Quotes by bella
This really sounds like an individual situation that occurred between several adults, who can handle it themselves. But, since it's been brought up: I've attended several events for various kinks where a 'lee/bottom/sub doesn't express his or her unhappiness right away.
I'm not sure exactly what you were referring to at the beginning of that sentence, because it has happened plenty of times but no matter. I realize how hard it is for people to speak up when something bad, annoying, or unpleasant has happened to them. I've actually done it before (remained silent). But when I finally told someone I trusted what happened at the gathering, he was highly irritated at me for not saying anything until about one week, two weeks later. It makes it very hard for the host/hostess.
Maintaining a safe and comfortable environment is essential, and sometimes with so many people running around lying, it is hard to determine who is telling the truth anymore.
I'm going to be very, very blunt here. Do people know how incredibly HEINOUS AND STUPID you have to behave to even be a blip on the screen of hosts??
I keep hearing about all these bannings and such; That is so rare that you're more likely to hit the lottery as you're being struck by lightning while holding the last Dodo bird. Nothing like that is even CONSIDERED unless you acted so stupidly and violated trust on so many levels that your own mama would suggest you stay home. I mean this, and say it from experience-you have to be such a tiresome liar, creep and/or criminal that if you insist the sun is shining we all take out umbrellas. Seriously, those of us who have these gatherings just want to have a good time amongst our fellow tickling folk. The LAST thing we want is High School he-said-she-said baloney, and frankly it's a rare occurence. In fact, the only time it happens is when people go whining to others instead of handling their own business. Then folks who have tons of opinion but only a fraction of fact get involved, and it becomes a ninth-grade level mess.
If these people are so god awful, so terrible, so dangerous, so stupid, so damned annoying, then why are they allowed to redeem themselves and come back? How do ya'll figure they are all of a sudden intelligent, trustworthy, and clean of all said crimes? You have these people getting together gossiping about decisions and situations, and some of these same people barely know each other, and probably don't know much about the person in question. Seems like it was a mess to begin with.
As for the Hosting List Godfathers (and GodMamas, thank you), you're damn skippy we talk and share info. Why shouldn't we? If I know that Johnny X will steal your silverware and feel up your dog of COURSE I'm gonna tell you. I'd expect you to do the same. What you do with that info is up to you; hey, your dog might like that kinda thing. But if you knew Johnny was a pain and didn't tell me, I'd be highly annoyed. And if Johnny hurt me so badly that I never want to see him again, I will certainly tell the other hosts that to invite him is to un-invite me. Let me say again: you have to act SO stupidly and nastily for anything like this to occur that I know of NO ONE who would have an iota of sympathy. The hosts are NOT sheep, we all think very individually. I can honestly say that there are a very precious few that I'd rather not have in my home yet are welcome in others, and that's fine. For ALL or the majority of the hosts to have issue with you, you gotta be mighty, mighty WRONG and too stubborn to see it.
Ok... you said it your way. And it made sense. Let me say it my way.
What if Sally Salsa just didn't like Johnny X. He didn't beat her ass or do anything criminal. Maybe it was something he posted earlier in the year. Or maybe it is just a personality thing. Maybe it is her so called female intuition. But whatever the reason, they aren't the best of friends through no violation on his part.
Sally Salsa just happens to be part of the List Mafia. And Hot Sauce Sammy likes Johnny. Sammy is having a gathering coming up that Sally Salsa really wants to go to. So Sally Salsa says:
I won't be going to a gathering if Johnny X is there." That allows her to assert her authority over Sammy's private function and it no longer becomes a carefree private decision to invite whomever he pleases. Sammy now has to worry about alienating the person who is trying to run his gathering (who may be a friend), or alienating another person he has no problem with either.
And Sammy, similar to many people I know, more than likely will crack and be too afraid or lack the guts to say, "Sally, frankly that's your choice. Get over your damned self, come and behave, or just don't come. That's <u>your</u> decision."
People shut others out just to please. You are so right. It IS your own private decision, but this person is being pushed away or targeted and probably doesn't even know it. Sooner or later this person realizes that he isn't getting invited to many gatherings, or he isn't receiving return emails about gatherings and he doesn't know why.
Obviously people can use whatever reason they want to invite or bar someone from coming to their houses. I just wish everyone involved would make decisions based on their own good judgment and not based on the pettiness of others. Pretty soon you have a bunch of people who are no longer caring about standing up for what is right, but rather cowering behind someone who has more Tickle Community Clout and who can ruin the rep if they so choose.
And another thing; if for some reason you DO find yourself un-invited to gatherings for awhile, and you really couldn't make amends (which STILL amazes me in some cases) show some self-respect; get over yourself and do something else that day, and come next year. Period.
Yeah? It'd take a lot of humble pie for someone to keep coming back over and over again begging to attend a gathering until someone finally decided it time for them to be forgiven? And how much self-respect would you feel hanging around a group of people who felt you were the most stupid, annoying, criminal on earth just 12 months before. Someone who's mama thought you should stay home. That's pretty darned pitiful.
Actually, it does indeed fit into the sense of community. You violate trust, you need to make up for it. That's between friends, co-workers, spouses...any type of relationship. If you do something so *wrong* that I don't want you in my house and won't go to another house if you're gonna be there, you should definitely make sincere amends. If your apology just sounds like you're blaming the moon and stars for whatever happened and you still don't 'get' how you were at fault, why should I expect you to behave differently next time? That's not asking you to grovel, it's requesting you to take responsibility for your actions. It has nothing to do with you being a good person, that's not for me to judge. But whether I want you around me is up to ME.
If all you are expecting is a sincere apology, that's fine, but there are also some people who are expecting a clear marked change in the violator's behavior, and unless someone puts their life/ rep/ etc. on the line and gives that person a chance, how are you supposed to know that?
If someone did something so god-awful to me that I told them never again to come back to my house, they are never again coming back to my house. I may accept their apology, but it ain't gonna happen. I actually can handle making that decision without asking advice from other people who have guests coming to their houses too.
"Tickling violation rehab" sounds like something Morandilias would write (g). But seriously, there's only so long you can attempt talking to someone if they keep telling you the same line of bullpucky. Eventually you grow tired of hearing that tune and have a strong desire to turn off the 'puter and go outside. If people shun and ignore you, it's likely because talking to you did no good. And if these people are soooo mean to you, you still want them as friends because....?
Oooo... my point exactly!
Safety is by far the biggest factor, but again-why should I have you in my house if you bug the living hell outta me and my friends?
How about if you had me in your house before I bugged your over sensitive friends, and I didn't do anything wrong/ was pretty cool. Some of your friends and I just may not get along. That doesn't mean I'd be an automatic bad guest. Once again, you may not feel like the chance is worth it. Others may.
What you're asking, it seems, is whether one host would have someone over whom another host didn't like. Depends on why. Do they disagree on Ashley Renee's boobs (fake), or did this person come in and make everyone miserable with rudeness and general obnoxiousness? You're right, "thou shalt not be an ass" is not a spoken rule, but I promise you it's there and 99% of the people respect it as their parents and society taught them. The one percent complains that we're too strict. And if you really, truly need to know exactly how not to be an ass at a party, I'm kinda worried about you.
That's funny (HA), but some folks are worried about me regardless so if you add my name to your worry list, maybe it'll make me that much stronger over time.
I don't remember being an ass at a gathering, but then no one pulled me aside and said that I was being one. (I certainly remember being a loud ass.) Now probably 50 people will come out and be like, Sunrise, you were a bad guest at my house. Then I'll be all confused and wonder why it took them 1 to 3 years to tell me.
As for 'tickle suspension' (another Morandilias story waiting to happen) Of course it's up to the hosts. I belong to a list of local preschool teachers with our own private centers. My little Elmo bites everyone and his mother denies it, and she owes me $300 for his care. She won't listen to my pleas and blames eberyone else for his behavior, so I remove him from my school until she understands his biting issue AND pays me. Now Elmo is applying to your school. You and I are fellow teachers; I would tell you what happened and let you make up your own mind, but I'd be mighty annoyed if you let him into your center while his mother owes me tuition and won't help him stop using other kids as chew-toys. Sometimes people won't listen until the stakes are high enough, and there's nothing wrong with folks sticking together if they have a common cause.
I totally agree in standing up for something that is right with allies who share your common cause. But I feel it has to be something that is right. Not something that is petty and childish.
Bottom line for me: All you have to do to go to gatherings is not act a fool. Don't lie, don't disrespect anyone. Bring a beverage or some chips. If something happens, admit to it and don't do it again. I promise you, it really is that easy. There are many who can attest to that.
You forgot to add, don't rock the boat, keep your mouth shut, and keep opinions that you have that may or may not follow the opinions of the ones in "power" to yourself. Or... is that somewhere else? (Some people say that too. Or is that under the unwritten rule of “Thou shalt not be an ass.”
Like I said before, unless people come crawling out of the woodwork, I pretty much displayed good behavior at the gatherings I've attended. I'm not the one who doesn't know how to act in public, nor am I a person who isn't gracious to my host/hostess. I am also respectful to the people they invite into the home whether I like all the people or not.
But if speaking my mind suddenly places me on the unwelcome wagon then I guess I will just have to save lots of money on traveling to the events and spend it on other things. *gasp* The horror!
If there is someone I do not like, or someone who has done something to me that I think is something I can handle between that person and myself then (unless it is a safety issue) I keep the issue to myself. In this case, someone decided to use me and lie on me publically. And I publically decided to denounce their actions. So in that aspect, I guess we are both immature. Next time I hope that person keeps my name out of their mouth and maybe, just maybe I won't have to go there!
I don't use how I feel about someone to sway the decisions my friends have to make when deciding who they will invite to their home (or be friends with in general). And if I can't stand to be around the person, instead of putting my friend in a tight situation where he/she has to choose between 2 other friends, I keep my mouth shut!
Some people just like to usurp the power and clout they have over others. That just isn't the kind of person I am.