tklxprt - what are you getting so excited about? Are you incapable of thoughtful and reasonable discussion? You are really taking this thing wayyy too seriously. Also, you need to double check your findings. I found at least one other person here at TMF who was bold enough to give a contrary opinion and not go along with the crowd. And as for AMT, you are way off. Try reloading the newsgroup, because you've evidently missed a lot.
originally spewed by tklxprt
ps- oh yeah, and drew70, how do you explain that everyone, yes everyone, on this thread except you, thinks the guy is ok? oh. you dont want to discuss that fact? geez man. give it a rest.
No, not everyone. And for god's sake, make up your mind, would you?? Do you want to discuss it? Or do you want to give it a rest? We can't do both. But I'll at least answer the question, even at the risk of enduring more of your tired diatribe of how I might better spend my time.
TMF is different from AMT. I don't say necessarily better or worse, just different. TMF is like being in school. Everything is controlled, and everybody is instructed to behave nice-nice. Positive comments are encouraged while negative criticism is frowned upon, if not deleted altogether. Most of the TMF'ers seem to prefer it that way, so I don't see that ever changing. That's one reason for all the compliments.
AMT on the other hand, is more like being out in the real world after graduation. People are more free to speak their mind without the teachers--oops, I meant moderators--intervening. Plus, the opportunity for rewards is far greater.
You asked me to explain why everybody but me gave supporting comments to TIB? Because it's the nature of the TMF to do so. Most of these folks are into seeing women being tickled. Most of them couldn't care less who or what does the tickling. So they've nothing to lose and everything to gain by stroking Brian's ego.
People like myself are more interested in the tickler than the ticklee. We don't care if the ticklee is male or female, young or old. The tickler is what's important to us. But we're a tiny minority in the tickling community. So here's the crux of the biscuit, so to speak:
It's pointless to take a poll of opinions about a tickler from an audience that is primarily interested in ticklees! You might as well ask a room full of men what brand of tampon they recommend. Wrong audience. So why would TIB initiate such a poll? There can only be one answer.