Hello Comfort, great to hear from you,I would love to travel all over the country, and tickle torture all tmf members, but I am not a trust baby,LOL, so I have to get by here for now, but who knows, and if ever you are down this way let me know....www.ticklebiatch.com
50, Oddjob a TMF member and Tk Prince of fetlife coordinates Events at Houston Heat dungeon, lets keep in touch, for next event...Also have chatted with Yaqi, and plan on tickle torturing him in Houston soon too...www.ticklebiatch.com
Hey TickleBiatch Will you been anywhere near the Mississippi area soon? Cause I'd love to be tickled by you to see how long I could last!
Oh and if you need to know anything from me please let me know!!
dw, I do plan on going to fetishcom in summer, but will be doing my site sessions at heat til then, please stay in touch...........................www.ticklebiatch.com