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Ticklish twists on well-known board games


Registered User
May 28, 2011

Just thought I'd share a concept I came up with for a tickling game and at the same time kick-start a thread about what other board games could be used as a base camp to have spicy tickling variations mapped over them.

Lovely Ladies and Gents, I give you..."Ticklish Pursuits" (Disclaimer: Any Parker Games lawyers who might be watching, this is for personal delectation only and not for profit :stickout)


- Question cards shamelessly swiped from Trivial Pursuit
- Pen, paper and scissors
- Two paper cups, hats or any other receptacle that can be used to draw lots from
- Egg timer
- Feathers, brushes, soft ties (all optional)
- Two completely naked, willing and ticklish players


- Two players
- All clothing should be shed to expose all vulnerable spots
- Each player has 10 "lives". The player who has lives remaining when their opponent has lost all theirs is declared the victor
- Each player has a deck of Trivial Pursuit question cards. Decide who will take first turn
- Player A asks Player B a question from a card. If Player B answers correctly, they get to tickle Player A. Answer incorrectly and Player B is in for it...
- If Player B answers incorrectly, Player A draws a piece of paper from their "hat" (Labelled "Tickle <Player Two>'s..." This piece of paper will either read (or display an image, to make proceedings a mite more interesting):-

* Feet
* Ribs
* Tummy
* Armpits
* Hips
* Backs of knees
* Chest/boobs
* Inner thighs
* Privates
* Bottom
* Everywhere
* Tickler chooses

Player A now turns the egg timer over and tickles Player B on the spot indicated until the sand runs out. Player B must try to endure the tickling for the duration; laughing, screaming and begging IS allowed but if they say their safeword (agreed at start of the game) or interfere with the tickling in any way (including fleeing, physical violence, retaliation or trying to block the tickling fingers) they are considered to have surrendered and are docked one life.

If Player B answers correctly, Player A gets "the treatment" (thus ensuring somebody is tickled in every round). Repeat the steps outlined above but switch roles.

In addition, each player begins the game with three "Turn the Tables on the Tickler" wildcards. These may be played if the player does not know the answer to a question. The roles are now reversed! The player who used a wildcard tickles their opponent on any ONE spot of their choosing while demanding to be given the answer. If the ler turned lee capitulates, the player who used the wildcard can simply repeat the answer back to them and is adjudged to have given a correct answer! If the questioner holds out until the time runs out, the player who played the wildcard loses a life.

NOTE: You cannot counter a wildcard with a wildcard or play a wildcard on two consecutive turns.

When one player has lost all their lives, the surviving player is declared the winner! They can now demand a prize from their defeated opponent (use your imagination! 😉

This was an idea I came up with a few months back (although I daresay it has been done a million times before in some incarnation) to ease my Missus into the wonderful world of tickling. However, I had to be flexible on some of the rules because she - how can I put this? - does not have a high pain threshold! Plus she is at a massive disadvantage as she is immeasurably more ticklish than I am.

Anyway, just wanted to share and get some conversation going. what other games could be bastardized into tickling paradise?

All the best.
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This sounds like a good idea, but I think we should not have to shed clothes. Privates and boobs should be off limits unless the ticklee wishes. And, you should be able to weir just a bikini (girls) or swim trunks (boys).
This sounds like a good idea, but I think we should not have to shed clothes. Privates and boobs should be off limits unless the ticklee wishes. And, you should be able to weir just a bikini (girls) or swim trunks (boys).

Fully customizable, of course - could work equally well as a tickle game in its own right rather than as a prelude to other things or a means to an end (which it emphatically was in this case!)
Nice thread, maid-ticklin' dude. 🙂 I like the whole 10-lives thing and the wildcards you've thrown in there. Can't say I've ever seen (or thought of) those variables in a Trivial Pursuit tickle game before.

As for other board games...well, I wouldn't want to repeat any of the more common ideas floating around out there, but my fiancée and I thought up this idea for the board game Monopoly (since we've been playing it religiously on Pogo.com together these past few months...it's becoming an obsession, really. That game is so damn fun! 😛 ).

So, lemme try and explain. I hope this turns out coherent. xD

-=:Tickle Monopoly:=-

Basically, the game is played just as it normally would be played, 'cept with simple additions and/or alterations to the rules and the Chance/Community Chest cards. Because of this, players should use a Monopoly set that they wouldn't mind marking up or disposing of afterward. Also, my girl and I configured the ticklish alterations to favor a two-player game. Not sure how it'll fare with more than two players, but I'm sure y'all can figure out how to tweak the rules and cards a bit to suit that.

Ticklish scenarios will occur in four ways:

1) Rent
2) Chance and Community Chest cards
3) "Special" spaces
4) Losing the game

Prep-work would include giving different tickle-related values to each Chance and Community Chest card - that is, with a sharpie or post-it notes or something, one would write a "punishment" or "reward" to go along with whatever the card usually allows. So if it's a "negative" card - say, something like "Spend $50 on Christmas Gifts" or whatever, then the punishment could potentially be, "Your opponent uses a Christmas 'toy' of his/her choice to tickle you anywhere for three minutes." And if the card is a positive draw - "Receive $20 For Winning Second Place at a Beauty Pageant" - then the reward can be, "Give your opponent twenty playful pokes along his/her ribcage."

Get the picture? 😉

Not all cards need to have a punishment or reward, of course. It's totally up to the editor to make these up. For instance, the "Move Directly to so-and-so Property" cards are pretty much neutral, 'cept if your opponent owns said property, then another sort of penalty will be implemented. Also, the dreaded "general/street repair" cards both have special values of which I'll explain later. ( 😀 )

Next, tickle-time values need to be agreed upon per special space or property. So, if a player lands on said space, he/she is tickled by the other player for a certain amount of time (anywhere, any intensity, blah-blah). This includes: Income Tax, Luxury Tax, Free Parking, Electric Company, Water Works, and Jail.

Here's my personal ideas for those spaces:

Income Tax: Player receives two full minutes of tickling.
Luxury Tax: Player receives a minute of tickling.
Free Parking: Player gets to tickle his/her opponent for three full minutes.
Utilities: Player gets tickle-tortured for n amount of seconds, n being the roll value multiplied by 4 or 10, depending on whether the player owns one or both of the utilities (e.g., if your opponent owns both utilities and you land on one with a roll of 9, then you receive 90 seconds of tickling - a minute and a half of coochi-coo!).
Jail: Player receives THREE minutes of non-stop tickle-torture for EACH TURN he/she is stuck in jail, INCLUDING the turn that delivered 'em there in the first place AND the turn he/she gets out, regardless of the method. (So, there can potentially be four three-minute tickle-sessions - twelve minutes in total - if the player so chooses to continue trying to roll his way out of jail and avoid paying the $50. Absolutely BRUTAL to land in jail...especially multiple times!) You can even tie the person up, should you want to sacrifice more time and energy for that. It IS jail, after all. 🙂

Liking this so far? 😛

Once all of that is taken care of, you're ready to play the game with your ticklish friend/soulmate/arch-rival/random stranger/whoever. Clothing can range from casual to naked, though preferrably bare or sock-footed, for obvious reasons. The setup is all the same - money is distributed evenly, tokens are chosen, snacks and soda are served, 80's music is playing in the background, etc. Each person tries to buy properties and so on, so forth, taking/dealing their punishments for the cards they draw and the spaces they land on.

And now we get to the fun part. As if the other stuff isn't fun enough...heh heh. xP

Most of you who played Monopoly before know how the rent system goes...so I won't go into those details (if you don't know, look up the rules online or something). Basically, the person paying rent to his/her opponent also pays "tickle rent." Simply put, the person receives a certain amount of tickling depending on how built-up the property is. In my version, the values are all the same, no matter how expensive the property is (e.g., same tickle rent for Baltic Avenue as it is with Boardwalk), but you can, of course, make it so that it gets worse for each colored property (if you're crazy enough to exert the effort, anyway). I'll list the "tickle rent" values here:

No houses (no monopoly) - Player receives ten pokes.
No houses (monopoly) - Player receives twenty pokes.
1 house - Player receives thirty pokes.
2 houses - Player receives a minute of tickling.
3 houses - Player receives two minutes of tickling.
4 houses - Player receives three minutes of tickling.
Hotel - Player receives FIVE minutes of tickling!!

As you can see, the tickling really adds up after landing on build-up properties so many times. Ain't it diabolical?! :evilha: Even if you managed to gridlock with your foe so that nobody is able to gain a monopoly without trading or something, that can STILL potentially add up to hundreds, perhaps thousands of pokes! 😱

So rent, plus the cards and the special spaces... that can equal a LOT of tickle punishment! But wait...I'm STILL not done!! :scared

This will go on, of course, until someone wins the game, in the conventional way (player goes bankrupt, or player has a higher networth when the time runs out). Of course, there HAS to be a severe tickle punishment for the one who lost...right? 😉

First thing to do is to tie the loser down, however way you want. Bondage will only be used at the conclusion of the game, seeing as people need to use their hands to roll the dice and stuff. 😛 Then, take the amount of money the winning player has as his overall networth, and convert each dollar into a second. So for example if the winner ends up with a $6000 networth, that equals 6000 seconds - or in other words, 100 minutes...or an hour and fourty minutes. That's right. An hour and fourty minutes of being tied down at the winner's mercy. :reddevil: Or if that's too long, then you can make it half-a-second per dollar, or a second per every 10 dollars, or however way you want.

Sucks to be you if you lose, buddeh. 😉

But either way, all variables included, this would make for a very fun, laughter-filled game of Monopoly for all involved, supposing you have a huge amount of time to play just one game. Given the frequency of landing on certain spaces (especially JAIL), all those minutes of tickling can really add up to literally hours of actual tickling for both players, and that's enough to get anyone's toes wiggling!!

So, what do ya think? :super_hap

EDIT: Oh! I almost forgot to talk about the "general repair" and "street repair" cards that are found in Chance and Community Chest, respectively. Since those cards are vicious in the later stages of the game, when there are lots of houses and hotels set up all over the place, the tickle punishment for those should be just as vicious. The cards force you to pay a certain amount to the bank for each house and/or hotel you have up. To add to that, you'll be forced to receive ten seconds of tickling per house you have up, and a minute of tickling per hotel.

So, let's say you have two monopolies, and one has twelve houses on it, while the other has three hotels. That's 120 seconds plus the three minutes from the hotels...which adds up to FIVE MINUTES of delicious tickle-torture for you! Now, let's say you're super good (or super mean) and is pulverizing your ticklish victim to death as he/she keeps landing on any one of your twelve hotels that's dominating your four monopolies on one side of the board...heck, let's even thrown in an extra dozen houses on a fifth monopoly for good measure (since there are ONLY twelve hotels...can't go above that). Mr. Meanie Pants has so many properties up...but then lands on Chance and pulls the general repairs card. Uh oh! You know what that means, do ya? Twelve houses = 120 seconds = 2 minutes, + 12 hotels = 12 minutes...yeah, that's right, Mr. Meanie Pants. FOURTEEN GRUELING MINUTES of continuous ticklish hell from your poor opponent whose suffered so much at your tyranical grip on the gameboard. Payback's a bitch, ain't it? 😉

EDIT EDIT: Just thought of another possible twist to the game. Optional: Players who are in Jail cannot deliver ticklish punishments to his/her opponent for tickle rent or any other thing. So, in addition to the three-minutes-per-round, that poor victim won't be able to have the satisfaction of retaliating until he/she gets out of jail.

Another optional rule that goes well with this is that players aren't allowed to buy their way out of jail. They're only allowed to attempt to roll doubles, at least until the last possible turn they're supposed to be in there for. And if still unsuccessful, they simply pay the $50 after the third try, take their fourth three-minute tickle punishment, and move on from there.

These two rules can make the Jail space a very, very frustrating and frightening space to land in! 😉


In order to play this game to its full potential, you'll need to allow at least four to six hours of gameplay, including the penalty tickle for the loser at the end. To limit this, you can implement a time limit on the game itself, but it's advised that you keep it above three hours at the least. Because of the long ongoing gametime, it's advised that you give yourselves maybe a ten minute break every hour or something, as playing a strenuous tickle game of Monopoly like this for a super-duper long time CAN be dangerous. Please, please use common sense and take breaks at regular intervals...and know when to quit if you or your opponent really can't handle anymore.
That Tickle Monopoly sounds amazing. Although due to the time involved, it might be best to split it into sessions over several days, with the final punishment being the culmination of say, a weeks build-up.
wow nice, those r both amazing twists on those games, i just keep it simple thinking of stuff like ticklish twister
Nice one, Dalekfire!

Scrabble would be another prime candidate. Whoever produces the word that clocks them the least points each round then has their fingers "scrabbled" over their body!

And this one just struck me in a flash of Saturday morning inspiration - not an "active" tickling game as such (although there is no reason why you couldn't rule that the loser of each round had to suffer a tickle forfeit), but how's about Tickle Top Trumps?

You could pick any category you wanted: Superheroines, sports stars, celebs; Each attribute would correspond to their ticklishness on different parts of their body (e.g. She Hulk Armpits: 7 Sue Storm Armpits: 9).
Count me in 🙂

Can't play poker and iam not worth stripping, best keep to monopoly perhaps 🙂

Mind you i like a bit of fun: could always be taught strip bondage poker :stickout.
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A Drunk Tickle Monopoly would be fun, where, aside for tickling forfeits if one hasn't the money for rent, there are other forfeits and pleasures; In the UK version, if you land on Whitechapel Road you must tickle the elected 'whitechapel whore' (male or female -we live in an enlightened age). If a player lands on Piccadilly, they must recite 'tickled silly at Piccadilly' ten times, and they get tickled if they slip up. If a male should land on MaryleBONE street, the female players then tickle his junk until he gets a bone...

Or am I going too far? I did say Drunk Tickle monopoly. I guess if you don't want to play, then you're not drunk enough.

Additional rules;

The 'community chest' is the female player with the largest breasts, which must be tickled by the player who lands on the square.
Landing on a square with a hotel means paying the rent and spending a round in underwear or bare feet. If rent can't be paid, then the near naked player must be tickled.
Any player who lands at Mayfair must get naked and pose like a Mayfair model, and hold that pose while being tickled, until their turn comes again.
Jail... you don't want to know.
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Lol like the twister idea.

Guess the word could also be fun. Incorrect letter guesses could result tickles, the amount to be determined by the position the letter is in the alphabet, ie, G= 7 pokes/tickles.
How about a board game called "Escape from the Tickly Wickly Mansion". The whole idea is your a male or female person whose been kidnapped and brought to a dark, mysterious, and haunted mansion known as Tickly Wickly. During a dark and stormy night, you must hop through the mansion t from room to hallway, corridor to stairwell, naked, bound, and gagged, trying to find a way to escape! Each player also plays a little porcelain doll which hunts the other players (so each player tries to be the first to escape as well as hinder the other players).

Get caught by a doll and your figure is brought to a torment-specific area of the doll-controller's choice and YOU YOURSELF must be subjected to a torment that the room implies by all the other players for a certain amount of time. Board game comes with sturdy self-assembly rack (and attachable spinning static dusters run by via electronic plugs at various places at rack), manacles, handcuffs, box o'matches, various gags, pinwheels, feathers of all shapes and sizes, and a time clock for counting down how long a captive can endure being tickled without bursting out into laughter.

Later expansions come with other bondage devices to assemble as well as itching powder, a huge/long ostrich feather boa, and other various tickle devices. Final expansion comes with a video camera, dance mat, and a variety of sexy show outfits to dress captured players in while forcing them to dance bound and gagged on the mat while video taping the entire thing. ^_~
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Sounds fun. I had a ticklish twist on Twister before and that was fun - until I fell flat on my face. 😛
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