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The Tinder Date (f/fm + f/ffm) non consensual - long story


Registered User
Apr 8, 2024
Amy’s phone vibrated on her desk, she looked down to see a notification from Tinder. ‘I bet he is bloody cancelling last minute’ she thought to herself as she finished up her teams meeting with her boss. She unlocked her phone to see a message from Ben, ‘can’t wait to see you later, I’ve been thinking about it all day xxx’. She felt an instant relief pass over her, quickly following by a wave of nervousness. She had been on the dating scene for just over a year now, having split up with her ex-girlfriend, Beth. She thought she would give men another chance after being treated like dirt earlier on in her life, but this was the last chance.

Amy is a strikingly beautiful blonde, well-toned and on the taller scale for a woman. This presented a lot of challenges using Tinder as she had been catfished multiple times recently, having never had a date go past the first one. She was instantly attracted to Ben when she saw his profile. He was tall, tanned and extremely beautiful but she had two hesitations. Firstly, he was six years younger than her, but he seemed like a very mature 28-year-old, from the messages. Secondly, he was too beautiful and nice to seem true, especially with her previous experiences.

Amy pondered for a few minutes before replying, ‘I can’t wait to finally meet you either. Are you still on for 6pm at The Queen and Castle?’

Before she could put her phone down, Ben replied, ‘Of course xx’

Amy went back to her work, trying to distract herself from the thoughts rushing through her head. After another couple of hours, it was time for her to head home and get ready. Just as she finished packing her bag and was about to turn off her laptop, her boss rang.

“Amy, I need the presentation now, the board have called me in to a meeting at 6 tonight, not Monday as they previously said” her boss echoed loudly down the phone.

“Mark, I can’t, I have a date” she said gently.

“Amy, please” her boss replied. “Just get it quickly done, it shouldn’t take you more than an hour or so”.

Amy boss had been very kind to her over the years so she couldn’t really say no. She thought about cancelling the date but she couldn’t let Ben down this late. She quickly went to work, attaching all the information she could. She looked down at her watch to see that it was 17:45. She took out her phone and quickly messaged Ben. ‘Running slightly late, only just leaving work, I will come straight to you from here’. She put down her phone, went over her presentation once more before submitting it to her boss. Rushing to the bathroom, Amy touched up her make up before looking at herself in the mirror, straightening her white shirt and tucking it neatly into her black trousers. A couple of sprays of perfume later, she was ready. She quickly grabbed her laptop and bag before rushing down to her car and setting off on the short journey to the Queen and Castle.

Amy took a deep breath before walking through the front door to the Bar, scanning the room, looking for Ben. The bar was extremely busy and loud, her heart was pounding with anticipation, but she could not see anyone who would resemble Ben’s pictures. Just as her heart began to sink, her phone vibrated in her bag. Nervously, she took it out to see a message from Ben.

‘Turn around’

Slowly she turned her head to see Ben, sat in a booth behind her. Her heart melted as she saw a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a Mojito on the table, her favourite drink.

“Long day then, you must need this drink” Ben said as she walked over, standing to give her a hug.

He was exactly like his pictures, if not, better, she thought as she looked him up and down. His long brown hair, pale blue shirt complementing his tanned skin, black jeans and black shoes.

“What’s the matter, cat got your tongue” he joked.

“I’m just so happy to see you” Amy blushed. “I’m so sorry I look like this, I did plan on showering and had a much better outfit picked out”.

“Don’t worry, you look perfect” he smiled, making her feel more at ease.

The pair spent the next couple of hours staring into each other’s eyes, quickly falling smitten with each other. Amy explained that she hadn’t had much luck with Tinder over the last year and she was ready to quit on the whole thing, if the date tonight didn’t work out, but she kept her attraction to other women hidden from him, she didn’t want to scare him off already.

Ben showed a lot of sympathy with Amy’s story, having had something similar happen to him recently. He opened up to her and told her that he moved here a few months ago to get a fresh start following a rocky previous relationship and had the opportunity to relocate for his new job.

As the night went on, the music got louder, making it hard for them to hear each other. “Shall we go somewhere else?” Ben suggested.

“Sure” Amy replied. “There’s that new bar down the road, The Red Room, or something like that?”

“Isn’t that a lap dancing club or something?” Ben joked.

“I’m not sure, I’ve never been there, but if it is, at least we can hear each other” Amy joked back.

They finished their drinks before making the five-minute walk to the city centre and seeing the bright red lights surrounding the sign ‘The Red Room’, hung up above the bouncer’s heads. As they approached the front door, they were stopped by the bouncers, “I. D’s please”.

“Really?” Amy asked.

“Owner’s policy” the bouncer replied, holding out his hand.

Ben nervously passed his driving licence to the bouncer. Amy looked as him suspiciously as he was acting odd before the bouncer quickly gave it him back and he put it in his back pocket. Amy passed her driving licence to the bouncer who quickly scanned it with his eyes before opening the door for them.

“Why were you shady?” She asked.

“Oh, nothing” Ben said, trying to play down the situation. “Come on, let’s go inside”.

As they walked through the lobby, Amy couldn’t get the thought out of her head. ‘Was he ying about his age?’. ‘Is his I.D fake?’. She was concerned.

They scanned the place and quickly realised that it was not a lap dancing club, more of a normal looking bar, filled with professional people and a stage. The grabbed a seat near the stage, expecting a band or something later.

“What do you want? Another Mojito?” Ben asked.

“Not until you tell me what’s up?” She said.

“Nothing,let’s just drop it” he said, blushing.

“You could be a serial killer for all I know” she said with a stern look.

“I’m embarrassed by it” he said.

“What the photo?” she said, easing up.

“No” Ben replied, “But I like you so I will show you”.

He put his hand in his back pocket and pulled out a green driver’s license, handing it to Amy. She looked at the date of birth, name and picture.

“What’s so embarrassing?” She asked.

“It’s a provisional licence” he said.

“So!” Amy said with a grin. “You used to live in London, I kind of presumed that you didn’t drive”.

“Really?” He said, taking a deep breath.

“Yeah, now go and get me a Mojito” she laughed.

As Ben was at the bar, Amy noticed someone familiar out of the corner of her eye. It was her ex-girlfriend, Lucy. She quickly tried to look away, but the brunette had already made eye contact and was walking over to her. Amy took a deep breath, as they didn’t exactly finish on the best of terms.

“Well, I didn’t think this was your scene” Lucy scoffed.

“What do you mean ‘my scene’, I’m just enjoying a hassle-free night” Amy responded.

“Who is this then?” Ben asked, appearing behind Lucy.

“Just an old friend” Amy quickly said.

Lucy stared at Amy, seeing her mouth the word ‘please’ and shaking her head. She smiled at Amy before holding out her hand to Ben.

“I’m just an old friend, as Amy describes me” Lucy said with a grin, shaking Ben’s hand.

“What brings you here?” Ben asked politely, trying not to stare at Lucy’s leather outfit and high heels.

“My girlfriend runs the place” Lucy responded, smiling at Amy.

“You never told me that Amy” Ben joked. “No wonder you wanted to come here”.

“I didn’t know” Amy quickly said. “I haven’t spoken with Lucy in well over a year”.

“Do you want to join us?” Ben asked.

“No thank you” Lucy responded.

Amy took a deep breath of relief.

“I’m due on stage in a few minutes” Lucy smiled.

“Oh, are you a singer?” Ben asked.

Lucy laughed, realising that the pair didn’t know where they were. “Not at all, this is not that sort of venue”.

“Oh” Ben said confused. The cogs in his head slowly turning as he looked around the place. “A dancer?”

“Poor Vanilla Ben” she said with a smile. “You two just make sure your eyes are on the stage”.

Lucy slowly walked away, turning back to look at the couple and giggle to herself.

“Vanilla?” Ben asked Amy.

“Not a clue” Amy responded, going back to her drink.

The music in the venue increased in volume as spotlights danced across the stage.

‘WELCOME, ONE AND ALL TO FETISH FRIDAY’ the voice over the speakers boomed out.

Amy and Ben looked at each other and laughed.

“What the fuck is this place?” Ben asked.

“Not a clue” Amy scoffed. “Let’s have these and head off”.

“I don’t know” Ben smiled. “This could be fun to watch. Let’s give it a couple of minutes”.

The pair watched Lucy walk to the stage, to a rapture of applause.

“Welcome all” Lucy greeted everyone on the microphone. “I can see we have a lot of regular faces, and some new ones” she said, staring at Ben and Amy.

“Tonight, we have a new feature” she proclaimed. “The wheel!”

The red curtains behind her rose, showing a giant wheel, filled with different fetishes written on it.

“The spotlights will pick out a random couple from our participation tables to take part in this segment. I will spin the wheel and wherever it lands will indicate the type of performance the person or people with take part in”.

Ben and Amy nervously looked around on their table, looking for any indication that they were sat in the wrong place. The spotlights began to scan the room, occasionally flashing over them. That’s when Amy saw a giant marking on the floor, surrounding them and the other 7 tables near them. Just as Amy was about to suggest that they quickly leave, the lights fixated on their table.

“Looks like we have a new kinky couple tonight. Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome Ben and Amy to the stage” Lucy announced.

The crowd all clapped and cheered as Ben and Amy started at each other.

“Come on you two, don’t make me come down there” she said.

Ben nervously looked around the room to see everyone faces staring at them. He looked at Amy and motioned to her that they should leave.

“Me and Amy go way back” Lucy started speaking. “I know a lot about Amy from our years together”.

Not wanting Ben to find out. Amy stood up. “Come on Ben, it could be fun” she said nervously.

Not wanting to chicken out, Ben stood up as well, took one final sip of his drink and grabbed Amy’s sweaty hand, slowly walking to the stage. The crowd cheered as they climbed up the steps. Both their hearts were racing as they got to the top of the stairs and walked towards Lucy. They stared at the wheel, reading multiple things that they didn’t understand.

“Any favourites on the list?” Lucy joked.

The pair stared at each other, both their faces turning bright red.

“What will the wheel land on for this cute couple?” Lucy said as she pulled the wheel down hard.

The sound of the clicking filled the room as the words all turned into a blur. Lucy kept addressing the audience as Amy and Ben stared at the wheel, both filled with dread. The wheel slowed down and Amy noticed the segment ‘Spanking’ slowly move towards the arrow. Just as the wheel stopped, she took a sigh of relief as the wheel clicked once more, sending the segment just passed the arrow. She looked to the left to see the arrow pointing down at ‘Tickle Torture’.

“FUCK” Amy gasped.

She looked at Ben who had turned white, as if he had seen a ghost.

“Judging by the expressions of Ben and Amy, this will be fun” Lucy exclaimed as the crowd in the bar cheered.

The pair watched the bouncers from outside come up to the stage and remove the wheel from view, before wheeling out two medieval, wooden chairs, complete with cuffs above the backrests and boards in front of the seat with two holes in each.

“Please remove your shirts and take a seat” Lucy said, tapping on one of the wooden chairs.

Dumbfounded, the pair complied, and both unbuttoned their shirts, showing off their toned stomachs. Amy smiled at Ben nervously, seeing his six pack before turning to Lucy.

“Luce, please. You know how ticklish I am” she whispered.

“Amy has just told me how excited she is” Lucy said down the microphone as the two bouncers escorted the pair to the seats.

Ben looked to his right at Amy, seeing the bouncers cuff her wrists and pull them above her head, stretching out her midriff. He could see how nervous she was so couldn’t blame her for this situation too much but couldn’t help think that she knew about this place, and her friend, that’s why she suggested it. Deep down, he was petrified. His monthly pedicures tickled like hell to him, even getting a deep tissue massage was ticklish for him.

He took another deep breath as the bouncers cuffed his wrists before the board in front was lifted up and his feet were moved into position before being locked in place. They tightened a strap over his legs to hold them down before moving back to Amy and doing the same, trapping her black flats into the ankle holes.

“If our new guests can hold out for 5 minutes each, they get to spin the wheel for our next participants. If they don’t, they get to spend the evening with me and Mistress Soph in her dungeon of torture” she said excitedly. “And FYI, Mistress Soph loves a bit of Tickle Torture”.

“Wait, no. We didn’t agree to this” Amy protested.

“But you did, my dears” Lucy smiled, pointing at the signs around the venue.

‘By entering the RED PARTICIPATION ring, you agree to the terms and conditions of the venue. Failure to succeed will result in you being at the mercy of Mistress Soph’

“It’s only 5 minutes” Ben said to Amy, trying to reassure her.

“I’m sorry” Amy said softly to Ben before shutting her eyes and putting her head back against the wooden back rest.

The two bouncers reappeared, dressed in long black rags with hoods over their heads like some medieval dungeon keepers. They walked to the front of the trapped pair and began to unlace Ben’s shoes, pulling them off to show his red, striped socks. He stretched his feet out before looking down, not seeing his feet or what the bouncers were doing.

“Oh God” Amy panicked, feeling her flat shoes being removed, exposing her tiny, bare feet.

“It looks like our two participants are ready” Lucy declared. “All you have to do is last 5 minutes. If you want to declare defeat, shout ‘RED ROOM’ and we will stop before taking you for your punishment”.

The two bouncers walked slowly behind the pair, as Lucy began the countdown timer. Before either of them could mentally prepare, they both felt the bouncer’s fingers prod and dig into their underarms. The explosion of laughter from both of them echoed around the room as the couple thrashed around in their seats, unable to shake them off.

They could just about hear Lucy on the microphone over the sound of their laughter but couldn’t make out what she was saying as the skilled fingers increased speed in their armpits. Amy wanted to give up straight away but didn’t know what would happen next as she continued to laugh. Ben was reduced to a giggling mess as the fingers danced from his armpits, down his sides and back up again.

As soon as the fingers poked and prodded Amy’s sides, she completely lost it, squealing with laughter.


The tickling stopped on her sides as she hung her head in shame.

“Within the first minute, we have lost our first participant” Lucy mocked. “What a poor performance”.

She sat there gasping for breath as she turned her head to Ben. His eyes clamped shut as now the second bouncer moved away from Amy and joined the other attacking Ben. Ben was a blubbering mess as tears streamed down his face. Amy looked up at the countdown timer and Ben only had a minute left. She tried to shout some encouragement his way but it fell on deaf ears as one of the bouncers had made his way down to his feet. Ben screamed with laughter as the second man began to torment Ben’s socked feet.


The two men stood up from Ben as the crowd booed the pair. Ben had less than twenty seconds left on the clock as Lucy declared victory on the microphone. Both Ben and Amy sat defeated and exhausted on the chairs.

“Take these two down to the dungeon” Lucy exclaimed on the microphone. “Mistress Soph will be waiting. For the rest of you, a live stream will be shown in the private cinema later on for the low, low prices of £49.99”.

The bouncers free their ankles before releasing their wrists from the chair backrest, keeping their wrists strapped together and helping them to their feet. The pair were slowly led to the door at the back of the stage whilst the sound of music and spotlights flashing around the room began again.

Amy and Ben were led down the stairs slowly to a dimly lit cellar room. As they reached the bottom, a tall well-dressed woman stood in front of them.

“Welcome to my dungeon” the woman started talking. “As you two pathetic humans failed the task, you will be my slaves for the remainder of the night. You will only address me as Mistress, nothing else. GOT IT!”

Mainly through fear and unable to get anything out of their mouths, the pair nodded, staring at the figure in front of them.

“I want her on the spanking bench and him against the pillar, on his knees” she commanded as the pair were led to opposite sides of the dungeon.

The pair were stopped before their trousers were undone and removed before ben was forced to his knees. His arms were locked above his head to the pillar behind him and his ankles were cuffed to the floor. He watched Amy climbing onto the bench, straddling the padded beam with her feet dangling down facing him. Her ankles were locked into place before her wrists at the other end. Ben stared at Amy’s perfect bum before looking down at her dirty soles.

“How dare you come into my dungeon with those dirty feet” Mistress Soph commanded. “Wipe them clean, now”.

The bouncers grabbed a pack of baby wipes and began to clean Amy’s tiny feet.

“Hahahahahaa sttooppp ahahahahaha” Amy giggled as the wipes scrubbed her feet clean.

She scrunched up her toes before Mistress Soph slapped her bum.

“Keep your feet stretched and still” she commanded.

“Ahahahahaha I-I-I can’t ahahahahaaha” Amy laughed.

“Tie her toes” Mistress Soph commanded before turning to Ben.

The sound of Amy’s giggling filled the room as string was passed through her toes whilst Mistress Soph walked towards Ben.

“What to do with you?” she said, pondering.

She pinched his cheeks before taking out a ball gag and shoving it in his mouth.

“I think I will let you watch me torment your girlfriend for a while whilst we wait for my pet Lucy to join us” she smiled as she pulled his hair, forcing him to look at her.

Ben tried to gulp but the gag prevented him, instead causing him to drool a little. Mistress Soph pinched his nipple before dancing her long fingernails down his sides, causing him to jump and squirm.

“I just love a big, strong, ticklish man” she whispered in his ear.

She began to walk across the room to Amy, her heels clicking on the hard, concrete floor.

“I gather that you did not know what you were getting yourselves into tonight” she said, dragging a single nail along Amy’s back, up to her bra strap.

“No, we didn’t, look…” Amy began talking as a shiver went along her spine.

“I didn’t ask you to talk” she said firmly.

“But” Amy began to speak.

Mistress Soph grabbed Amy’s blonde ponytail, pulling her head backwards.

“I DIDN’T ASK YOU TO SPEAK” she shouted. “You only speak when I address you”.

Amy gulped as her ponytail was released. She felt it being lifted over her head as a collar was clipped around her neck before being attached to the bench, pinning her head down.

“Your mistake tonight is going to be a costly one for you” she said firmly. “Tonight, you will learn more about each other than you would in the next year of dating”.

She walked down to Amy’s legs, strapping her calves to each side of the bench. As she stood up, she placed herself in between Amy’s legs. Amy could feel her warmth near her bum but before she could prepare herself, the mistresses fingernails danced up and down the backs of her legs.

“AHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA” Amy began to laugh.

“Oh sweetie, you’re in for a long night if this tickles you” she mocked as she carried on tickling, moving up to Amy’s bum.

Amy fidgeted as much as she could on the bench, her sensitive skin at the mercy of the Mistress. All she could do was laugh as she was tormented. The fingernails moved up, over her underwear to her bare back and sides. Amy howled with laughter as the relentless tickling explored her skin. Ben watched as Amy’s body rocked the bench slightly as she tried to move, unsuccessfully. He stared down at her pale soles, facing him, unaware that the Mistress had caught him staring at them. She carried on making Amy laugh for another few minutes before stopping, leaving her breathless.

She turned around and crouched down, resting her arms on Amy’s calves. She locked eyes with Ben and smiled.

“Would you like it if I tickled these pretty little feet?” She said to Ben before dragging a single nail down each sole, from her heel to her toes.

“AAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA” Amy screamed with laughter, unable to move her foot due to the toe ties.

“What part of these feet do you think is the most ticklish?” Mistress Soph said to Ben. “The heels?”

She began scattering her fingernails over Amy’s heels to the delightful sound of laughter.

“Her arches?” she said as she moved her hands down slightly.

Amy’s laughter increased in volume again.

“What about these little piggies?” she smiled as her fingers danced over her bound toes.


“We have a winner” she smirked as she focused her attack on Amy’s toes.

“MMMPPPHHHH” Ben tried to speak.

“Aww, what’s wrong?” she mocked. “Don’t you like watching her feet get tickled”.

“MMPPHHH” Ben protested again, shaking his head.

Mistress Soph stood up and turned around, pressing her pelvis against Amy’s bum.

“I wonder where else you are ticklish?” she mocked before putting her hand in between Amy’s legs and tickling in between her legs.

Amy began giggling again, feeling the nails glide over her pants.

“Let’s save this for later, I need you in a new position” she mocked as she walked over and picked up her phone, making a quiet phone call.

She moved back towards Ben slowly, standing with her crotch in front of his face. She slid her hands down from the cuffs on his wrists, over his elbows to his shoulders before taking a black hood out of her back pocket and placing it over Ben’s head.

The sound of the door opening distracted her as she began to command her workers.

“I want her on that table, feet in the stocks with them all moisturised with my lotion before you put my special intensity building stocks on her”.

She turned her attention back to Ben, walking behind him.

“One of my favourite things is to make a man suffer” she began talking. “Once they are begging for mercy, I don’t stop until they are reduced to a blubbering mess. There are many ways to do that, but what I like to do is to slowly work you down, slowly breaking your spirit”.

Ben shuddered as he felt his socks being removed from his trapped feet. He felt a bit of pressure on his big toes before hearing a click that resembled handcuffs before another couple of clicks. He tried to move his feet but couldn’t.

“I have put some toe cuffs around your big toes and secured them to the floor” she whispered into his hood. “You may be able to move a few millimetres but that’s it. Shortly you will feel the small bristles of my device vibrating over your entire soles and toes, think of it as a giant electric toothbrush for your feet”.

“MMPPPHHH” Ben tried to protest.

“I’m going to start them off slowly whilst I go and get myself a glass of wine. When I come back, I’m going to turn up the intensity whilst I watch you suffer. If you can completely relax your feet, without any pressure being applied to the toe cuffs, the machine will stop. BUT, the slightest bit of movement with restart the programme” she mocked. “Ready?”

Before Ben could shout anything into his gag. The whirring noise started, touching thousands of bristles down onto his soft, sensitive feet. He exploded into a fit of muffled laughter, shaking violently.

“See you soon” she mocked as she walked out the room.

Amy, who was now bound to a table, turned her head and watched Ben shaking from side to side. After a few minutes of continuous, forced, muffled laughter, Amy tried to shout encouragement to him.

“Ben, just stop moving, its only going to make it worse” she called.

“MMPPHHHAHAHAHAAHAMMPPHHH” he called back, unable to do anything but shake and laugh.

The door swung open and Lucy walked in.

“Lucy, get us out of here, please” Amy shouted.

“Let me think, NO” she replied, walking towards Amy. “It appears that your new boy toy has been introduced to some of Mistress Sophie’s toys.

“Come on Lucy, what happened between us was a mistake” Amy begged.

“A mistake?” Lucy said with anger. “You left me with those women and fucked off. Do you know what happened to me when you left?”

Amy shook her head.

“I was brought here. I spent 2 days down here, tied to all sorts of contraptions, having the shit tickled out of me at every possible opportunity. I have been here ever since and found a new love for it” she explained.

“But it doesn’t have to be like this” Amy begged.

“I am going to break both of you slowly, turn you both into our little tickle slaves. Every night of the week you will be on stage, tied and tickled” she smiled. “How long do you think he can last? 10, 20 minutes?”

“Come on Lucy, I’m sorry. I will do anything” Amy begged.

“I want you to laugh” Lucy smiled before digging her fingers into Amy’s armpits.


Luckily for Amy, the door opened and Mistress Soph walked in.

“Lucy, here, NOW” she commanded.

Lucy obeyed and walked over to Mistress Soph. She whispered something in her ear before Lucy waked over to Ben, still laughing into his gag.

“Now my dear” she said to Amy. “You will watch him suffer without a word. If you speak, we focus all of our attention on you”.

She grabbed a chair and placed it behind Amy’s head. As she sat down she took off her high heels and lifted her legs up placing one foot to the side of Amy’s head and resting the other on the top of it. She nodded at Lucy who knelt down next to Ben and dug her fingernails into his sides, dancing them up and down. His muffled laughter once again increased as she moved up and down his torso.

Amy watched on for minute after minute as Ben slowly lost the control of his body. The constant laughter into his gag from the bristles and Lucy’s fingernails weakened his stomach and then his bladder as a wet patch started to appear between his legs, dripping down to the floor.

“Well done my dear” Mistress Soph smirked, pressing the button on the remote, turning the bristles off. She picked up her phone “Assistance please” she said down it.

Within seconds, the two men from earlier appeared. They freed Ben quickly, holding him up so he didn’t fall into the mess he made before lifting him into a large chair. They removed his wet boxers before tying his hands to the arms and his ankles to the legs of the chair. Finally, his hood was removed and his ball gag taken out, before being forced to drink some water.

Mistress Soph stood up and moved her chair in front of him, placing it down and taking a seat, staring at him.

“Lucy, I want her broken next” she commanded. “Leave the socks on for now and focus on her stomach and sides. If I don’t hear laughing, you’re going to have the same fate”.

Lucy obeyed and walked towards Amy.

“No, No, NOOOOHOOHOHOHO AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA” Amy began to laugh as her stretched stomach was tormented by tickles.

Mistress Soph turned her attention back to Ben, lifting her feet up and resting them near his floppy cock.

“You like feet, don’t you” she said softly, as the laughter from behind her carried on. “I will make you a deal. If you don’t get hard in the next minute, I will let you go”.

Ben lifted his head to look at his capture before looking down at the Mistresses long, red painted toes. He took a deep breath before watching her toes move closer to his cock. She glided her big toes either side of his balls, slowly rubbing them. He took a deep breath, trying to focus his attention elsewhere as her toes began to rub over him, it was no use. Within seconds, his cock began to rise as she rubbed. She lifted one foot up to his mouth, placing her toes on his lips as his cock became rock hard.

“Pathetic man” she mocked, shoving her toes inside his mouth. “I want you to lick my dirty feet clean”. She held her soles up to his face, smothering his mouth and nose.

Ben gulped before sticking out his tongue and running it up and down her soles, licking every bit of skin he could reach. After a few minutes, the laughter behind her subsided, followed by begging.


The mistress lowered her feet and turned around to see Lucy’s head licking and nibbling Amy’s nipples. She had a pair of scissors in one hand and using the other to tickle her sides. Mistress Soph got up and walked behind Lucy, taking the scissors out of her hand. Lucy stopped immediately.

“WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?” she shouted, staring at Amy’s wet breasts.

“I-I-I” Lucy mumbled.

“I thought I told you to tickle her sides and stomach” she said angrily. “Now get undressed immediately and go and wait for me in your cage!” Pointing at the metal cage in the corner.

Lucy hung her head in shame and began to unzip her leather outfit, taking off her high heels and standing in the middle of the room naked before walking slowly to the corner of the room and climbing into the cage. Mistress Soph followed her and locked the cage door.

“You think about disobeying me again, you will be joining these two” she commanded.

“Yes mistress, I’m sorry” Lucy said.

“Now, where was I?” Mistress Soph said, walking back over to Ben.

“I’m going to have some fun with your girlfriend again, I’m going to make her beg for me to tickle her feet” she smirked as she turned around, taking a bottle of powder out of her bag and walking to Amy’s socked feet.

She slowly peeled the socks off, admiring how unbelievably soft and moist her soles were. She moved the toe restraints from the stocks and attached them to each of her big toes before pinning them back. Satisfied, she removed the cap of the bottle and began to shake the powder out onto her toes, before rubbing some onto her soles.

“Pretty soon, this stuff will start to itch, the only way that you are going to get it off is if you beg me to tickle your feet with my grooming mitten” she smiled at Amy before walking to the table and grabbing the scissors, snipping the waistband on Amy’s underwear, pulling them away.

Amy took a deep breath, already feeling the effects of the powder. She was soon distracted by her clit being slowly rubbed by the mistress’s hand. She looked at Amy’s face, seeing that she was showing signs of trying to fight the powder.

“All you have to say is Mistress, please tickle my feet with your grooming mitten”

Amy tried to hold out as much as possible, but the intensity grew.

“Mistress, please tickle my feet with your grooming mitten” she called out.

“As you wish” she said, putting the mitten onto her right hand.

“Please, Please, PLEEEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHESSEEE AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA” Amy cackled out as her soles were scrubbed by the bristles on the mitten.

Mistress Soph went from one foot to the next and back again, over and over until Amy was exhausted from laughing, like Ben, her stomach and bladder gave way and a stream of urine appeared on the table, slowly running off.

Satisfied, she stopped and walked to Lucy, freeing her from the cage.

“Wipe the table down then drop the panel between her legs, then return to me” she said.

Lucy obeyed and got some paper towels before drying everything.

“Lick her clean” she commanded.

Amy’s exhausted eyes opened wide.

Lucy climbed under the table and unhooked the middle panel between her legs, dropping it down before reappearing with her head right in front of Amy’s clit.

“Lucy, if you make her cum first, I wont tickle you for disobeying me. If I get Ben to climax first, you three are all spending the night in my new stocks” Mistress Soph said with a smile, walking towards Ben and taking a seat in her chair.

Ben stared down at the pretty feet in front of him and watched them move closer, rubbing his cock. He took a deep breath as the feet grasped around his hard cock.

“GO” Mistress Soph called out as she began to move her feet up and down his cock, jerking quickly.

Lucy’s head pushed into Amy’s pussy and her extended tongue ran circles around Amy’s clit. Remembering what Amy used to like was easy for Lucy as she sucked away and massaged Amy’s groins with her hands. She thought she had this in the bag until she heard Ben grunt.

“DING DING DING, we have a winner” Mistress Soph called out, staring down at her cum covered feet.

Amy had just started to climax before Lucy stopped in disbelief, leaving Amy frustrated.

“Lucy, come here and lick this off my feet” Mistress Soph commanded.

Lucy sighed before climbing out from under the table and walking over to Mistress Soph, getting down onto all fours and putting her tongue to work on the large, cum covered feet in front of her. Watching this began to turn Ben on again, as his cock began to rise.

“You need to keep that thing down Ben” Mistress Soph joked. “There will be plenty of time for that in a minute”.

Satisfied her feet were clean, Mistress Soph walked over to the bed in the corner. She pulled back the sheet covering the footboard to reveal a long set of stocks, complete with 8 holes. She made a phone call before the two bouncers reappeared.

“Move these two to the bed, Lucy will join to make the third. I want them stretched out with their wrists bound to the headboard” she commanded.

The men obeyed and untied Ben from the chair, carrying his exhausted body to the bed. He was laid down in the middle with his arms tied above him. Next was Amy’s turn as she was untied from the table and feet removed from the stocks. She put up a bit of a fight but was quickly overpowered.

“Lucy, go and lie down next to Ben” Mistress Soph commanded.

She followed the men carrying Amy and lay down on the bed. She watched the men cuff Amy’s wrists before Mistress Soph unclipped the stocks, lifting the top half upwards. Each man grabbed a set of ankles and placed them in the crescent cut outs as Lucy placed her feet in as well. Mistress Soph then closed the stocks before locking the latch. Lucy’s wrists were tied above her head followed by a strap that clipped over all 3 of there legs, pinning them to the bed. Finally, the two men and Mistress Soph went to work, tying their toes back to the stocks, making them all completely immobile.

“I have a special treat for you all tonight” Mistress Soph declared as she walked back and forth along the stocks. “I am going to use my special cream on your feet before tickling and teasing you constantly for the foreseeable future”.

She then began to attach metal poles to the stocks in front of both Amy and Lucy. The poles extended from the stocks, stopping in between their legs, just short of their pussy’s.

“Please Mistress” Lucy begged.

Mistress Soph laughed as she began to secure a wand to each pole and adjusting the position so that they touched down on their clits. Next, she turned to Ben, massaging his crotch to make him hard and then placing an egg-shaped object onto his cock that instantly began to slowly vibrate.

“This egg will ensure you are kept hard throughout this whole process” Mistress Soph smirked. The egg and both wands are connected via Bluetooth to my new, ticklish device”.

Mistress Soph then began to pour cream over their feet, massaging it into them. At that point, the two men returned to the room, carrying a long bristle covered pole on legs. It had a mixture of small, stiff bristles and long soft ones. They placed it down next to the trapped feet and pushed it close to their feet, covering them from view as they sank into the bristles. The contraption was then plugged into the mains and a red light appeared on the device. The three of them tried to look up to see what was on their feet but couldn’t see over the stocks.

“Now then, my slaves” she taunted. “I have to pop upstairs for a couple of hours, so I have decided to leave you with some entertainment. Firstly the vibrators will start, they have tiny sensors in them that will detect when the first of you is near climaxing. Once this happens, they will shut off automatically. At this point, the pole will begin turning, dragging all of the ticklish bristles over your sensitive feet, made even more sensitive by my cream. This will happen for, lets say around 2 minutes, before the pole stops and the vibrators start again, over and over again”.

“Please” Amy begged. “We have been tortured enough”.

“Ha” Mistress Soph mocked. “See you in a few hours”.

The three began to beath heavily as they heard Mistress Soph grab her shoes and walked out the door, locking it behind her.

“You are going to fucking pay for this” Amy said angrily at Lucy.

“You started it” Lucy responded.

“Look, we don’t have time for bickering” Ben said firmly. “This thing will start soon, we need to find a way out”.

“You won’t” Lucy responded. “We are all here until she returns”.

Ben and Amy tried pulling themselves free, to no avail.

“You two just need to accept that you are going to be edged every few minutes until she returns” she said deflated. “And as for that cream, you will experience ticklish levels that you have never thought was possible”.

“What, edged?” Amy responded.

“Yep, you will be begging to cum within the first 20 minutes, but this thing won’t let you” she sighed. “This cream is so powerful, it made someone who wasn’t ticklish, extremely ticklish. I tried it on my hand when I massaged it into the last person, I could actually tickle myself”.

Before they could discuss further, the wands and eggs turned on, sending vibrations straight to their clits and cock. Each of them shot their heads back against the mattress, squirming in satisfaction. Lucy was the first to begin to let out moans, she lifted her head up to look across Ben’s body and see Amy’s hard nipples, making her moan even more. Just as Amy and Ben began to feel the warmth inside them, Lucy clenched her hands and moaned loudly. The vibrators began to beep before shutting off.


The pole began revolving, sending the bristles dragging across their hypersensitive feet. The small bristles were dragging across their soles with longer bristles moving in between their toes and down the sides of their feet. All three of them were howling with laughter, squirming as much as they could on the bed to try and escape.

After a few ticklish minutes, the device on the pole beeped and the pole began to slow down, finally coming to a stop. The three of them began gasping for breath but as soon as they had managed to calm themselves down, the vibrations started again, sending a wave of warmth through their bodies.

“Try and think of something to take your mind off it” Amy called out. “I can’t take anymore tickling”.

“Just think of your feet being tickled” Lucy replied.

The thought of Amy and Lucy’s feet ran straight through Ben’s mind as he began to feel the urges inside him, groaning loudly.

“BEN, NO” Amy called out, but it was too late.

The vibrators began beeping before shutting off, sending the signal to the pole to start rotating. The three of them were back to their feet being tickle tortured as they flew back against the mattress, cackling loudly, shaking their heads.

This carried on for the next 40 minutes with the time between tickles getting shorter as their need for an orgasm grew stronger and quicker. The lack of air filling their bodies began to take their toll on Amy as she slowly passed out during the 13th round of tickle torture. Ben wasn’t far behind, only lasting another 3 rounds before he blacked out.

Bright lights shone into Amy’s eyes, as she slowly opened them. A sudden rush of panic shot into her head as she sat up, she was in her own bedroom. She looked to the side to see Ben sleeping next to her, was it a dream? Her mouth was dry and her head pounding.

She looked under the covers to see that they were both naked, maybe she passed out drunk and imagined it. She reached down to her bare foot and lightly tickled, causing herself to jerk her own leg, she could tickle herself. Maybe it was true.

Leaning over, she slowly shook Ben until he awoke.

“Ben, please tell me last night didn’t happen?” She said to him nervously.

“What part of last night?” Ben asked, still half asleep.

“You know, all the tickling” she replied.

“What tickling?” He responded in confusion. “You got smashed at the Red Room, bumped into your ex-girlfriend, drank a shit load more and then we had to carry you into a taxi to get home”.

“Thank God” she responded.

“What do you mean, thank God” he replied.

“I dreamt that we were tied up, being tickle tortured all over our bodies, for hours on end” she said with a deep breath.

“Well, you were drunk, took us to a fetish bar, met your ex and even though we are both unbearably ticklish, you signed us up as the tickle slaves for tonight’s performance” Ben said annoyed.

“You’re not serious” she said in shock.

“I am, you signed a contract for both of us” he said. “If we don’t show, we are liable for their loss of earnings. We have no choice but to do it”.

Amy threw her head back against the pillow and shut her eyes, hoping this was still a dream before sitting back up and getting her phone. She had a message from ‘Lucy-ex’;

‘Oh babe, I can’t believe you have signed up for tonight. You are possibly the most ticklish person I know. After what you did to me, I am going to take great pleasure in torturing every ticklish bit of skin you have, especially your toes and nipples. Also, thanks for finding out that your new boyfriend has such ticklish feet that he has to do his own pedicures, this information has gone down extremely well with Mistress Soph xxx’.

Amy couldn’t believe it, her ticklish nightmare was about to come true.
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