We had a neighbor who would let me tickle her sides and one day I began tickling under the sides of her bra. This seemed to have a very different effect on her because she started leaning so as to guide her bra up with my hands. When I looked up she nodded yes and so I lifted the cups up and over her breasts. They were very nice, normal nothing special but as I tickled around towards her nipples they began to harden, I thought they might not stop they extended about 1/2 inch and were really ticklish with soft spider touches. She began to moan in between laughs and after a while she stiffened and became super ticklish all over. My wife told me layer she confessed to having an orgasm with the tickling and the movement of her jeans while she wiggled. There is a girl on here or TT that said it sounded like it could have been her though it was not. I did tickle her more other times but nothing like that night.