I bought more than 40 DRM clips from tickleflix.com. Now, many Windows XP re-installs later, those 'paid for' DRM video clips are as useful as a bladeless knife with no handle.
There are at least 15 screen/video capture products on the market today that can grab the current DRM video clips and save them in the video format of your choice. My product of choice is Capture Professional ( http://www.creativesoftworx.com/ ).
As a business owner myself, I truly recommend looking at the whole equation (vision, percieved value, economics, market brand perception, brand expansion) rather than simply taking a simple protective stance.
No matter how good your stuff is, people have limited disposable cash and will likely go where they percieve the most overall bang for their precious buck.
James Darke
There are at least 15 screen/video capture products on the market today that can grab the current DRM video clips and save them in the video format of your choice. My product of choice is Capture Professional ( http://www.creativesoftworx.com/ ).
As a business owner myself, I truly recommend looking at the whole equation (vision, percieved value, economics, market brand perception, brand expansion) rather than simply taking a simple protective stance.
No matter how good your stuff is, people have limited disposable cash and will likely go where they percieve the most overall bang for their precious buck.
James Darke