Ok - all working now. This story was written with a very old version of the program so it's better to start any new stories with the latest one. I've provided the link from the old cyo homepage
The new program allows the person who starts the story to edit entries and change the order if required. All pages now require passwords to change so remember to make a note of them when you create the story.
Publish the contributor's password if you want people to add to your story.
We have added a section in Spanish class involving feet, underarms and somewhere naughtier (while respecting the no vagina or breasts rule!)
Heather and Anna
612, dear friend Duke Diablo.... or should that be Duchess?
Heather and Anna
P.S Ticklish elf was awesome and you are totally welcome. (We wrote 612: maths class)
And this one! http://www.lewis.cx/cyo/adult/tk/story2/652.html
Heather and Anna
P.S Before after everyone (Izzy and Shadow, hopefully) adds a link they should update it on the thread, please?
P.P.S See webster, your baby is alive and well