Just to add my (unsolicited) 2 cents regarding DRM-protected content, I agree that I probably will never purchase a clip protected with DRM, unless I had a way to convert the clip to a more open format. The main problem I have with it is that it does sort of exclude non-Windows users. In addition to this, I tend to re-install Windows once a year or so; can I still play the clips after this? (I admit I don't know the answer to that one.) Finally, I just disagree with the "idea" of DRM; call it paranoia, but I prefer to have more control over the content I purchased. I feel that once I've bought it, I should be able to do what I like with it (short of putting it onto file-sharing networks), without having a middle layer decide whether I'm authorized to view it.
I understand that content-producers have a right to make a living and to try and protect their content from piracy; I just don't think DRM is the answer. I'm not sure there *is* an answer...
I'm sorry that a lot of these comments have been negative; DRM is just something people have a lot of strong feelings about. Anyway, having said all that, I'm looking forward to seeing your site when it comes back up. I might buy a DVD, if it looks as good as people have been saying.