What should the tournament system look like? Should everybody just play everybody with 2 points awarded for a win, 1 point for draw, and 0 for loss? Then the persons ranked 1st and 4th will play each other in a "semi final" as well as the ones ranked 2nd and 3rd?
If we get a lot of people to play I guess we could implement quarter finals as well, but then I don't think everybody will be able to play everybody anymore since it will be too time-consuming. We'd have to split the competitors into at least two groups.
I'm just throwing ideas out here, but I suppose we'll have to wait with deciding till we know how many will participate. 😀
2 for a win, 1 for a draw seems to work fairly well.
It really depends on how much participation we get. If there's a lot of interest, we split people into groups of, say, 4, and they all played each other, we then get the winners of each group to play each other, and so on.
If there's less people involved, everyone plays everyone and we simply tally the scores. Can duke it out if there's any ties, too.
Connect four is where it's at! 😀
I'm in.
Might we want to consider some kind of play-by-mail program? I just think it might be hard for everyone to commit to a certain real-time period, since we all have different schedules, timezones, etc etc.
I'm in.
Might we want to consider some kind of play-by-mail program? I just think it might be hard for everyone to commit to a certain real-time period, since we all have different schedules, timezones, etc etc.
If we do get enough people in, we ought to do it the way fencing tournaments are run. Smaller groups, randomly configured for round-robin, keeping track of everyone's points. Then once that's done, a direct elimination table where first plays last (or gets a buy into the next round), second plays second last, etc etc. Not sure if that's what you meant, Artoo.