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Ticklish Meetings

As a married person who has a weekly standing play date with my favorite 'ler, I can tell you that it is an awesome situation, but it would be a lot less so if I had to hide it from my husband. The guilt would really ruin it for me.

In my personal opinion, saying that having a secret tickle friend is okay because you don't have sex is just rationalizing behavior that you know is wrong. If such as thing was really okay, then why would it have to be a secret?
For me, it's not at all bad. I've had "tickle buddies" throughout my entire marriage and before. If it doesn't go any further than tickling, than you're cool. The problem is that far too often a good tickling can lead to other things, which probably aren't so cool. That's why it's important to choose your tickle buddies carefully, and to have the strength of character to pull the plug if it's heading in the wrong direction.

My most recent tickle buddy is a woman from Venezuela in her early 60s. She's got a lot of energy, loves to tickle, and is very good at it. She works nights at my office and comes by on a regular basis to let me have it. There's no sex or romance involved, and so consequently, nothing over which to feel guilty.
Tickle Buddy

tbird01450 said:
Because of my work schedule, I have all day Monday's to myself. I always think how cool it would be to have one or a few female ticklees that I could secretly meet with for tickle sessions.
Being married to a woman that really isn't into tickling, I know there are women out there with husbands or boyfriends that don't share their tickling fetish either.
Would it be bad to have a secret tickle friend if you don't have sex with them? You have to admit that it would be an awesome situation.

I would love to meet for "secret" tickle sessions with someone, but I agree that it's very hard to not let the tickling develope into sex. For me, being tickled and kissed up and down my belly is the most "erogenous" area on my body. The arousal can be so great, how can anyone have that much control to stop the tickling before it becomes something more advanced?
Id love to have a tickle buddy. married or single! i can easily seperate the tickling and sex issue.
I've always had guys in my life with "other interests" than mine. I love that, heck I embrace it. I think it's normal and healthy to have a thing or two that's "just for you." I don't need or want to be the girl at the football game. I've had guys that do the "strip club thing with the boys night out" and I've never given them grief about it. I don't need to know what happened because I couldn't care less. I don't know why I'm wired like that, but I've always been that way. I don't feel I'm doing anything wrong and I don't feel any need to apologize or explain my own behavior at this age. Just my opinion, I know others feel differently and that's what works for them. To each their own. 😀
I used to..

have friends that I tickled and acouple of friends that even knew of my likes. Since moving to Ca though.. no luck. As for youDrew.. have youtaught her english yet? :imouttahe
tickle buddy

I think it is ok to have a tickle buddy i have one that is female every time we get togeather i always end up tickling her and she bloves it i have a signifigant other that is not into tickling but we are not married it is always good to have a tickling buddy as long as it doesen't turn into sex.
I wouldn't want my spouse doing that behind my back so I wouldn't do it myself, I would feel bad. But what are the chances of finding a wife who likes this stuff. I wouldn't want to marry someone who isn't tolerant of my fetish but it's hell being alone so I would probley just settle for something good that came along, so I understand why you guys would want to do that, but I would talk to my wife and let her know how big a deal it is for me rather than tickle cheat on her.
If one can have a fuck buddy

If one can have a fuck buddy, someone you see just for sex with no strings attached, why not a tickle buddy, a friend with whom you tickle and nothing else? I understand the apprehension about the tickling leading to sex. But, at least for me, even with a beautiful woman I can separate the two urges. I would like to have an attractive female tickle buddy whom I could tickle while respecting her limits.
Sex and Tickling Don't Always Go Together

drew70 said:
For me, it's not at all bad. I've had "tickle buddies" throughout my entire marriage and before. If it doesn't go any further than tickling, than you're cool. The problem is that far too often a good tickling can lead to other things, which probably aren't so cool. That's why it's important to choose your tickle buddies carefully, and to have the strength of character to pull the plug if it's heading in the wrong direction.

My most recent tickle buddy is a woman from Venezuela in her early 60s. She's got a lot of energy, loves to tickle, and is very good at it. She works nights at my office and comes by on a regular basis to let me have it. There's no sex or romance involved, and so consequently, nothing over which to feel guilty.

drew, I fully agree with you on that to keep sex and tickling separate. I've always practiced that if a lady gets a little too turned on by the tickle session and wants to "go all the way" then it's time to pull the plug and end the session.
I don't think there's anything wrong with having tickle buddies either outside a b/f and g/f relationship or a marriage especially if your significant other isn't into it. As long as it's platonic it's okay. I have had platonic tickle dates with other guys and David doesn't know about it. Well he didn't he does now and he's more concerned about my safety than anything else. I tell him that I am very careful and all but he's still concerned. I am going to tell how much I am turned on by being tied and tickled. I think he wants's to try it. I'll let you know how it turns out.

Well the question is...if your wife had a fetish that you didn't participate in or were turned off by... Would you find it okay to let her indulge her fetish with another man or a friend of hers???
Ticklerguy4u said:
Well the question is...if your wife had a fetish that you didn't participate in or were turned off by... Would you find it okay to let her indulge her fetish with another man or a friend of hers???
Well that is certainly A question, but I don't know if it is THE question. For me, I can answer yes, but she's bound by the same rules as me. No sex, no tongue hockey, no deliberate contact with private parts.

An example. If my wife loved to suck toes, or loved having her own toes sucked, I would not have a problem with her indulging this fetish with other guys or other women. Personally, I find the concept of people "owning" their significant others significantly unpalatable. Consequently it wouldn't be a matter of me "letting" her do it, because she's free to do whatever she wants, as am I.
As long as relationship is Plutonic

drew70 said:
Well that is certainly A question, but I don't know if it is THE question. For me, I can answer yes, but she's bound by the same rules as me. No sex, no tongue hockey, no deliberate contact with private parts.

An example. If my wife loved to suck toes, or loved having her own toes sucked, I would not have a problem with her indulging this fetish with other guys or other women. Personally, I find the concept of people "owning" their significant others significantly unpalatable. Consequently it wouldn't be a matter of me "letting" her do it, because she's free to do whatever she wants, as am I.

I find myself in agreement with drew on this one. As long as sex or "tongue hockey" (good one, drew) is not involved and it's just ticking only, nothing else, then there shouldn't be a problem.
Ticklerguy4u said:
Well the question is...if your wife had a fetish that you didn't participate in or were turned off by... Would you find it okay to let her indulge her fetish with another man or a friend of hers???

That is indeed the question. Another question is "If there's nothing wrong with getting together with someone else to indulge your fetish, then why not just go ahead and tell your spouse what you're doing?"

There's being a slut (male or female) and there's being an ETHICAL slut. I have no problem with open relationships. And really, if you want to sneak around your spouse's back doing things that would hurt them deeply were they to find out, I couldn't care less. But let's not kid ourselves about the ethics of betraying trust.

I think the ethical rule can be articulated just like this:

If you can't tell your partner you're doing it, you either (a) shouldn't be doing it, or (b) shouldn't have that partner or (c) both. If you choose (b), break up first, THEN have your fun.

All that said, I do realize I've wasted 5 minutes of my life typing this. I might as well be talking to a brick wall.
I think a regular arrangement like this can be a wonderful thing. As a few others have said, though, if you have to keep it a secret then there's something wrong. Whether it involves "sex" (however you describe that) or not, if you can't let your partner know what's happening, then you know perfectly well that he or she wouldn't want you to do it, and that doing it is therefore a violation of the relationship - cheating, by any other name.

So I'd say that if you can get a relationship like this going with the approval of everyone involved, more power to you! But if you have to hide it then it's time to rethink it.
(giggles) I think you mean PLATONIC, yes? 😛
But I know what you mean~and I think people's opinions on this are very subjective. "Purposely hiding" and "not telling 100%" are too very different things IMHO. I mean, who does that (tell 100%), and who wants someone who does? :idunno: Not me. Are you happy? Is your partner happy? Then, what of it? Too many people here give way too much info. A simple "I'm going out with friends for a few" ought to suffice in a secure relationship.

New2u said:
I find myself in agreement with drew on this one. As long as sex or "tongue hockey" (good one, drew) is not involved and it's just ticking only, nothing else, then there shouldn't be a problem.
a few good points

Lot of good points brought up here.

I must admit that if you are doing stuff behind your spouse's back - that is cheating plain and simple. Cheating is not about sex, tongues, or tickles - it is about deception and betrayal of trust. Period. Anything else is just fooling yourself and nobody else. That said, trust is based on expectations. If you and your spouse (or bf, gf, etc.) have no problem with platonic tickle dates then there is no betrayal of trust. It all depends on your expectations and level of commitment.

In my opinion, tickling a married woman without the consent of her husband is a good way to get beat up. It's bad for your health and Iis offically against medical advice. Is it worth it: Let me give you the answer for free: AS A RULE, NO WAY.

That said, if all involved and attached parties agree and the meetings are transparent: great for you! It could be an awesome thing!

Now some people may make judgments of the situation and make exceptions, etc and soforth - and that is to their discretion as everybody's situation is different.

All that stated, keep in mind that there are numerous SINGLE AND AVAILABLE women and men (especially the latter) willing to tickle play with no strings. You just gotta find em. I heard of a guy who put an ad in the paper for a ticklsh lady for tickling, no sex and got a string of tickle play partners (with his wife's approval) with whom he enjoyed tickling play for some time. Yes it can be done if you know what a newspaper is and you can read and write! Any of these guys sitting in places with more than 100 people within a 50 mile radius lamenting that there are no women to tickle really have not tried hard enought or just do not want it bad enough. These women are not going to call you up and say "Hey! I saw you on the TMF, would you like to tickle me?". If it does happens it's like hitting the lottery: Congratulations and don't count on it happening that way again.

This is not to slight the thread starter, as he has a VERY good question and I do not blame him for looking for tickle play partners - that is only natural. I make the last paragraph's comments on a tangent and actually more so in response to other posts from guys in cities with millions of residents lamenting "there are no ticklish women here to tickle". I live in BFE and we have a vibrant tickling community going here. If we can do it in Nowhere, Michigan then you can do it anywhere.

Again my $0.02

With best regards and best luck in finding tickle partners.

Professor Tkl
steph said:
"Purposely hiding" and "not telling 100%" are too very different things IMHO. I mean, who does that (tell 100%), and who wants someone who does? :idunno: Not me. Are you happy? Is your partner happy? Then, what of it? Too many people here give way too much info. A simple "I'm going out with friends for a few" ought to suffice in a secure relationship.
I don't give my husband a play-by-play every time I have a tickle session with someone else, any more than I share every detail of what I had for lunch that day. However, if he ever he does ask about what we did, I can tell him, and I can offer as much detail as he might want without having to lie or omit anything. As far as I'm concerned, if I had a tickle session with a new guy, and told my husband, "I was out with a friend," that would be a kind of lie. I wouldn't want our relationship to be secure and happy because I don't tell him what I actually do.
I guess I can kind of see that. I just feel differently. "Out with friends" to me is not a lie. If you're not a friend, I wouldn't be out with you, it's apples and hand grenades as far as I'm concerned. I know what goes on with the boyz in the strip club, they've dragged me many times, put me on display while they buy me a lap dance. I yawn and roll my eyes, they laugh, yada, yada, yada...

LindyHopper said:
I don't give my husband a play-by-play every time I have a tickle session with someone else, any more than I share every detail of what I had for lunch that day. However, if he ever he does ask about what we did, I can tell him, and I can offer as much detail as he might want without having to lie or omit anything. As far as I'm concerned, if I had a tickle session with a new guy, and told my husband, "I was out with a friend," that would be a kind of lie. I wouldn't want our relationship to be secure and happy because I don't tell him what I actually do.
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If you have to ask then there is probably a moral conflict somewhere in you that is telling you that it is wrong. Advice is what people ask for when they already know the answer and just don't like it.
Just a word of advice...

To you it may be a harmless tickle play but your g/f or wife may see it as "your hands were on another females body" and that my friend can cause you some trouble.
Ticklerguy4u said:
Just a word of advice...

To you it may be a harmless tickle play but your g/f or wife may see it as "your hands were on another females body" and that my friend can cause you some trouble.

Of course. When I read these posts, I can see clearly the people who are hoping for a semantic way out of a moral problem. Forget it. You cannot twist words or logic in such a way as to free yourself of the fact that deceiving your partner is wrong. Again, if you cannot be happy in your current relationship - if having a partner that won't let you play with other people is boxing you in, you have two choices - break up or cheat. If you chose to cheat, at least have the self-respect to acknowlege to yourself that you are doing something wrong. That is, it's probably not a great thing to come back to this forum and announce what you're doing. Yeah, there will be people who say "Oh, that's great," or "I'm happy for you." And I'm sure they are. The question is "can I be happy with myself?" I guess if your life is 100% externally validated, you can be (in a sense). But in the most important sense, if your life is 100% externally validated, you can never be happy with yourself, by definition.
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