all i can wish for is to wake up on there ship one day lol
^ And this... for the win! You're the creator of TIS saga anyway. This minor 😀 😉
This was one of THE BEST tickle comics I have seen! It's one of my new favourites! I love the artwork, the story, fantastic all around! Ponce and Durate - outstanding work. One of the most beautifully illustrated comics I've seen. I need to take a number out of your books! And of course, Bandito - never ceases to satisfy 😉 LOVE IT!
Bought this one and have to say that its very, very sexy and brilliantly done. Thanks for sharing!
best wishes
awesome news to hear that peterton continues to get worked on ! Been looking forward to this for a long time lol
Along The Hiest this has got to be one of my favorites of TIS/Bounce Chicks....and that is saying something. I always enjoy me some Thompson action and she is usually the one giving it out as shown at the start. It is a pretty good insight into life on board that ship and showing of characters we have literally not seen in a year or more. But my how things changed once the mysterious Doctor arrives on the scene. I enjoyed greatly seeing her go about her business from start to Vanilla Creamered finish.
So Now Thompson ended up even more sensitive then "factory standard". That may...or may not affect how she will go about business. Or maybe one feather stroke can stop her in her tracks. I hope for a combination of the 2 personally. But poor is going to take her quite a few heists to pay that off...which I am sure Pinkerton would love nothing more to catch her at. I greatly enjoyed this comic Bandito.
I do want to know a few things though.
1. What is the Doc's name?
2. If the Doc is doing things like this...what has the Witch been doing?
3. Isn't it time for another big TIS adventure?
4. When will we see The Evil Tickle Monster From Outerspace again?
5. Is Thompson now the most ticklish crew member...or is that still Booki/Koki or Dusty?...or all 4 the same level?
So EMBASSY HEIST is still your favorite TIS adventure? It's definitely one of mine too...but I could never choose a favorite. And LMAO @ "Vanilla Creamered finish". Truly thrilled that you enjoyed the comic, my friend.
Oh man - I just HAVE to get poor Dusty and Pinkerton together again. I just love all the wonderful things Pinkerton bring out in the purple hotty. Although I DO feel bad about it
Dr. Annabelle Sproquette, DMM. (First revealed in THE GREAT TICKLE TRAP Mad Doc bio sheet, I believe).
Yooooooooooooooooou'll seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Got an update on that front for you soon, buddy.
You mean other than the Android Dilemma?
Not sure. Obviously she's playing a small role in the LEGION OF BOUNCE universe right now. Would you like to see Riley make another appearance somewhere?
Gosh. You know, I'd say it depends largely on the day. All of the TIS crew is insanely desperately ticklish. Thompson gets more and more ticklish depending on her settings. Koki and Booki get more and more ticklish the longer they've avoided getting trapped. And Dusty gets more and more ticklish the longer she goes So really all the gals are like the tenderest possible space vixens imaginable.
Yes very much this one is most definitely tied with it.
Now now Bandito....don't let Dusty hog Pinkerton all to herself...I am sure the officer would like to sharpen her interrogation techniques on different races...and see the difference between a ticklish butt and say....a scaily green one? Downey;s ticklish underarms vs Fluffy's. Audrey ticklish pussy vs...well you get the idea.![]()
Can noot forget I saw that...shame on me...shame of 1000 suns!
Oh that?...That...that was more like a...sexual Misadventure....not an adventure.😛
Yes...I most certainly would. She grew on me.
Dusty picks her crew I will say it is her! else do you distract away from your own super ticklishness then to surround yourself with a bunch of of other super ticklish gals who in turn love to tickl each other.
Hey Deeto,
Man it's great to see how you've been expanding your universes. LOB and TIS released so close to each other! Sorry I haven't been giving much feedback lately, but trust me I am buying and loving everything you've been putting out. By the way I love the artist on this. I think he visually manifests the the passion of your writing quite well. The bondage perspectives were amazing too! I hope to see more Of course I like a lot of foot tickling in my comics which this had plenty of. Phenomenal job as always Deets.
ok you got me bandito there would be alot of feathers involved just hoping someone will give the security override to audreys room??? can you help me with that???
I'm a bit late to the party here, but I did want to say how fantastic this was! Possibly my favorite TiS so far, and just another example of what makes this series one of the greatest ever. Huge kudos for this one, guys!
Once you go tech, you ain't ever goin' back.
Another TIS in the works already ??! wow you really do have a lot of projects on the go lol
So the plan is for you to tickle poor Audrey until she squealingly climaxes all over your mean feathers....until YOU get captured and the same thing happens to you? Hmmm...Good plan.
isn't it lol might have to pay for that comic to be drawn, now that you said it out loud sounds soooooo awesome to read ^-^
I'm not going to lie; when you told me that you were going in a new direction with a new artist, that you wouldn't be doing the next TiS comic, I was extremely wary. Hell, I didn't even know the route you were going to go story wise, or who the target would be, but I was uneasy.
And for good reason; Smuggler's Moon was a massive disappointment. Far be it from me to call out the creative abilities of others, but I'm going to be frank in saying that Smuggler's Moon sucked a big one. It's hard enough when you have an artist that is an outsider. It's even harder when their art style really doesn't match up with the quality of the other TiS comics. It's even harder still when the subject material involves a character getting tickled in a very very private area as a flash point, and having all these things come together in a bundle of missed opportunity and cut ratedness. The quality of that comic was subpar, and it's a damn shame because Audrey and the subject material deserved a lot better. Hell, given that material, I'll come out and say that most artists in this community are too prudish to give the readers the graphic details they want to see, and I think that's fucking bullshit. Enough with the implied and barely anything to show for it. Jesus.
Sorry for the rant, but needed to say it. Honestly? Ponce did a fantastic job. The characters had their signature traits, save the missing alien features of those like Downey and the like, but eh. The quality of the art was striking. It was vibrant, colorful, fun, and pleasing to look at. And Ponce got the tickling aspect down very well. Favorite one off scenes would have to be Booki, Silki, and Audrey. As for Thompson herself? That whole damn thing was very well done. Of course, given my tastes, I loved the knobs and dials and switches parts. Got to love those private tickling moments.
All told, this is a great return to form for TiS after a bump in the road. It's probably my second favorite after Embassy Heist, which isn't fair to Ponce because that artist isn't willing to go as far and as detailed as the Dito. Tis a shame though. Great work though. The looks on Thompson's face as she's being tickle devoured and the spasmodic attempts to get away really did it for me.
Yeah bandito is pretty awesome...I mean come on....he broke Batman's back!
Great comic!!! Very exciting girls and the Android is by far super ticklable (sorry for this word I've invented, this means "AILT" - Android I love to tickle). I'd like to see a Part 2 with Android Specialist gets tickled!!! Maybe for reducing her payment or an evil revenge from sexy Bot. And it would be funny that the pretty mature doctor appears to be even more ticklish than Android, especially in some secret spots like hip bones or knees. Thank you very much for such increadibly hot stuff!!!!!!!!!
Holy. Missing. Decimal. Places! Love it!
Yes, this comic definitely deserves a bit praise more than that! I haven't seen Ponce's work before, but this is really amazing art, and a very sexy style, with a great eye for both female figures and expressions. I don' think there are any weak frames here, and I do have my favourites from an artistic and an erotic POV, such as the panel of page 4 where Thompson is stroking her fingers over Dusty's breasts. Both have really sexy expressions in different ways; the devillish intent and the blissful resignation. Also many of the panels where Thompson is being tickled are very sexy in the use of angles that we see here from. I like the one of page 7 where she is looking back with a gorgeous guffaw at her feet being tickled , and while all the girls are sexy, there's something about Dusty (apart from having three boobs) that I really like in this comic. Perhaps it's her hair, her violet hue or her eyes? She looks gorgeous. I quite like the look of Silki as well because here she reminds of a certain buxom (ahem) quietly-spoken brunette from Bournemouth (Deet can guess who), gone all 'Avatar' What a teasing prospect.
If this is not all wonderful enough, the bottom panel of page 14 is a winner because of the positions and the unmatchable expression on Thompson's face. If only I could capture that level of tingly, coital magic on my character's faces. I'd never leave the house!
Lastly but certainly not least is the rich characterisation and dialogue of Bandito, who clearly loves his characters as much as anyone in the tickling community and gives them all a genuine sense of humour, which can be difficult for a male writer writing for female characters, as I have found out. The dialogue from the TIS crew sizzles and sparkles when so many other writers would struggle and fall flat, and this is a testament to how well the creator of the series knows the girls, as is in evidence all through his work from that early TIS adventure he posted some years ago (i'm sure many have seen it but check it out for the sheer exuberance of both the art and the dialogue). Let's also not forget the heat between the characters, and how they cajole one moment and belittle the next, but all with a naughty smile.
What a team we have here, and what a property. TIS is more than erotic. It is also funny and the characters endearing beyond the wonderfully rendered physical dimensions, which is what many tickle artists and creators of comics strive to achieve. It has certainly been achieved here.
Oh, on the song front, I came to think of this number (I think it suits Thompson's nature and persona to a tee, better than any character in my own pantheonwho I struggled to assign it to because I find it filthy, LOL).
There are certainly some swelling similarities, aren't there? ;-) I often think of what the TIS crew and the Fox Sisters might closely-encounter if they were to ever cross paths. The results would likely break the internet.
I think you totally capture that magic, my friend. But we're always are own worst critic, right? Ponce brings a lot to the table, but in the tickling world obviously a lot of the vibe is in the expressions. And he nails them pretty darn well. Good stuff. I hope we can get a few (dozen) more comics from him.
They're a very fun, campy, zany, sexy group of interstellar vixens. With a severe love/hate relationship with tickling. And so many different alliances and crushes and enemies and rivalries and so on that they always make it easy to create a torrid tickling scenario. I like to watch them do their thing. ;-)
Oh....HELL yeah! Love that song. Own it myself. God damn it. Now I need to figure out what MY Android Dilemma song is. LMAO. **Puts on his robo-thinking cap**
Thank you tremendously for the incredible support, my friend. When I saw your post I was blown away. I really really appreciate you taking the time to give us all so much generous feedback. Thank you again.
I dare not, as imagining the Fox Sisters and Bounce Chix was dire enough... awful, it was!
Thanks for saying that. It is very difficult for me to get a satisfactory orgasmic response from the Fox Sisters... uh, I mean.. well, you know, 'capture' that moment...
Anyway, Ponce is definitely on my radar now. His is a style I envy in the execution of the line art. Glorious expressions and real balance between the realism and fantasy-inducing quality of the female form. I love it when an artist hits that area of hotness.
It is very rich in terms of characters. Hopefully, I will open up a few more avenues by introducing some more of my own characters in the next adventure of my series, but many of them are old freaks, so it's not quite the all-tickling, giggling and jiggling boobfest TIS is.
In my previous post I tried to communicate the fact I'd heard that and thought it might suit my own characters in some way, but they remain a bit low tech for most of their adventures, so i'll stick with this (I always imagine Dominic singing it, and for some reason suits the tone of Pandemonium at Prickly Hills. I also imagine that Babs is the one giggling those words at the beginning and like to think of her sounding like that. a silly conceit perhaps, but... 🙂 )
Not at all. I wouldn't have bought it if I wasn't at least intrigued. It's nice to see a professional comic devoted to busty women being tickled.
This is absolutely fantastic, so funny and so sexy
Absolutely loved it all
There is something extreemly hot about the fact that android has those rosy cheeks painted on, like a doll, and then is made to laugh so much...
Brilliant comic thanks
I want a ticklish tickling android girl please.