I would like to give some background history as to how this thread came to be. Let me first start off by saying this thread wasn't made for my personal pleasure! Now I can't say I haven't perved out, but it wasn't the original intention of this thread. The story goes as like this.
One day I was browsing the image forum and a guy friend of mine had posted pictures of himself. Well the title of his thread stated it was male pictures, but the replies were all from guys saying crap like, "Ewww why did you post that? Now I need to go throw up." He also got no replies that were from women or even replies that were very positive. For some reason it really pissed me off. I set him a private message saying I left a nice reply and I was sorry that the forum was full of assholes ( Yes I know not every guy here is an ass.) Well then I went back and looked at Kittentoes thread and saw it was originally for girls only. Well I noticed when guys started posting there it wasn't well received. One person even said when guys post it kills the thread for a while. Well a light bulb went off in my head. What if I made the male version of it? What if I made it and put a spin of show us ladies what you got? I knew you guys were always dying to see pictures of us. Why can't the ladies finally put a face to these guys that are always comment on our pictures. Also thought how awesome it would be to have thread where guys could finally post pictures of themselves and hopefully not have asses say they want to vomit. I also thought this thread could also help guys looking for play partners or relationships. As a way to sponsor themselves and let the ladies see them. This is how the thread got started. Look I also knew when I made this thread that a lot of guys weren't going to be happy, but frankly I didn't give a damn! Look I can't force you to enter this thread. You are entering at your own risk, so there is no need to send me whiny private messages about how you feel you lost your masculinity. To all the guys that were brave and awesome enough to post I want to say thanks and hope there will be many more down the road. I know this thread hasn't be around as long as Kittentoes, but I hope it will never die. I understand some people can't post due to being found out, but I can't believe this is the case for everyone.