Here's a thought:
Recall how the tickling scenes in something-something-3 had a bar that would go up as you tickled the anime chick, and it would go up faster according to how intensely you were tickling her, and go down if you stopped tickling?
Well, this new arcade game could have three such bars.
The first bar could be the oxygen bar. The bar goes up slowly and down quickly, but there are thresholds that the bar cannot go down beyond once it has passed. If this bar fills up your 'lee passes out and you get no points (like blackjack).
The second bar is the bar that causes the 'lee to wet themselves when it is filled.
The third bar is the bar that causes the 'lee to have an orgasm when it is filled.
Certain tickle spots/ techniques would cause the bars to fill up in different proportions. For instance, tickling the breasts might cause less advance in the oxygen and bladder bars, but would cause the orgasm bar to go up quicker (it's just an example). Or foot tickling causes the oxygen and bladder bars to rise but brings the orgasm bar down. You get the idea.
The point of the game would be to get the second or third bars to max out - without having the 'lee pass out - and having the other bar be as close as possible to maxing out. Thus the PERFECT score would be to cause your 'lee to wet herself and orgasm at the same time (although that would be really odd to animate, so the algorithm should make it impossible to acheive PERFECT victory).
Players could compare scores thusly: Let's say the bars go up to 1000. If player A gets the oxygen bar to 600, maxes the bladder bar at 1000, and has the orgasm bar at 700, then that player's score would be 700 - 600 = 100.
If I were 'leet enough to make this game, that's what it would be like. I have some more ideas about the interaction design and challenge factors, including having a database with multiple models to keep things fresh, but those can wait till a later post.
Whatcha think?
note- this concept was inspired by a certain story that I read on here... yes you know the one I'm talking about.