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tickling and drugs:

yeeah, i don't really listen to a government that has a history of doing a lot of unconstutional and illegal things over the years to secure the enormous amount of power and money it has right now. government legalized cigarettes, and nicotine is one of the most addictive substances on earth, and it's linked to more cancer related deaths than any other substance around. they also legalized alcohol, which is extremely addictive and can be very dangerous. my brother has almost died twice as a direct result of alcohol addiction, yet you don't have the government banging down his door when he's completely shit faced out of his mind. yet, the gov't sees fit to break down people's doors for smoking a little herb, enjoying a relaxing high and taking the edge off of the day? total bullshit imo.

Very very well said! My smart friend!
I think anything that can relax you a bit or loosen you up will make tickling more intense. Whether it's alcohol or drugs. All I can say is hey whatever works for ya! lol
yeeah, i don't really listen to a government that has a history of doing a lot of unconstutional and illegal things over the years to secure the enormous amount of power and money it has right now. government legalized cigarettes, and nicotine is one of the most addictive substances on earth, and it's linked to more cancer related deaths than any other substance around. they also legalized alcohol, which is extremely addictive and can be very dangerous. my brother has almost died twice as a direct result of alcohol addiction, yet you don't have the government banging down his door when he's completely shit faced out of his mind. yet, the gov't sees fit to break down people's doors for smoking a little herb, enjoying a relaxing high and taking the edge off of the day? total bullshit imo.

I second this.

I'm bumping this old thread. I was wondering if people have had experience with the following:

Amphetamines: I wonder how they affect tickling sensation. Lots of pathways involved.

Anxiolytics E.g. benzos (valium, xanax, etc.) - good or bad for tickling? Anxiety can be part of the fun 🙂

Vasodilators - more peripheral blood flow=more sensation? Anyone had experience with clonidine, hydergine, or nicergoline? There might be a risk of reduction in blood pressure making it more likely for a 'lee to pass out. Alcohol is a vasodilator and this could be one of the ways it enhances tickling.

Bronchodilators: (albuterol/salbutemol, ephedrine, theophylline) probably allow for easier, deeper laughter. Might help a 'lee last longer...

Bronchodilators have never done anything for me. They don't even help my lungs when I've used them. I think they're a waste and that they do nothing to contribute to the breathing. Definitely not so for the ticklishness, on MY behalf.
Hmm, reading back on the older posts in this thread, I think I'm going to try acid and tickling at Shambhala this year. It would totally be not weird to ask someone to tickle me, that's the best part.
I couldn't tell you why.

Perhaps it's because someone once told you that drugs were bad, maybe backed it up with a horror story about someone jumping out a 5 storey window when they thought they were a butterfly. And you bought it, hook line and sinker.

Perhaps not. But it's as good a guess as any.

The "just say no" picture was my answer as to why. Just a joke. But I was told drugs are bad by my parents and teachers and tv and I just never felt the need to question whether it was true or not. I guess in some things I prefer to err on the side of caution. But I was just kidding about telling others not to do drugs. As long as it doesn't affect my life directly I couldn't care less what anyone does. 🙂
The "just say no" picture was my answer as to why. Just a joke. But I was told drugs are bad by my parents and teachers and tv and I just never felt the need to question whether it was true or not.

Exactly, and people never learned to question as to WHY it was bad. If you asked somebody why it (drugs) were bad, you would have been told something along the lines of 'The TV told me it was bad'.

When I asked why drugs were bad, I never got a straight answer... like people lost the ability to think for themselves had had to rely on what those cheesy anti-drug commercials would tell them

At least be honest and say 'They're bad for you, because the Government can't tax it, like they can liquor or tobacco' Hypocritial? Yes, but at least it would have been an honest answer
Bill Hicks, to whit;

Do I think weed should be legal? No. Hell no. Weed shouldn't be legal... it should be mandatory. Imagine it, you're sitting in a line of traffic behind that jerk honking his horn and screaming his lungs out...

"Come on, man! I got a meeting to get to!"

"Hey! You! Smoke this and shut up!"

"Sorry officer, I was taking life seriously for a moment..."

The anti-drugs lobby are shitebags. I don't think they're all necessarily people who took too much of the stuff and whatnot; those kinds of people tend to become the Old Shamans, the straggly looking blokes who work in dodgy record shops deep in the bowels of shoddy old flea markets where they can listen to Pink Floyd all day and school the young'uns on The Wisdom. Then again those people are stoners and thus are to be avoided like the dribblesome weirdos that they are. The anti-drug lobby, i.e the rabid people you find replying to threads like this on the internets, tend to be people who for whatever reason weren't cool enough to take drugs when they were kids. Either they never got the opportunity because the cool kids who could get hold of the drugs wouldn't speak to them, or they had the chance but missed it because they were all scared and pissy and stuff. Thus their only experience with substances is watching some scary videos made by the very people who are trying to enforce their silly laws, pamphlets written by idiots just like them, or the film Trainspotting. I spent a good few of my teenage years smoking weed, snorting coke, taking ecstasy and dropping acid and I had a ball. The only real problems I had with drugs were the expense (because they can be expensive) and the sorts of people they can lead you to socialise with; mostly dodgy types and the aforementioned pot-mongs.

As far as tickling on drugs... never really tried it. I can imagine it would be fun.

yea, i believe in drugs. but they're a calculated risk. i'm glad i did everything i did through high school and college and if anything wish i'd tried a bit more since i know those days are behind me.

anyways, weed is great for tickling sessions. shrooms would probably be as well though could be intense.

coke is coke; i was never big on sex with that stuff, so i don't see it as that great for tickling. but if it improves sex, i bet it would improve tickling. ecstasy, i also never really enjoyed as much as advertised so can't really comment. i'm afraid of acid and never tried
Exactly, and people never learned to question as to WHY it was bad. If you asked somebody why it (drugs) were bad, you would have been told something along the lines of 'The TV told me it was bad'.

When I asked why drugs were bad, I never got a straight answer... like people lost the ability to think for themselves had had to rely on what those cheesy anti-drug commercials would tell them

At least be honest and say 'They're bad for you, because the Government can't tax it, like they can liquor or tobacco' Hypocritial? Yes, but at least it would have been an honest answer

Some drugs can do a LOT of physiological or psychological damage if abused or even if simply used.

That said, many drugs are simply not that bad for you if used by people who thoroughly research and understand what they are putting into their bodies. People think caffeine is no big deal but ecstasy is a hard drug; but a red bull will keep me awake and hyper for 10 or 12 hours, which is much longer than ecstasy does the same (I don't consume caffeine at all, so when it happens it's a HUGE effect). The difference between legal and illegal drugs is not in the amount of harm they do; it's simply in whether or not they are legal or illegal. That's it.

The war on drugs is pretty pointless, unless your goal is to generate buttloads of money for a private prison industry and give authorities a good way of expanding their power in the name of fighting crime and create a permanent underclass. Then it's a pretty great system.

I don't encourage drugs - they are expensive, not always what you think they are, sometimes habit forming and sometimes damaging, and persistent use WILL alter the way your mind works, for better or worse - but I do think people should have the choice to use them if they so desire. And I also think that prohibition has been a pretty miserable failure in all regards.

Anyway, off my hobby horse and to answer the original question:

Ecstasy - does exactly what you think it would, which is to increase your sensitivity, sometimes dramatically. Not to encourage people to do drugs, but as a 'lee, this is pretty awesome. :lol:

Ketamine - this is an anesthetic in the real world, and so it pretty well numbs you up. Not terribly great for people who like tickling!

Pot - It's been a looooong time since I smoked, but as I recall it has a pretty hit-or-miss effect on your ticklishness, since it can leave you unable to focus on the tickling. To be honest I think that by the time I was getting tickled regularly I was past my pot-smoking days so I don't think I ever had any serious tickling while I was high.

Acid - I have done very little of this, but small amounts that leave you still rational but mildly tripping will allow you to feel the tickling at the same level of sensitivity as usual, but because you're tripping it does feel additionally excellent. Or did, anyway. ::lol:: If you're tripping a lot, though, then you are usually so far out of your head that you may not even notice you're being tickled.

That's all from the perspective of the 'lee, since that's my experience. As a 'ler, I imagine E would still be awesome (it's always sort of great) since you'd be much more involved in the moment. Pot would still be pretty useless (that may just be my anti-pot bias showing though). K would be useless for the 'ler, but if the 'lee was on K and still sensitive, it might act to render the 'lee pretty defenseless, which may appeal to a 'ler who lacked bondage equipment. Acid, well, who knows, everybody reacts differently to it.

And that's my quick drug primer for tickling.


I mean, you don't think they're going to put RICH drug users in prison, do you? Nah, those cells are all ours! 😉
I've been tickled after smoking pot once, and it was pretty awesome. We didn't do any serious play, but the girl I was seeing noticed how ticklish was and enjoyed exploiting it. Every sensation was enhanced, and it was much harder to resist. It was pretty fantastic, I'd definitely do it again.

I probably wouldn't try it on anything else though. I generally keep away from everything but weed and alcohol.
Great post, 9's. I disagree with your outlook on pot, though. Of course, that's just a difference of opinion, so of course, I'm not saying you're wrong.

I've just found that for me, it seems to help me focus on tickling, and, on the rare occasion I let someone tickle me, I CAN'T STOP FUCKING LAUGHING, so I can't -not- focus on the tickling, lol.
Great post, 9's. I disagree with your outlook on pot, though. Of course, that's just a difference of opinion, so of course, I'm not saying you're wrong.

I've just found that for me, it seems to help me focus on tickling, and, on the rare occasion I let someone tickle me, I CAN'T STOP FUCKING LAUGHING, so I can't -not- focus on the tickling, lol.

That's totally fair. My experiences with pot have simply not meshed well and I'm much happier not using it, but your mileage obviously may vary. Anything that affects something so fundamental as the mind and human perception is going to be wildly different for everybody. I have a friend who will NOT get behind turntables unless he's fully stoned. Whereas if I tried to spin stoned... let's just say it's not a show you want to have paid money to see. :lol: And my pot smoking days were all quite a ways before I was really getting tickled with any regularity, so I don't really even know how a serious tickling would affect me while high.

And I probably never will. :lol:
Ecstasy tends to blow my mind with tickling. Beyond the fact my empathy for human beings is so much higher (yay serotonin!), my willingness to be touched and to touch others is intensified. I want to be vulnerable, and I find strength in it while on ecstasy.

It's amazing, what a chemical already in our bodies can do (dopamine and serotonin) in the right amounts. Ecstasy just floods us with it, within it's peak, I swear the world becomes so beautiful. Even when I'm not on it, and sober like I have been for years now, I still see the world differently thanks to it.

It's like taking off this gray filter we wear over our eyes and seeing people as they are. For a few brief moments I could love everyone and giggle and enjoy even the softest breeze. Sober, it's not as intense...but I know it can be. I KNOW it can. Just because I can't see or feel it as I did then, doesn't mean it's not there.

Life is beautiful. People are awesome. I wish everyone would experience mdma once, it makes me sad that it was considered for use by psychologists within a therapy setting but the antidrug panic of the 80's crushed its chances.

...but I have faith that people will discover what it can do even without it, I just hope it doesn't take them their entire lives.
I wouldn't mind playing after some weed. More often than not it gets me in the mood to, but I've never tried yet. Sometimes (usually if I get really, really stoned) it gets me a little paranoid, especially around people I don't know well. Right now I'm staying away from the stuff...if I smoke too much my system becomes too tolerant, causing me to smoke even more - I get depressed all the time, introspective in a negative way (my friend calls it being visited by the evil 'weed gnome' - and one should never listen to the weed gnome) and I have headaches, loss of appetite and nausea in the mornings. I also feel like I'm living in a fog...when it's out of my system I feel more alive, or maybe that could just be Spring.

Gonna give up the pot-head thing and only do it once in a while. My lowered tolerance would give it a greater impact. Meaning if I ever did it before playing, it would likely be fantastic. Especially since I enjoy being the lee at times and am not as ticklish as I would like to be. May help a bit.
Ecstasy tends to blow my mind with tickling. Beyond the fact my empathy for human beings is so much higher (yay serotonin!), my willingness to be touched and to touch others is intensified. I want to be vulnerable, and I find strength in it while on ecstasy.

It's amazing, what a chemical already in our bodies can do (dopamine and serotonin) in the right amounts. Ecstasy just floods us with it, within it's peak, I swear the world becomes so beautiful. Even when I'm not on it, and sober like I have been for years now, I still see the world differently thanks to it.

It's like taking off this gray filter we wear over our eyes and seeing people as they are. For a few brief moments I could love everyone and giggle and enjoy even the softest breeze. Sober, it's not as intense...but I know it can be. I KNOW it can. Just because I can't see or feel it as I did then, doesn't mean it's not there.

Life is beautiful. People are awesome. I wish everyone would experience mdma once, it makes me sad that it was considered for use by psychologists within a therapy setting but the antidrug panic of the 80's crushed its chances.

...but I have faith that people will discover what it can do even without it, I just hope it doesn't take them their entire lives.

I strongly agree with this entire post.

There is nothing that drugs do that you can't do with your own mind. They simply unlock your potential mental states, they don't create them. I have DEFINITELY felt that same rush just from a particularly good song, or at really emotionally powerful moments, or while holding my fiancee, or just sometimes while walking down the street and noticing just how amazing life really is.

It's pretty effing fantastic. 😀
I have a friend who will NOT get behind turntables unless he's fully stoned.

I want to hear some of that music :jester: (seriously though 😀)

Originally Posted by method11236
You are amused by the stupidity of someone's sobriety.



did anyone else laugh when they read "-meth" at the end of that post? lol

:hello: Oh, oh...me!! I laughed! :bwahaha:
I want to hear some of that music :jester: (seriously though 😀)

:lol: I'll be honest, he's probably one of the best DJs in North America. He's one of the very few DJs who I would go play back to back with and at the end just go "ok, he schooled me." :lol: Just an amazing talent. Weed or no weed (but he clearly prefers weed!)
:lol: I'll be honest, he's probably one of the best DJs in North America. He's one of the very few DJs who I would go play back to back with and at the end just go "ok, he schooled me." :lol: Just an amazing talent. Weed or no weed (but he clearly prefers weed!)

Well, if you're comfortable, consider sending me a PM with his name or some links or something. I am a big music lover & if he's as good as you say, then I'd Love to hear some stuff by him. (sorry to derail the thread, but...it's for the Music :jester:)
Had a friend tickle someone while they were "high" and he went completely numb. Not a great idea in my opinion.
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