Lohkthyte said:
OMG!!! I didn't know you're a wrestling fan, too! Well, I haven't seen Finley in a while (blame fact that I can't convince parents to get a bigger package for cable).
What happened in the match? Damn... Benoit and Finley put on the best shows, IMO. Haven't seen them at each others throats for a while... I'll just assume they went at each other like dogs frothing at the mouth... then again... that's what they always do.
So... what happened? Must... find... out... and yeah, IMO, anytime Finley and Benoit bang heads is something to behold. They far surpass that of something like Cena vs. Edge. Well, my opinion.
But... on with what was previously discussed.
I'm not going to give you a play by play. But they both showed their technical ability in the ring, and they exhanged locks and holds many times. They were pretty evenly matched, which made it a good mid-card event. It could have easily been the main event if it had to be.
Finlay cheated at the end by using a chair, and the ref, as always, didn't see it so Finlay ended up winning and advancing in the King of the Ring tourny. Its about time the writers give him a push, although Lashley is probably the favorite to win the thing, which means it wouldn't have mattered if Benoit had won the match.
Lohkthyte said:
Well, you insulted me. You could apologize, you know...
Peh. I'm not so sure there's nothing for me to hurt you with. I mean, the whole vampire thing aside, you're a human being. You have feelings. I'm sure I've hurt them. Might be in a small way. Might be in a big way. There are degrees that one gets hurt. Even if you're nicked, you've been injured. Am I making any sense?
If you feel insulted, I'm sorry you feel insulted. But I'm not sorry for what I said.
And no, you are not making sense because you are not using COMMON sense. This situation is not about me, so how could it have possibly hurt my feelings? I am not the one whose from a group who is under scrutiny and I am not the one in your current position. It takes alot to hurt my feelings and you simply have not done that.
Also, I don't even like vampires. Its just an SN, not an identity. I know it seems like a contradiction, since goths are often into this sort of thing and I am not nor am I goth myself. I have been considering an SN change, regardless.
Lohkthyte said:
I blame ADD. Causes random crap to happen at the wrong time. Sure, I could control the ailment if I really wanted to but hey, letting it go freely into the world is just far too much fun.
Yeah. Fun. Look where your letting it go freely has gotten you here. If you're not going to be responsible and help your own ailment, either by medical drugs or all natural cures and treatments, then you're only going to complex the ailment further. Do yourself a huge favor and nip it in the bud. Until then, if you have enough control to control it then its your responsibility.
Lohkthyte said:
I don't argue that often. Usually, fights break out and (insert some random event here) then winner usually... well... wins.
"It's not about who's right, but who's left."
I never really saw it that way.
Lohkthyte said:
Not really... you didn't seem very indifferent when you started saying that goths were this, and goths were that. Seemed really biased, eh?
I wouldn't say that I'm doing this to myself. You come back as well, and just add more fuel to the fire.
If you want this to stop, we both have to be at an agreement. Right now, we're agreeing to disagree. We both have to agree on something more positive together.
Though I said what I said, it was from an indifferent perspective. Identifying and explaining traits, and things like that does not mean I have a vested interest in them. All it means is that I am or would be able to explain something to a degree whether I personally care about it or not. Though the matter is highly controversial, I did not focus on that, but rather the facts of life, which in turn validate much of what Oriya and I had said. It was merely a matter of conversation as this is a webboard, to be used for such things.
You keep defering to ME to decide for YOU what YOU want to do with YOUR thread. Its your thread, make up your own mind. As I said, I'm indifferent here and don't care what direction you take with it. You don't need my permission or anyone else's.
Lohkthyte said:
Why wouldn't I think that you came here to fight? You butt into something that didn't concern you. Check back on your second post here. It didn't have to involve you at all. Is oriyaborealis your friend or something? That I can understand. But there were better ways to go at defending your friend other than rushing in with an angered tone.
Why would you think that I did? Just because I had a different perspective to share? This topic concerns me automatically, because by posting it you are welcoming people to at least read it.
I wasn't defending him, but rather his point. There is a huge difference.
As only I can know whether I was angry or not and things like tone are not always possible to inteprete on a messege board, I say no, no I was not angry. Annoyed, a bit, angry no.
Lohkthyte said:
Reevaluating my priorities? Ok. I can live with that. How about leaving each other at peace?
Yes, reevaluating your priorities. Can you really? Based on how you've handled my posts, I'm not so sure.
Lohkthyte said:
The only way I can agree to peace is if you can respect the goth culture. It is a diverse, grim way of life, so expect different goths to express themselves in different ways. In that, we are all different. But we are the same in that we all have some morbid facination of one thing or another...
I don't need a history lesson. I know what goth is, and, more importantly to the original topic, I know what it is to the typical urban teenager. Having said that, you have to accept that I have a right to not respect it if I don't want to. In which case, once again, I am indifferent toward it. It is not being goth that is the problem, rather, it is in one's own station while being one and how they handle that appropriately or completely immaturely and ridiculously.
Whether goth or not, when they fail as people theres nothing to respect about that, because they've allowed themselves to degenerate into a pitiful mess.
Lohkthyte said:
And, if you will, respect that I am human, one who is led by emotions and instict, and can have those feelings easily hurt.
You're being overly mellowdramatic. And thats the problem. Your humanity was never being questioned, nor was your ability to feel pain.
Lohkthyte said:
I'm sure you expect something of me. Now... what do you demand, if anything? Can we reach any form of peace between each other at this stage?
I expect nothing from you nor do I want anything from you. Stop being so "sure" about things you really have no way of being sure about. I demand nothing nor want anything from you.
Again, I gave you a pass early on, but you didn't take it. This could have ended a long time ago. Its not about peace, its about you buckling down and realizing you don't need other people's permission to stop talking to them or to ignore them. You don't need my say so, nor anyone else's.
Really now, this is the internet, where you maintain as much of an anonymous identity as you desire. I do not have the ability to physically confront you here, and you are in no danger in choosing what you wish.
Do what you want, you don't need me to do it. You've taken this 'war and peace' scenario too far and your theatrics are boring.
Lohkthyte said:
(Extends an open hand to Vlad)
*drops some spare change in his hand*