1.] Was there any time even for a brief moment that you actually thought The Rapture was really going to happen?
2.] What do you feel has changed most about yourself within your fetish based off using the forum/meeting folks/chatting/ect ?
I have a much clearer understanding of myself and what need and want out of relationships. It's hardly been a direct line, but going to Los Angeles gatherings really set me on the path to a lot of those realizations.
3.] Is there a place you want to play/have a session where you have not yet had the chance?
Not that I can think of, particularly.
4.] What is the purpose of play/scene for you? What do you hope to get out to of the experience?
It's situational. If I'm playing with my girlfriend it's just as much of an expression of our commitment to each other as sex or the various acts of domestic service she performs. If it's with a play partner it can run the gamut from just joking around and having fun to the scene basically serving as a cleansing ritual. If I'm playing publicly at a club, it's typically with my girlfriend or somebody I'm already close with, and while the personal connection there is important, it's more about showcasing something both parties are passionate about (and I'll cop to the fact that it feeds my ego).
5.] If you were asked to do a workshop at a kink conference, what topic would you chose to do? Why?
Something on the psychology and working of 24/7 relationships, specifically focused on those in which you're in a D/s or M/s relationship with someone who is simultaneously you're primary (or only) romantic partner.
Or, to be a bit more glib about the title: '24/7 relationships. Hey, this isn't how the described them in those erotic novels.'
6.] Do you enjoy rituals in your relationships? What is your favorite?
Yeah. We leave each other love notes around the house; it's nauseatingly cute.
7.] Do you switch? Have you been asked to switch? What was it like? Did you like parts of it?
I have. When I was being trained a bottomed quite a bit. It helped me understand my limits, relate more to the experience of the person on the other end, and was generally just a lot of fun. I still try and follow the 'Me first' rule when playing with something new. When I was learning how to pierce, I worked on myself for weeks before deciding I was ready to put one in my girlfriend. If it's legitimately something I couldn't practice on myself, there's one or two Doms I would be comfortable asking if they could use it on me. I certainly have masochistic tendencies, but they're all related to piercing in some form or another.
8.] What was that trigger moment when you began to wonder about your place in life?
After I graduated high school, I fell into the worst depression I've ever been in. Largely due to total uncertainty about what I was going to do with my life at that point.
9.] How do you recover from the ending of a relationship?
At the end of my previous one (which went 6 years), I was initially going back and forth between relief that the entire drama had finally ended (the last few months were positively brutal on both of us) and pretty intense anger at all sorts of random incidents from the relationship that I remembered for no logical reason other than it was the emotional equivalent of a divorce and such an event can cause your mind to start boiling and throw up all sorts of random things. A few months went by and it was now the summer before my senior year of college, it was the first time in like three years I hadn't taken coursework during the summer semester, and for the first time I had no real responsibilities as well as not having an increasingly toxic relationship which was gradually erasing me. So I got to do whatever the hell I wanted, managed to get into the best physical shape I've ever been in, and just had fun going out to clubs most weekends and drinking with friends several nights a week. Through people I met during this time, I found the group of people I think of as being my tribe, and in October of that year, I suspended for the first time.
Later on, I realized the entire process had been a cleansing ritual that lasted several months.
10.] What are some things people not know or guess about you?
In spite of how I live my personal life, I actually work a pretty buttoned down office job.
2.] What do you feel has changed most about yourself within your fetish based off using the forum/meeting folks/chatting/ect ?
I have a much clearer understanding of myself and what need and want out of relationships. It's hardly been a direct line, but going to Los Angeles gatherings really set me on the path to a lot of those realizations.
3.] Is there a place you want to play/have a session where you have not yet had the chance?
Not that I can think of, particularly.
4.] What is the purpose of play/scene for you? What do you hope to get out to of the experience?
It's situational. If I'm playing with my girlfriend it's just as much of an expression of our commitment to each other as sex or the various acts of domestic service she performs. If it's with a play partner it can run the gamut from just joking around and having fun to the scene basically serving as a cleansing ritual. If I'm playing publicly at a club, it's typically with my girlfriend or somebody I'm already close with, and while the personal connection there is important, it's more about showcasing something both parties are passionate about (and I'll cop to the fact that it feeds my ego).
5.] If you were asked to do a workshop at a kink conference, what topic would you chose to do? Why?
Something on the psychology and working of 24/7 relationships, specifically focused on those in which you're in a D/s or M/s relationship with someone who is simultaneously you're primary (or only) romantic partner.
Or, to be a bit more glib about the title: '24/7 relationships. Hey, this isn't how the described them in those erotic novels.'
6.] Do you enjoy rituals in your relationships? What is your favorite?
Yeah. We leave each other love notes around the house; it's nauseatingly cute.
7.] Do you switch? Have you been asked to switch? What was it like? Did you like parts of it?
I have. When I was being trained a bottomed quite a bit. It helped me understand my limits, relate more to the experience of the person on the other end, and was generally just a lot of fun. I still try and follow the 'Me first' rule when playing with something new. When I was learning how to pierce, I worked on myself for weeks before deciding I was ready to put one in my girlfriend. If it's legitimately something I couldn't practice on myself, there's one or two Doms I would be comfortable asking if they could use it on me. I certainly have masochistic tendencies, but they're all related to piercing in some form or another.
8.] What was that trigger moment when you began to wonder about your place in life?
After I graduated high school, I fell into the worst depression I've ever been in. Largely due to total uncertainty about what I was going to do with my life at that point.
9.] How do you recover from the ending of a relationship?
At the end of my previous one (which went 6 years), I was initially going back and forth between relief that the entire drama had finally ended (the last few months were positively brutal on both of us) and pretty intense anger at all sorts of random incidents from the relationship that I remembered for no logical reason other than it was the emotional equivalent of a divorce and such an event can cause your mind to start boiling and throw up all sorts of random things. A few months went by and it was now the summer before my senior year of college, it was the first time in like three years I hadn't taken coursework during the summer semester, and for the first time I had no real responsibilities as well as not having an increasingly toxic relationship which was gradually erasing me. So I got to do whatever the hell I wanted, managed to get into the best physical shape I've ever been in, and just had fun going out to clubs most weekends and drinking with friends several nights a week. Through people I met during this time, I found the group of people I think of as being my tribe, and in October of that year, I suspended for the first time.
Later on, I realized the entire process had been a cleansing ritual that lasted several months.
10.] What are some things people not know or guess about you?
In spite of how I live my personal life, I actually work a pretty buttoned down office job.