Littlebighead said:
I have a phonographic memory. All my literature is on tapes, these days...
I've heard of photographic memory, of course, but you're the first person I've ever known who actaully has the ability. Does it help you process information or just store it for you? And is it selective? I mean, can you illiminate data that's irrelevant? I've never read much about this phenomenon, and my understanding of it is thin.
My memory can be pretty unreliable, especially for information I don't personally use (abstract historical data, say). I have particularly poor recall regarding names. Don't think that hasn't caused embarrassment!
I haven't been tested for it, but I'm almost sure I have it. I can recall very vivid images, sounds, voices, noises, lines, dialogue, and even slight changes in the environment, like atmospheric pressure and I have great depth perception and visual aqquity. I seem to be very sensitive to these types of things.
I also have what you what is it called when you have both a photographic memory and a phonographic memory?
To answer you questions specfically:
1.) It helps me both process and store information, but I'd say mostly store at first, then I'm able to filter things around, which happens on it's own. I don't intentionally do it all the time.
2.) It can be selective. Sometimes what I call "static" gets through though, extra hash I don't need, so I filter it out.
3.) Yes, I can illiminate data, though sometimes its difficult if that image or sound was dependant on something else or attached to something else. So sometimes its takes longer than other times.
Don't worry, it happens to the best of us. Just the other day I had trouble recollecting someone's real name, rather than their online name. Though I'd like to think it can be excused due to other factors.
This is probably a huge reason why I am articulate. And spiritually, it helps as well, it helps me sense things. Of course, thats another matter for another time.
For something I have I sure don't know enough about it. I've got some net searching to do tomorrow.