Gekoman wrote: (Not everyone that has a point is whiny, I don't see producers points though, what I see is certain people making excuses for them. If a producer says that it would be too costly for them to make preview clips, than I can except that. I won't except it from anyone else. Let producers speak for themselves.)
1.) I think you meant to say ACCEPT not except.
2.) When the hell did I say everyone who has a point is whiny? I didn't say that. Points are made here every day, usually in the discussion section. I say that people who complain about this very issue are whiny. I see you joined just this past December.....I've been here since pretty close to the beginning amd I'm here to tell you sir that every time a new batch of people come in that's when the whining starts. NOT ALL, of course! A portion! Also, over time I have found the video producers to be generous, reasonable and friendly as well as being people who contribute to this board on a regular basis-it makes me wince when people who hardly contribute anything (which is usually the case with these incessant complainers) start DEMANDING things from people who have basically been very cool here, very cool PERSONALLY to me. You talk about free stuff? More than one company has comped me free tapes in appreciation for my business. That would be unheard of if I was into any other kind of fetish.(i hate that word but i had to use it!) Frankly, I don't care if you "except" it or not....I don't even think I was talking to you specifically, was I?
3.) T.I.B. is not a producer? You didn't see his point here? You know why the other producers aren't chiming in? Because they've answered this issue COUNTLESS times in the past....go look for yourself in the archives, usually in the discussion section. T.I.B. himself (and Kathy, too) are constantly fielding these comments...that's probably why he "skims" and answers something that catches his eye...what is he supposed to do, read everything, especially when it's been said over and over again? And what is this "hey T.I.B, you didn't answer every single thing that was posted here, what's that all about, are you hiding something?"? Ok, you found them all out, they're all in've really got them on the run now! They're running scared...THAT'S why they're not answering....they're thinking "shit, I better start posting free clips AND quick or they all may POST something about me!" I mean, what IS that?! This is simply the way it is. For all we know in a year there won't even be free clips, who knows? If you don't want to buy their videos (or services) because you can't preview their material, then don't buy them. THAT is how you protest. Maybe send them an email telling them so. Maybe they'll go out of business and you can say "I really showed them". Whining like a baby about it, especially when I'll bet it tends to be people who probably wouldn't buy the material anyway and just use the free clips to get their rocks off (which is what I believe the video producers found to be the case a few years ago, hence the ending of massive free clips), will change nothing. Free clips have gotten more scarce, not more plentiful, since people have been griping about it. And when a free clip is put up, there's normally very little in the way of gratitude expressed (not always, but usually) anyway.
4.) No hard feelings, after all, I may be seen agreeing with you on some other part of the forum.