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Three Women Rescued from 10 Years Captivity in Cleveland OH


TMF Regular
Apr 12, 2013
For those not following this story in the news-

Yesterday three women, who had been kidnapped 10 years or more ago, were rescued from their captor in Cleveland, OH, after one of the women managed to escape and flee to a neighbor's, who then called the police. The man had evidently held them in his basement as sex slaves. One (it has been reported) was pregnant at least 5 times- this may turn out later to be false, as so many news stories do at this stage.

I would like, at this point, to offer my services to the people of Ohio. If this man is found guilty, in a court of law, of holding these women captive and abusing them sexually for all these years, I personally will offer to crush each of his testicles individually with a lead-weighted club, run his penis through a mincing machine, and then slice him thinly from the feet up, so he can watch.

It's the decent thing to do, in my opinion.
I would like, at this point, to offer my services to the people of Ohio. If this man is found guilty, in a court of law, of holding these women captive and abusing them sexually for all these years, I personally will offer to crush each of his testicles individually with a lead-weighted club, run his penis through a mincing machine, and then slice him thinly from the feet up, so he can watch.

It's the decent thing to do, in my opinion.

While I'm against torture in most cases, I definitely agree your approach is the right thing to do in this case (even though it probably wouldn't work as he'd probably fall unconscious from shock). What's even more disgusting and horrifying is this piece of sewer scum was apparently at one point in time a school bus driver. Lord only knows HOW MANY KIDS he could have hurt.
I, too, am firmly against torture. Guantanamo Bay, Abu Ghraib Prison, Hanoi Hilton, et. al., were all horrible, horrible places and horrible things were done there.

Also, victims of what our govt. euphemistically called "enhanced interrogation" all say it doesn't actually work to get you any useable intelligence information. Eventually, the subject will just say whatever he thinks will make you stop hurting him.

The difference with this guy is- there is nothing that I want to know, that he has to tell me.

But maybe the mincer was going a little too far after all.

Cheese grater, anyone?
I have to agree with you with that view of torture for information. Whatever happened to the good old truth serum? I thought (though didn't know) that that worked well enough.

I also agree that this guy makes me want to inflict physical pain upon him. I'm also mad at the police to be blunt. They're supposed to have ways of tracking kidnap victims (aka sent dogs and instrumentation) and yet this guy was able to hide 3 of them in his house and the police never even KNEW? The boys in blue are supposed to be better than this.

Also, how could this sewer shit's 2 brothers not know about this? Didn't they EVER GO TO HIS HOUSE? This is just massively screwed up.
This reminds me of an article I once read about a Japanese schoolgirl who was kidnapped and tortured over a period of forty four days before dying. Don't know if it's true or not. Some of it seems a bit far fetched for me to believe. I figure she would have died weeks ago given the severity of her torment.

DAY 1: Kidnapped
Kept captive in house, and posed as one of boy’s girlfriend
Raped (over 400 times in total)
Forced to call her parents and tell them she had run away
Starved and malnutritioned
Fed cockroaches to eat and urine to drink
Forced to masturbate
Forced to strip in front of others
Burned with cigarette lighters
Foreign objects inserted into her vagina/anus

DAY 11: Severely beat up countless times
Face held against concrete ground and jumped on
Hands tied to ceiling and body used as a punching bag
Nose filled with so much blood that she can only breath through her mouth
Dumbbells dropped onto her stomach
Vomited when tried to drink water (her stomach couldn’t accept it)
Tried to escape and punished by cigarette burning on arms
Flammable liquid poured on her feet and legs, then lit on fire
Bottle inserted into her anus, causing injury

DAY 20: Unable to walk properly due to severe leg burns
Beat with bamboo sticks
Fireworks inserted into anus and lit
Hands smashed by weights and fingernails cracked
Beaten with golf club
Cigarettes inserted into vagina
Beaten with iron rods repeatedly
Winter; forced outside to sleep in balcony
Skewers of grilled chicken inserted into her vagina and anus, causing bleeding

DAY 30: Hot wax dripped onto face
Eyelids burned by cigarette lighter
Stabbed with sewing needles in chest area
Left nipple cut and destroyed with pliers
Hot light bulb inserted into her vagina
Heavy bleeding from vagina due to scissors insertion
Unable to urinate properly
Injuries were so severe that it took over an hour for her to crawl downstairs and use the bathroom
Eardrums severely damaged
Extreme reduced brain size

DAY 40: Begged her torturers to “kill her and get it over with”

Junko greets the New Years Day alone
Body mutilated
Unable to move from the ground

DAY 44: The four boys beat her mutilated body with an iron barbell, using a loss at the game of Mah-jongg as a pretext. She is profusely bleeding from her mouth and nose. They put a candle’s flame to her face and eyes.

Then, lighter fluid was poured onto her legs, arms, face and stomach, and then lit on fire. This final torture lasted for a time of two hours.

Junko Furuta died later that day, in pain and alone. Nothing could compare 44 days of suffering she had to go through.

When her mother heard the news and details of what had happened to her daughter, she fainted. She had to undergo a psychiatric outpatient treatment . Imagine her endless pain.

Her killers are now free men. Justice was never served, not even after 20 years.
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If a victim of kidnapping isn't recovered within the first 48 hours, the chances of finding them drop dramatically. 🙁
If a victim of kidnapping isn't recovered within the first 48 hours, the chances of finding them drop dramatically. 🙁

I guess that was the primary reason for creating amber alerts then. This is just terrible. This man was a monster and I feel so bad for his victims. :cry
Whatever happened to the good old truth serum? I thought (though didn't know) that that worked well enough.


I think you are talking about sodium pentathol and similar compounds. I'm not 100% up on this, so forgive me if I screw this up- but what I understand is that this drug creates an extreme level of suggestability/agreeability in the subject. The effect of this is that he/she will go along with pretty much anything that is put to him/her- for instance, to be fanciful for a moment, if asked, "Would you like me to tickle your feet now?" a person under this drug's influence would be inclined to answer, "Yes," even if they immediately regret the result.

But for intelligence purposes, I believe it was found to be useless decades ago, because an interrogator can so easily get the subject to agree with absolutely any question. For instance-

Q- Do you work for the Israelis?
A- I work for the Israelis.
Q- You're lying. You work for the Germans.
A- Yes, I work for the Germans.
Q- But I have evidence showing you really work for the Americans.
A- I work for the Americans.

And yet as late as the 1990s it was still part of the recommended course being taught to foreign countries' special forces at our School of the Americas in Fort Benning GA.

Final note- from the entry "Truth Serum" on Wikipedia-

"While there have been many clinical studies of the efficacy of narcoanalysis in interrogation or lie detection, there is no agreement that any qualify as randomized controlled studies, the scientific standard for determining such effectiveness."

Hope this helped.
I guess you just have to ask the right question then. Instead of asking, "do you work for the Germans" you should ask instead, "who do you work for", but thanks for that info Lee.
He gets a court appointed attorney, it will be an insanity defense or he will plea to life without the possibility of parole. This is one guy I don't want to see get the death penalty (it's just a go to sleep needle anyways). Because of the type of crime, you want this guy in population with the threat of getting his ass kicked at anytime.
He should have been "put down" years ago for beating his wife, putting her in the hospital in the mid-90s several times. But she was so terrorized and intimidated she dropped the charges over and over again.

And yes, by "put down" I mean killed.
He should have been "put down" years ago for beating his wife, putting her in the hospital in the mid-90s several times. But she was so terrorized and intimidated she dropped the charges over and over again.

And yes, by "put down" I mean killed.

Where's Charles Bronson when you need him....
I guess you just have to ask the right question then. Instead of asking, "do you work for the Germans" you should ask instead, "who do you work for", but thanks for that info Lee.

The trouble then is- and again, I admit that my understanding is not complete- that when you ask an open-ended question of someone in this state, they tend to just make shit up and then agree with you when you try to get them to "confirm" their original made-up answer.

The real problem with interrogating someone- be it for police, military, or covert intelligence purposes- is that there are no short cuts and no instant solutions. Shooting an SOB in the kneecap, ala Kiefer Sutherland on '24', just doesn't work in real life, unless you have a really low-level operative who can't take an interrogation in any case; but then, that guy doesn't know anything worth shooting him for. Real intel, of the kind that found Bin Laden's courier and eventually led to the death of the man himself, was discovered via months and months of conversations and rapport-building, where the men who gave the secrets away didn't even realize they were telling us anything of value at the time.

Put it another way- we expect our troops to heroically resist enemy interrogation, and die rather than betray their buddies or their nation, right? So why are our enemies, misguided or evil as they are, going to be any different in the same circumstances? They think we are the evil ones.
He should have been "put down" years ago for beating his wife, putting her in the hospital in the mid-90s several times. But she was so terrorized and intimidated she dropped the charges over and over again.

And yes, by "put down" I mean killed.
Clinton used rendition just like Bush, and Obama kept Gitmo open just like Bush and he still may use rendition, so that's three Presidents that know torture and violating the Bill of Rights can and does work with "clever" interrogation, not that I care one way or another. In the 50 states they have to be a bit more careful because there is too much press around.
Clinton used rendition just like Bush, and Obama kept Gitmo open just like Bush and he still may use rendition, so that's three Presidents that know torture and violating the Bill of Rights can and does work with "clever" interrogation, not that I care one way or another. In the 50 states they have to be a bit more careful because there is too much press around.

You should care- because under Bush it was done to American citizens who were in the wrong place at the wrong time, with the wrong-sounding last name.

I am not aware of the Clinton administration using rendition, I'll research that one.

While Guantanamo Bay is still open, that is because Congress refused to allow the terrorist suspects held there to be housed on US soil. And the interrogators there must now specifically follow the US Military Manual on Interrogation, which forbids torture and "enhanced interrogation".

This is because people like Sen John McCain- who went through it himself- know that torture does NOT work, other than to drive the victim to a point where he/she will confess to you if you promise to stop doing it to him/her. That's why the police aren't supposed to beat confessions out of people.
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OK, Desk is right, the Clinton administration used covert operations to capture Al Qaeda operatives abroad and delivered them to Egypt for prison/interrogation. However it is noted that most of those thus captured were Egyptian in the first place. Compare this to the Bush admin. policy of delivering citizens of various countries, including our European allies and American citizens, to black sites in Afghanistan, Morocco, Egypt, Jordan, and Uzbekistan.
Of course, this hasn't been proven in court, since a Federal appeals court threw out an ACLU case before it could reveal "state secrets".
You know, the sheer horror of this story actually numbed my fetishes for over a week! I couldn't fantasize about bound women without thinking about this absolutely atrocious evil that was committed. And I know the difference between a loving S&M lifestyle and real abusive horror.

Since this happened I've been thinking about all the women (and children, and men) who have been held captive for their entire lives with or without restraints, by psychological abusers.
Look at this guy's ex-wife: he beat her bad enough to put her in the hospital at least 3 times, yet she never pressed charges, or withdrew them after the fact. The abuser gets inside the mind of his victim and creates a false reality that it's very hard to escape from. There's no law of the land to protect her, she knows only that what "He"* says is gospel, till "He" changes it randomly.

Yes I've had way too much firsthand experience with this poison...

*A side note- if you always refer to your significant other as He, chances are you're in an abusive relationship.
Gitmo still open under Obama, had a Democratic Congress his first two year in office and could have easily closed it and he still can, but won't. He also used drone strikes on American citizens, he's against torture/enhanced interrogation but killing with drone strikes and it's collateral damage, no problem?
Gitmo still open under Obama, had a Democratic Congress his first two year in office and could have easily closed it and he still can, but won't. He also used drone strikes on American citizens, he's against torture/enhanced interrogation but killing with drone strikes and it's collateral damage, no problem?

Desk, I feel for you. You must feel like I do when I post as the only liberal on the gun forums.

Yes, from 2009-2011 (January) the Congress was Democrat-controlled. However, the Senate never had a 60-Democrat majority and so was NEVER filibuster-proof. Obama, unlike Bush, tried to govern by building a consensus and bringing Republicans into a coalition- which I think was his biggest mistake, since it allowed him to be painted as "weak" (favorite word of the right-wing commentators, who confuse compromise with surrender).

Gitmo- how do you close it when many of the nations don't want their people back, and when the legislators from the several states (for instance, Peter King, R-NY) fulminated loudly against the notion of housing terror suspects in Federal prisons on any US soil, much less in HIS state? Great idea to close it, but you can't just turn the most dangerous detainees loose, and nobody wants to house them.

Drone strikes- No, you shouldn't target US citizens in drone strikes- but I ask myself- what were they doing hanging out in Al Qaeda's neighborhood in the first place, and what were they doing that made them fit the profile of a terrorist target? I agree, deep questions must be asked, and we are certainly violating international law with this program, and we are going to be very sorry in the long run if we don't put a stop to it soon- but, Desk, if you're honest with yourself, you'll admit that you yourself would be defending this program if it were a President Romney or McCain or (oh dear lord no) Palin sitting in the Oval Office right now.

At least that is the sense I get from reading some of your other posts. If you can be brutally honest with yourself, and then tell me that you did NOT defend Cheney and Rumsfeld when they essentially said "So what?" when we bombed a wedding party in Afghanistan, or "softened up" prisoners in Abu Ghraib; well then, sir, I owe you an apology, and you shall have it. But just because I hold the Republicans accountable when they f*ck up, doesn't mean I give my party a free pass. I hold us accountable too.

I just don't believe we f*ck up as often, or as bad, and when we do, we admit it.

Except for the Lewinsky thing. That was awful, Bill. You f*cked up big time.
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I personally found it surprising that they could pull it off as long as they did, like damn. That is terrifying.
How come whenever I try to click on page 3 of this thread it takes me back to page 2?
How come whenever I try to click on page 3 of this thread it takes me back to page 2?

There must've been a bunch of posts that were deleted due to breach of forum policy - that sometimes fools the thread into thinking it's still longer than it really is.
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