JoBelle said:
The OBVIOUS??? Sunrise, in case you are not getting your Yahoo messages. Out of my 1600 plus posts, you came up with one single thread that somehow backs up your statement that I walk out of threads leaving you hanging. LOL Forgive me, but are you kidding? One topic? AND, mind you, there were actually TWO threads on the same topic and I posted in both. I left when it turned into a flame war worthy of shutting down the thread. I'm not the ONLY one who left the topic either. What say you about the others?
The other thing was something from AMT. I haven't been on AMT in almost TWO YEARS I think! I don't even remember the last time I posted there. I was on AOL back then, and I've not even had aol in over a year. I don't even know what thread you're talking about over there. In that amount of time, I'll have probably changed my mind 5 times on a topic anyway. 😛
Here's the on-topic problem. You're using the host list as your target practice because some yet un-named person supposedly said something about you. You're clumping all the hosts together in one person. That's about as unfair as anything else that has been bantered around here. You're playing a victim, blaming the hosts in part, yet not letting us in on the big secret so we can state yes or no regarding our "involvement" or gain/loss from the aformentioned statment against you. To my knowledge, I've never accused you of being something you're not. But you're doing that. Why are you saying the people who hold gatherings have crossed you? To my knowledge, I've never had a problem with you until I got in this thread and my character is smeard by you dragging all of the hosts in your personal problem that started with one person.
Now I think you've figured out that I can talk a subject to death along with the best of them, but I'd rather this matter be settled. The ball is in your court. Until you decide to do more than insult the the people who organize gatherings, you can accomplish nothing. If you're interested in actually discussing fact about what was,was not, is, is not, thought, said, implied, made up, or guessed, please feel free to do so. I'm sure I'm not the only person who would be more than willing to step up to the plate and talk to you. Can we just stop the insanity of this back and forth and get to some kind of point? Maybe you just adore the look of my words on the screen. 😛
Ok... let me do it this way.
There have been times when you were posting to a thread and you said your say and left. And when you said you were doing it this time, it didn't bother me, because you've done it before. I figure that is just the way you are.
I don't know how many times I have got to say that I don't give a rat's big hairy booty whether you stay or leave, post, don't post, dance on your head, eat a biscuit, throw it up, I don't care if you never talk to me again or talk until you think YOU have heard your own voice enough.
It doesn't really mean anything to me. Not trying to be rude or funny (right here), the thought of you didn't even cross my mind when I was typing this thread. The thought of you doesn't really cross my mind too much to tell the truth. So you can be offended, or you can get over it.
You asked me for an example, I gave you two. (I was not referring to posting on AMT. I was referring to the AMT thread that everyone jumped on Drew 70 for). If you didn't like it, you shouldn't have asked. *shrug* And like I was going to search and do cross references for them. I remembered them off the top of my head. Mainly because of the goofy statements said in them.
And there have been times when I've actually agreed with you on some subjects, yet and still, you leave the threads. And? You took my statement as a personal attack. HAHAHA... please. I just saw it is a blanket statement that basically meant I wasn't surprised that you left. Shrug and I wasn't, and never ever will be.
You wanna lick your wounds because you believe I put you down so bad after saying that I thought that was just how your personality was, feel free. But if I wanted to attack you personally, I can come better than that. I mean, after all.... you said I've been insulting people in this entire thread. You'd think I'd be an expert at it.
(Oh and out of your 1600 posts, take in affect the ones I actually seen/ read, the ones posted when I was actually here at TMF, and the ones that you and I both posted on... scientifically, it would be impossible to find probably even 50-100 posts that we both participated in. You made your number sound so big, when in actuality it really isn't.)
As for the on topic problem. If I choose to discuss it with someone, no doubt it will show up on "the list" by someone
🙄 and then maybe your appetite for information will be satisfied. Good enough?
My problems weren't with you so you can keep your "ball" in your own "court". I don't need you to help me in my quest for the truth. There were only a few people who I spoke to who happen to be a part of your list as well. Chances are, we were friends long before the list started. And only one person I spoke to who could have done what I know was done, because at the time, that person was the only one I was speaking to. I wanted the person to know that I didn't appreciate what they did, and I've done it. There is NO way possible the person doesn't know what I am talking about. It could be possible that the person maybe is no longer a part of the list and is away from TMF (hasn't seen the post), or that the person is too chicken to speak up.
But since folks are asking, the thing you can do for me on your "list's behalf", NEXT TIME anyone says I have said something, done something, hurt somebody, been hurt by somebody.... any of that he said she said crap.... Come and see me. Ask me what I did and said before people start the lies and the rumors. It keeps people from getting their feelings hurt or from getting pissed off and deciding just to say screw everyone involved! (When enough people lie to you, that's how the generalizations evolve and that's how I start feeling.) Since ya'll share so much, it would have been nice for someone to straight up and ask me before something was believed to be truth second hand and then spread behind my back.
It is uncomfortable to have someone confront you looking all sad and hurt about something you've done and you realize you haven't done it. Worst to know that the person who did it was someone you trusted and cared about with all of your heart. (I mean... how many times have I put myself on the line for this person!? *shakes head*)
Basically, I don't want to resolve anything with the person who provided deceitful info, <u>if</u> they don't have the guts to own up to it. They come to me, and I'll deal with them one on one. They wanna be shady and continue to sit in silence, that's fine! Th will come out eventually.
And yep, I did make generalizations ahout the hosting list. <U>Some</U> of the hosts who know me probably understand that I don't feel that way about them. You can be offended if you want, but there are people on your list that fit a couple of those discriptions. Deny it if you like, that's cool, but I know better. I mean, even ya'll can't agree what is going on!
It's funny because some of the hosts are saying that none of the negative things I mentioned ever ever happen. Some are saying they have happened only a couple of times, and then their are others who are saying, yeah, there are people who try to get us to sway this way and that (negativity based on strictly personality reasons and not safety), but we don't.
I don't feel as if ALL of the gathering hosts "crossed" me because I can't even begin to compile a list in my mind of who you all are. Sure I think it is shitty that there are people who have elected themselves over me and who can privately call the shots on how "involved" some folks can be in the community. (Safety wise, I think it is cool if no one is lying, personality wise, well that's the shitty part) But did that piss me off? Not really. I'm no longer naive about it though.
Sure I think it is shitty that I have friends on both sides, "good guys, bad guys" (and I'm not talking about one recent incident by the way). Obviously the good guys are saying that all of these people decided to leave the community on their own. And the bad guys who are equally my friends are saying, man I pissed the wrong person off and he got me ousted. And I haven't taken sides because frankly, I don't know who is telling the truth. I do know that I like (or liked) both sets of friends (Things only changed when the lies effected me). What I don't like is this catch 22.
You secretly ban or suspend people from gatherings. They may or may not know it. They may know why or may not know why. Maybe it isn't a ban, maybe your other friend just doesn't want to be in the same 1000 foot radius as them.
The reasons are good enough for ya'll to discuss and share. The incidents are bad enough for you to ban and suspend, and yet since only YOU know about it, what is to stop them from meeting privately with Jill (Who didn't know over the course of the summer Johnny X went from Dashing to dangerous!) and beating her ass?
Are you taking responsibility for trying to improve and maintain the community's safety or just your own safety? You can't have it both ways.
And the thing with the personalities... that is so iffy! Someone may be cool as hell to me and they may make you wanna throw up. People start not inviting someone places because of personality conflicts then that person is going to find him/ or herself completely alone. It could be that person's fault, or it could be something that they had no control over.
How many people have you pulled to the side and said... "Dude, the girls want to tickle you but your feet stink. Come on!"
Any of you hosts felt truly annoyed by someone and yet didn't say anything to them? How many of you did?
Next time around you decided not to invite them. They may or may not even know the reason why. And if it was because you were freaked out by my annoying habit to burp loudly during a tickle session, then let me know. There might be some medication for that.
It sounds like I'm not the only person who has some things to work out.
Your words look oh so good to me. If I don't get to see them on this thread again, I hope I will see them soon!
😛 Yummy!
Oh and Oddjob, I believe I did label what happened as an accident. And I do believe I said that sometimes people can get hurt at gatherings, but hey, it is still the responsibility of all involved to maintain the safety of everyone who is at the event.
It's unfortunate that thin skinned people got offended when I mention that I got hurt. I'm not the first nor the last. Sometimes these things happen. And hey, it was public knowledge before hand, I only stated it as an example. But thinking about it, it makes me wonder if the people only got offended because they thought it may make them look bad. So then they decided to post what they imagined or surmised that I "felt" or "said". What games people play... tsk tsk. Seems to be all about their rep I suppose. It's funny when they post about it, but when I do, it's offensive. Heeheehee. What a double standard.
It is nice to showcase all of the wonderful things that can happen at gatherings and munches, but that doesn't make it a sin to point out that people need to be watchful and dilligent because unexpected things (sometimes negative) can happen too. I have posted this before on other posts. (Positive things too... GASP! What a surprise!)
I think the reason why it struck a nerve this time is because I also added in my disgust for the ones who have lied and deceived people. I know... I should have just put up a thread that said Lying Backstabbing BITCHES Really Do Exist and then just let all my feelings out. Maybe this thread could have been easier to follow. But then, it probably would have gotten deleted immediately because of the title.
The people who I "generalized negatively" know who they are. But to be honest, there are some who do not fit that mold (or at least to my knowledge they don't). They may be apart of the Tickling Crisis/Rehabilition Gathering List Unit, but I don't know. And that Unit may or may not exist.
That's about it. (No spell check this time folks... sorry)