell that you couldn't get past the first line 🙂. This first part is quite short, but it took a long to write, so I want to see if anybody reads it before I continue. (Written using a pseudonym - why that is, will be apparent in continuation).
Late one night when I was adjusting my instruments in the observatory tower of my palace, there was a knock on the door.
"Enter!" I said and looked up to see Talena, head of my amazon palace guard open the door and walk in.
"Forgive me for disturbing, my Lord, but I thought you might want to see this."
She placed a hook, with a long rope attached, on the table. The hook looked like an anchor with three spikes, obviously a grappling hook, used to scale walls. I had used such hooks many times, both as a soldier and a spy, but this one was made of a kind of metal that was lighter than any I had ever come across. And the rope was spun from fibers smoother than any I had ever held.
"Where did you find this?"
"We found it on a thief we just caught in the gardens." Talena said.
I glanced out of the opening in the roof, I had important work to do, but decided I could spare a moment.
"Let me see this theif." I said and sat down in my chair.
Talena had obviously anticipated my request, because she opened the door and gave a command. Two amazon guards walked in, leading a person between them. The person wore a black suit which covered the body from the feet to the neck. It clung tightly to the body and revealed the curves of a woman.
Each guard held one of thieves' arm beind her back and pulled it up so the woman was forced to bend over as she walked. They led her forward and then forced her down on her knees in front me. One of the guards took a firm grip in the woman's blond hair and yanked her head back. She gasped. Her face was painted black. Her eyes, big and green, met mine and I could see she was afraid but struggled not to show it.
I noded to Talena to let her know she had been right in disturbing me. "What has she told you?"
"Nothing my lord. I don't think she speaks our language."
Well, perhaps we could find that out.
I motioned for the guards to have the woman stand and then to release their grip. Then I said to the woman: "Undress for me!!"
Although the thief tried to hide it, I saw her eyes shift. Few women can manage to show no emotion when they are told to undress in fornt of a man. I laughed.
Talena had also seen the woman's reaction. "She might have guessed it, my lord. When a woman is in a man's power she does expect to loose her modesty."
I shrugged. And then said to the thief: "Go on. Off!"
She did not move.
One of the guards drew her sword an held it to the back of the woman's neck. The thief slowly raised her hands to the neck of the suit and there was a strange ripping sound as she pulled it open, and then off her shoulders and down to her waist. She wore a halter, not unlike those the guards used, designed for comfort and easy movement rather than looks. Her body was nicely fit and well tanned.
She bend down and took off her left boot revealing a pretty little foot.
And then things happended fast: she reached into the boot and there was a a loud bang and something slammed into floor beneath the boot, which now has a gaping hole in it. Before I or any of the guards could recover from the shock, the thief rushed to my side, pulling out a metal object from the boot as she ran. She held it to my head and shouted "Stop!"
The guards froze.
"This thing can scatter your barbaric little brain all over the wall," the thief hissed in my ear. "You tell those bitches to drop their weapons."
"Ah, so you do speak our language." I said.
"Tell them." She pressed the metal object to my temple.
"Drop you weapons." I ordered the guards.
"Throw them in the corner." The thief added.
"You'll never get away, you know," I said.
"Then you'll die!"
I was curious to see how she would try to escape, and on any other night I might have let the game play out a little longer, just for the excitement and fun, but as this night was the last chance in fourteen years to study the Gurian constellation, I decided to make my move now.
I knew it would be too risky to go directly for the hand that held the metal object as she would expect that. But having done a lot of tickling over the years I had a little surprise. My right hand clamped down on her legs just above the knee. My fingers quickly found the good spots and pressed.
The woman gasped.
I bend my head forward to get it away form the metal object object and with my left hand I reached above my head, grabbed her arm and pulled. She fell across my shoulders and I got to my feet and pulled her arm harder. She flew over my shoulder and landed on her back on the table, dangerously close to her own hook. Her breath blew out of her, but still she managed to squeeze the metal object and other loud bang echoed in the small chamber. I twisted her wrist and the weapon fell to the floor. The guards rushed forward and grabbed her.
As they tied the thief's hands behind her back, I wondered what to do next. I was eager to begin interrogating my pretty captive right away, partly to solve the mysteries surrounding her and partly because it promised to be very entertaining, but I knew that it could wait till tomorrow unlike my observations.
Besides, there was another thing to take care of. My palace guard had almost let be killed and I had no intention to let that go unpunished.
I turned to to Talena, who stood waiting for my orders. "Tomorrow morning we will put the guards on the grass. Later, you yourself, will go on the High Rack."
She swallowed and tried too hard to sound indifferent: "Yes my lord"
"The thief will witness both punishments, so she can see what awaits her."
"Yes my Lord."
The guards pulled the thief to her feet and and they went out of the room. Talena silently closed the door.
I went back to the telescope and was soon absorbed in my observations.
Dressed in short tunics the two guards knelt on the grass below my marble throne. Their comrades stood in a halft circle around them, wearing the same kind of garment. We were out in my beautifull gardens, the suns had just risen and the rings of the giant planet which our world circle around, was visible above the horizon.
As with every military unit it is a good custom to let the punishment of it members be excuted by their comrades. And as with all things military there was a traditon to be followed.
Talena adressed me: "We are about to punish these two guards who have failed in their duty to protect you. Will you do us the honor to witness their punishment?"
"I will" I said solemnly.
"What kind of punishment would it please my lord to see them suffer?"
"Torture by tickling."
"It will be done, my lord." Talena turned. "Blindfold them!" She ordered.
Two amazons walked up to their kneeling comrades and bound a black cloth around their head and then stepped back. Apart from the added vulnerability there is a pratical reason for the blindfold, if the victims could see their tormenters they might want revenge and that would cause trouble in the group.
"Get in position for tickle torture." Ordered Talena. And the two guards obediently lay down on their back, with their feet towards me, and spread their arms and legs out in an cross. The one on my left was a redheaded girl from the islands in the north, tall and curvy. The other was a blak haired woman from the east, slim and brown skinned.
"Make them ready!" Said Talena.
One amazon knelt down by each girl's arm and foot and held the limbs to the ground. Two other women knelt down on each side of the victim and pulled the tunic up above their heads. They wore nothing beneath.
Then they all waited for my command.
I let my eyes wander over the two very different, but in each way very attractive women who was streched out before me. The suns was higher now, and I guessed it would be a sweaty affair down there. I motioned for the slave girl who stood beside me to wave the palm leaf faster.
Then I leaned back, and said, "let the torture begin!"
The ticklers who were kneeling at the side of the guards, immediately dug their fingers into the sides of the outstreached victims. The readhead uttered a scream that turned into a helpless, unwilling laugh. The blackhaired woman fought hard not to make any sound, but a groan escaped from her throat.
Both of them struggled to get free and their comrades holding their arms and feet, had a tough job keeping them still while the ticklers worked for a while on the helpless hips and then moved up the sides to the ribs. That made the redhead's laughter more desperate while it did nothing to add to the other guard's torture. Sensing this, one of her ticklers instead went for the inner thigh and that, at last, drew a scream from the victim.
With a grin I leaned back, stuck my hand out and the serving slave - not be confused with the fanning slave - placed a goblet of cool wine in my hand.
Down on the grass sweat now covered the naked bodies of the two victims and their struggling had lost some of the inital power. This meant that the amazons who held the victims could do so more easily and, on a command from Talena, the four amazons who held the victims arms now started to tickle the victim's armpits with their free hand. Helpless screams rang out.
On the opposite side of the patch of grass where the torture took place, stood a fountain. it's central statue was of the slavers god Krall and a slavegirl who knelt beside him, her hands shackled and the god holding the chain, keeping her arms above her head. Water from the fountain sprayed on the slave and with great skill the sculptor had made it look as if the water had made her dress wet and cling to her body. In his left hand Krall held another pair of shackles, these was not of stone but of real iron and the girl that they held was not of marble, but the thief that was caught the night before. Like her sister of stone she also wore a thin dress which the sprays of water made cling to her body. She stared wide eyed at the two guards squirming on the ground. Then she felt my gaze on her and looked up. When she caught my eye she imediatedly looked away and turned her body as if to hide it from me, but she only managed to made the wet dress cling tighter.
The amazons who held the feet of the victims now also joined in the torture, as they used one hand to tickle the feet. And so tickling went on, now with 6 hands tickling each victim. Talena constantly overlooked and supervised the punishment. She had taken a whip from the belt and whenever she saw that one of the ticklers was beginning to relax she skillfully let the whip fall on that woman's shoulder, thigh or feet.
At one point Talena cracked the whip in the air and tickling stopped. The ticklers leaned back and released their grip on the victims who obediently remained in the same position while the drew in air in heavy gasps.
"What is you bidding, my Lord?"
I could now say "enough" and the punishment would end. But I chose my other option and said "turn them around!"
The ticklers took hold of the two victims and rolled them over so they lay face down and then stretched out their arms and legs and then the torture began again. It turned out that the redhead was very ticklish behind her knees and Talena directed the ticklers to concentrate on that spot. The woman lifted her head and screamed with helpless laughter. The black haired woman's weak spot was her ass. As the ticklers worked her buttocks over, she bend her face to the ground and I believe she may actually have bitten in the grass.
As the ringed planet rose on the horizon the punishment continued. Unfortunately I had business out in the town, so I only had the victims tuned once more, and their front worked over once again, before I called "Enough!" and signaled Talena to approach me.
"I am going out." I told her.
"Do you require a guard ?" She asked.
"No I do not. But when I return, I want to find you on The High Rack!"
"Yes my lord." She said and swallowed.
And, having thus completed my first task of a busy day, I walked out of my palace and headed to the Hall of Merchants where slave auctions are held.
The Thief From A Strange World
-- part 1 --
1. A Thief Is Caught
-- part 1 --
1. A Thief Is Caught
Late one night when I was adjusting my instruments in the observatory tower of my palace, there was a knock on the door.
"Enter!" I said and looked up to see Talena, head of my amazon palace guard open the door and walk in.
"Forgive me for disturbing, my Lord, but I thought you might want to see this."
She placed a hook, with a long rope attached, on the table. The hook looked like an anchor with three spikes, obviously a grappling hook, used to scale walls. I had used such hooks many times, both as a soldier and a spy, but this one was made of a kind of metal that was lighter than any I had ever come across. And the rope was spun from fibers smoother than any I had ever held.
"Where did you find this?"
"We found it on a thief we just caught in the gardens." Talena said.
I glanced out of the opening in the roof, I had important work to do, but decided I could spare a moment.
"Let me see this theif." I said and sat down in my chair.
Talena had obviously anticipated my request, because she opened the door and gave a command. Two amazon guards walked in, leading a person between them. The person wore a black suit which covered the body from the feet to the neck. It clung tightly to the body and revealed the curves of a woman.
Each guard held one of thieves' arm beind her back and pulled it up so the woman was forced to bend over as she walked. They led her forward and then forced her down on her knees in front me. One of the guards took a firm grip in the woman's blond hair and yanked her head back. She gasped. Her face was painted black. Her eyes, big and green, met mine and I could see she was afraid but struggled not to show it.
I noded to Talena to let her know she had been right in disturbing me. "What has she told you?"
"Nothing my lord. I don't think she speaks our language."
Well, perhaps we could find that out.
I motioned for the guards to have the woman stand and then to release their grip. Then I said to the woman: "Undress for me!!"
Although the thief tried to hide it, I saw her eyes shift. Few women can manage to show no emotion when they are told to undress in fornt of a man. I laughed.
Talena had also seen the woman's reaction. "She might have guessed it, my lord. When a woman is in a man's power she does expect to loose her modesty."
I shrugged. And then said to the thief: "Go on. Off!"
She did not move.
One of the guards drew her sword an held it to the back of the woman's neck. The thief slowly raised her hands to the neck of the suit and there was a strange ripping sound as she pulled it open, and then off her shoulders and down to her waist. She wore a halter, not unlike those the guards used, designed for comfort and easy movement rather than looks. Her body was nicely fit and well tanned.
She bend down and took off her left boot revealing a pretty little foot.
And then things happended fast: she reached into the boot and there was a a loud bang and something slammed into floor beneath the boot, which now has a gaping hole in it. Before I or any of the guards could recover from the shock, the thief rushed to my side, pulling out a metal object from the boot as she ran. She held it to my head and shouted "Stop!"
The guards froze.
"This thing can scatter your barbaric little brain all over the wall," the thief hissed in my ear. "You tell those bitches to drop their weapons."
"Ah, so you do speak our language." I said.
"Tell them." She pressed the metal object to my temple.
"Drop you weapons." I ordered the guards.
"Throw them in the corner." The thief added.
"You'll never get away, you know," I said.
"Then you'll die!"
I was curious to see how she would try to escape, and on any other night I might have let the game play out a little longer, just for the excitement and fun, but as this night was the last chance in fourteen years to study the Gurian constellation, I decided to make my move now.
I knew it would be too risky to go directly for the hand that held the metal object as she would expect that. But having done a lot of tickling over the years I had a little surprise. My right hand clamped down on her legs just above the knee. My fingers quickly found the good spots and pressed.
The woman gasped.
I bend my head forward to get it away form the metal object object and with my left hand I reached above my head, grabbed her arm and pulled. She fell across my shoulders and I got to my feet and pulled her arm harder. She flew over my shoulder and landed on her back on the table, dangerously close to her own hook. Her breath blew out of her, but still she managed to squeeze the metal object and other loud bang echoed in the small chamber. I twisted her wrist and the weapon fell to the floor. The guards rushed forward and grabbed her.
As they tied the thief's hands behind her back, I wondered what to do next. I was eager to begin interrogating my pretty captive right away, partly to solve the mysteries surrounding her and partly because it promised to be very entertaining, but I knew that it could wait till tomorrow unlike my observations.
Besides, there was another thing to take care of. My palace guard had almost let be killed and I had no intention to let that go unpunished.
I turned to to Talena, who stood waiting for my orders. "Tomorrow morning we will put the guards on the grass. Later, you yourself, will go on the High Rack."
She swallowed and tried too hard to sound indifferent: "Yes my lord"
"The thief will witness both punishments, so she can see what awaits her."
"Yes my Lord."
The guards pulled the thief to her feet and and they went out of the room. Talena silently closed the door.
I went back to the telescope and was soon absorbed in my observations.
2. The Guards Are Punished
Dressed in short tunics the two guards knelt on the grass below my marble throne. Their comrades stood in a halft circle around them, wearing the same kind of garment. We were out in my beautifull gardens, the suns had just risen and the rings of the giant planet which our world circle around, was visible above the horizon.
As with every military unit it is a good custom to let the punishment of it members be excuted by their comrades. And as with all things military there was a traditon to be followed.
Talena adressed me: "We are about to punish these two guards who have failed in their duty to protect you. Will you do us the honor to witness their punishment?"
"I will" I said solemnly.
"What kind of punishment would it please my lord to see them suffer?"
"Torture by tickling."
"It will be done, my lord." Talena turned. "Blindfold them!" She ordered.
Two amazons walked up to their kneeling comrades and bound a black cloth around their head and then stepped back. Apart from the added vulnerability there is a pratical reason for the blindfold, if the victims could see their tormenters they might want revenge and that would cause trouble in the group.
"Get in position for tickle torture." Ordered Talena. And the two guards obediently lay down on their back, with their feet towards me, and spread their arms and legs out in an cross. The one on my left was a redheaded girl from the islands in the north, tall and curvy. The other was a blak haired woman from the east, slim and brown skinned.
"Make them ready!" Said Talena.
One amazon knelt down by each girl's arm and foot and held the limbs to the ground. Two other women knelt down on each side of the victim and pulled the tunic up above their heads. They wore nothing beneath.
Then they all waited for my command.
I let my eyes wander over the two very different, but in each way very attractive women who was streched out before me. The suns was higher now, and I guessed it would be a sweaty affair down there. I motioned for the slave girl who stood beside me to wave the palm leaf faster.
Then I leaned back, and said, "let the torture begin!"
The ticklers who were kneeling at the side of the guards, immediately dug their fingers into the sides of the outstreached victims. The readhead uttered a scream that turned into a helpless, unwilling laugh. The blackhaired woman fought hard not to make any sound, but a groan escaped from her throat.
Both of them struggled to get free and their comrades holding their arms and feet, had a tough job keeping them still while the ticklers worked for a while on the helpless hips and then moved up the sides to the ribs. That made the redhead's laughter more desperate while it did nothing to add to the other guard's torture. Sensing this, one of her ticklers instead went for the inner thigh and that, at last, drew a scream from the victim.
With a grin I leaned back, stuck my hand out and the serving slave - not be confused with the fanning slave - placed a goblet of cool wine in my hand.
Down on the grass sweat now covered the naked bodies of the two victims and their struggling had lost some of the inital power. This meant that the amazons who held the victims could do so more easily and, on a command from Talena, the four amazons who held the victims arms now started to tickle the victim's armpits with their free hand. Helpless screams rang out.
On the opposite side of the patch of grass where the torture took place, stood a fountain. it's central statue was of the slavers god Krall and a slavegirl who knelt beside him, her hands shackled and the god holding the chain, keeping her arms above her head. Water from the fountain sprayed on the slave and with great skill the sculptor had made it look as if the water had made her dress wet and cling to her body. In his left hand Krall held another pair of shackles, these was not of stone but of real iron and the girl that they held was not of marble, but the thief that was caught the night before. Like her sister of stone she also wore a thin dress which the sprays of water made cling to her body. She stared wide eyed at the two guards squirming on the ground. Then she felt my gaze on her and looked up. When she caught my eye she imediatedly looked away and turned her body as if to hide it from me, but she only managed to made the wet dress cling tighter.
The amazons who held the feet of the victims now also joined in the torture, as they used one hand to tickle the feet. And so tickling went on, now with 6 hands tickling each victim. Talena constantly overlooked and supervised the punishment. She had taken a whip from the belt and whenever she saw that one of the ticklers was beginning to relax she skillfully let the whip fall on that woman's shoulder, thigh or feet.
At one point Talena cracked the whip in the air and tickling stopped. The ticklers leaned back and released their grip on the victims who obediently remained in the same position while the drew in air in heavy gasps.
"What is you bidding, my Lord?"
I could now say "enough" and the punishment would end. But I chose my other option and said "turn them around!"
The ticklers took hold of the two victims and rolled them over so they lay face down and then stretched out their arms and legs and then the torture began again. It turned out that the redhead was very ticklish behind her knees and Talena directed the ticklers to concentrate on that spot. The woman lifted her head and screamed with helpless laughter. The black haired woman's weak spot was her ass. As the ticklers worked her buttocks over, she bend her face to the ground and I believe she may actually have bitten in the grass.
As the ringed planet rose on the horizon the punishment continued. Unfortunately I had business out in the town, so I only had the victims tuned once more, and their front worked over once again, before I called "Enough!" and signaled Talena to approach me.
"I am going out." I told her.
"Do you require a guard ?" She asked.
"No I do not. But when I return, I want to find you on The High Rack!"
"Yes my lord." She said and swallowed.
And, having thus completed my first task of a busy day, I walked out of my palace and headed to the Hall of Merchants where slave auctions are held.
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