Media characters -- such a fertile fantasy field! I day-dreamed and sleep-dreamed scenerios. Really young, too. In books, TV or movies, whenever anyone was bound I would wonder why nobody ever ticked them. I would develop the mental image of my helpless protagonist to all sorts of fantastic tickle-torturous conclusions, and imagine that it was me. Still do.
My earliest hero/victim was (don't laugh) the cartoon Marine Boy. My most recent one was Russell Crowe in Gladiator, where Maximus in chains has a visit from the queen. As a little girl I saw a Masterpiece Theater drama in which a man ties his beautiful sexy wayward wife to a farm fence as a last resort to keep her from straying while he had to go out. Standing with arms tied spread out, long hair and dress whipping in the wind, it was a really potent image. I dreamed myself as her being handled and tickled by rugged farmhands and handsome horsemen passing by on the road. Best part of the dream was it was guilt-free because this wicked character deserved it and enjoyed it! I love talking about this stuff.