You've repeatedly and tactlessly demonstrated how you feel about authors bumping their stories. If it was done in excess, I can understand your concern, however, that has not been the case. In every thread you've posted, which has, from what I've seen, only on jersey_tickler's threads, the reason for the bump has been for the announcement of another chapter which is about to be released to that story. That is NOT frowned upon. A lot of authors do that, and it's accepted gladly to those who hadn't had the chance to read the prequels.
I don't understand why you've made it so personal with him, but I can tell you that the proper authorities have been informed and you will be watched closely, so I suggest you be respectful and considerate, and stop harassing him.
There are many ways to offer constructive criticism without being downright callous. It makes you sound like a whiney child. Put yourself in someone else's shoes for once and think of how you would feel if your comments were posted over and over again on your stories. Believe it or not, I'm trying to help you.