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TS - Day 04 - Ragylan Marshes.

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Level of Lemon Feather
Jul 13, 2003
A Cold Dawn.

Active Character:
Maximos Valerios.

The clarion pierces the silence with its shrill call.

The soldiers groan and grunt, gasping and pleading for a scant few hours of rest.
The Dekarkoi show no mercy, kicking the slackers to their feet.

"Rise and shine, little flowers."
You stride through the ranks, your new smaller kyros securely strapped on your close-shaven head.

"Rise and let us march on, for the glory of the Emperors."
Darth Vegeta's original post.

Marching on.

Maximos Valerios had refused to ride the horse.
If the men marched... he'd march.
Just because they had some spare horses that was no excuse to get soft.
Walking with his men... he encouraged them to sing.
Singing all that came to mind, even insults to superiors was there only true freedom.
He smiled at the songs.
His men were disciplined unlike some Centuries in the legion.
His Cohort was the best too... the first of the legion.
His helmeted face turned to look at the swampland they passed.
He had sent riders to scout the flanks, the rear and the advance.
They were in theory in friendly lands... but that was it.
He refused to take chances.
He would not be a lower ranked version of Kayzar.
And luckily his Miliarkos and the other officers had supported his decision.
At least this legion was not led by an incompetent politician.
He was of such elitary class but he had learned. And so had the others.
And he was glad knowing in whose hands his life was. As were his men glad to be in his.
They all knew from the past that the leadership could be a lot worse.
The thundering noise off the armoured disciplined column of Legionaries was huge and intimidating.
But Valerios had gotten used to it.
And even adored the imperialistic noise off it.
Through Marshland.

Active Character:
Maximos Valerios.

Swamps are alive with buzzing and croaking sounds.

Paved road is almost no more, just a treacherous muddy lane, soft with recent downpours.

Many of the younger soldiers complain and throw curses: they are ankle-deep in water, slugging through the mire, and fighting with hungry mosquitos.

The pathway is worse than you expected. Even the Miliarkos stares back agape, without no good explanation for this.

Imperial structures are coming apart, in Tharagya: local Vigiles should have warned you of the flood!

You heard somebody say Ragylas had been abandoned, about a century or so before, but you can't believe nature has gnawed back so much, so quickly.

This was meant to be the in-land road! You had taken it to avoid the marshland, not to plunge straight into it!

Trackers, leading the way for the vanguard, call in for the officers.
The Miliarkos, perched atop the saddle, prompts his horse to trot on.

Sloshing through mud, you march on, to listen to their report.

The Swamp is Alive!

"Hoc, Dom, alive!" spits the grizzled old tracker "And it is no figure of speech."
He is riding a short, stocky mare. Her dark coat is wet and dripping with mud.

The road, straight on, is almost unpassable, he said: many slabs have been dislodged, and it wasn't by accident.
Somebody did it on purpose: the smaller blocks had been removed; the larger ones smashed asunder.

Whoever had done it, had the tools and time aplenty.

Back in Talanya, bandits were far and few, and sure they had no gall to do something like this, let alone the opportunity.
Vigiles closely patrolled the roads, preventing crimes and arresting highwaymen before they could strike.

Tharagya, on the other hand, is giving you are very cold - and wet - welcome.
Maxiomos Valerios nodded. He was soaking wet already. He wore his thick black cape for extra warmth and protection. “Tell the men to be weary” he ordered a nearby optio off his Cohort. The man nodded and trodded off at a firm pace through the mud back to the men.
‘Best not to take any chances’ Valerios thought.
He turned to the scout keep an eye out for anything unusual” he said to the scout who had come to speak to him. “How is the situation in overall?” he asked not being able to eye the entire marching column. The trackers from a distance could.
They are all monsters, Dominus!

Commotion is spreading through the ranks.

The trackers are reporting nonsense: they say the swamp is haunted by monsters, and the vanguard is under attack by hundreds of them.
OOC: recently read a new book on general Roman History. Busy with one about Greek Military History and a marvellous one about Caesar. It always stuns me how different interpretations there are on both figures, systems and mindsets.


Maximos frowned "Stop talking nonsense man. There are no monsters. If there are attackers they are men..." he said. He turned to his men "Get ready for trouble..." he said to the nearest optio "Everybody needs to get Shields at the ready..." he turned to 3 nearby horseriders "Now get back to the front off my detachment and get orders from my superiors. I need to know what their orders are" he said.

Men like him kept order in battle and maintained sound tactics. But the decisions before true battle erupted remained mostly entirely in the hands off legates or whoever led the Legion or Legions. His hands were mostly tied.
OOC: perhaps it would be best to move some off the threads together. There seems to be some lack off activity.
Darth Vegeta said:
OOC: perhaps it would be best to move some off the threads together. There seems to be some lack off activity.

OOC: Since my char. does'nt know where he is at the moment, plus I really don't know what to do with him right now, could I ask permission to join this storyline, if at all possible? Of course I don't know how we could work him in...perhaps as one of the "monsters" one of Maximos' trackers reported on? I leave this decision to Kal and Vegeta. No offence will be taken if refused. Play on...
OOC: I don't mind. I also suggest that after your intro and a few posts we move forward with the Legions and get them to a location with some more chars. But it's your call Kal.
OOC: Very cool, I've only had my char. interact with a couple of others, and going solo was getting a little boring. So this'll be a nice switch. Play on...

It had seemed like Stapleton was walking forever. With every footstep, the fear in the pit of his stomach became colder. He had been following a trail leading through the forest. A trail, that seemed to be made of two parties. One person, and an animal of some sort. It was very distinctive and easy to spot, since the footsteps in the earth seemed to show a struggle of sorts. It looked like the animal was resisting being taken, judging by the way its pawprints dragged in the ground.
Even though Stapleton was walking as fast as he could, he felt like he was'nt making up any ground on the pair he was pursuing. There were no sounds of an arguement or struggle of any kind, and Stapleton had excellent hearing. However, he would'nt give up...he could'nt...not for the sake of his Companion's safety. He pushed on through the trees, keeping his eyes and ears tuned in, to the sounds around him.
Suddenly he froze, keeping his position low to the ground to avoid any eye contact. He cocked his green head as he listened to the sounds in the distance. There seemed to be footsteps up ahead. Somewhat careless it seemed, as if the person did'nt care if he was seen or heard. But wait, there seemed to be more than one person walking through this forest. In fact there seemed to be more than two...more than three. Stapleton's eyes grew wide as he listened. There seemed to be hundreds of them! But what were they doing way out in what seemed the middle of nowhere. He could hear voices shouting, but the words were muffled by the trees.
Stapleton's curiousity got the best of him, and he crept closer to the sounds that came from the forest. Perhaps if they were friendly, he could ask them if they had seen his beloved were-wolf, Makambo....
OOC: 🙂 welcome in the thread. My char is a bit away from you. But I'm sure they'll encounter soon. Now just to wait for Kalamos.
Caught by Surprise!

Trudging throught the thick, syrup-like slime, Maximos can't swiftly reach the collapsing ranks of the marching column.

Against his better judgement, he had to bow to his superior, the Miliarkos, and let a small baggage train slow the troops down anyway.

Spinless Tharagyan swines! Couldn't they bear to leave their slaves and serfs behind!
Now Death herself will be their bed-mate, and embrace their damned souls in her chilling bosom!

Cursing under his breath, the Kentarkos fights to rally his men, as quicksands and unseen assailants threaten to throw the line into complete disarray.

Fall back!

Active Character:
Maximos Valerios.

The soldiers are quickly losing heart as their comrades get cut down from an invisible foe.

You grab a large Skutamos shield, and raise it while shouting orders to the soldiers around.
To little avail.

It is chaos. Men and horses alike fall down in tangled heaps, letting out pitiful moans of pain, as their flesh is being tormented by ghastly bolts.

"Haunts!" you hear somebody cry out, in anguish. "Spectres are attacking us!"
The greenhorns panic, scampering away, only to be swallowed by the treacherous marshland around.

A few seasoned soldiers form in, trying to assume a close formation, raising their skutamoi to the unseen attackers.

You hear the characteristic thumps of arrows connecting with leatherbound wood.

Some legionnaires spy over their shields, to see that they've been hit by mundane missiles - evil-looking barbed shafts, but mere bolts nonetheless.

"Simple arrows they are!" your Dekarkos roars, almost relieved by the fact you are facing a cunning, yet natural foe.

The soldiers cheer back, raising their skutamoi again, against the next volley.

A second, then a third shower harass your ranks; only a couple unlucky men get cut down, pierced through their unarmoured thighs.

Most survive the attack; your Dekarkos is holding onto his shield convulsely, trying to look calm as he looks at you for directions.

"What now, Dom?"

Dead and dying men litter the marshlands; you can hear desperate groans from all around, as the ambushers are - probably - dispatching the wounded and robbing their corpses.

"What, now?"
"Keep the line...!" Maximos yelled "Keep focussed. And calm. United we can overcome all!" he said.
As soon as the men resumed a form off discipline Valerios frowned.
"We're not going to keep standing in the mud packed into each other. Our strength lies in the disciplined offence..." he said dryly "We move forward but disciplined" Maximos said. "Hold the rank and be careful" he ordered.
The men started to advance towards the fools who had moved out off the treeline to kill the fallen.
Onward, to battle.

The first lines draw closer, leather creaking and metal clanging as the agmen grows thicker.

The soldiers raise their skutamoi and lower their spears; the testudo starts rolling, a slow, uneven trudge, as caligai sink in the mud ridden soil.

"Onward!" shouts the Dekarkos, drumming on his shield with his garathios.
"ONWARD!" reply the brothers in arms, as they join the Dekarkos in the thundering dirge.

Hold the Ranks.

Active Character:
Maximos Valerios.

Deep within the agmen, you direct your men to the attack.
Live or die, they'll do that with honour and discipline.

Threading carefully over the bodies and the treacherous pools, the testudo marches on, at a painfully slow pace.

Your men are clinging closer than safe; should a new shower of arrows hit you, they'd be easy prey, close-packed as they are.

Yet, you can spy sheer terror in their eyes; only a handful of them show some familiarity with actual combat. Most only faced a mock-foe in staged fights.

Now, we'll see how good that drilling was.

As you move on, you count several bodies around; as a rough estimate, you managed to rally about 50 men.

Only 50, out of over 200 you left Kaphraktos with.

Your Dekarkos yells sharply, snapping you out of your reverie: the attackers are scattering, you can see their dark forms darting towards the low hanging bushes.

You warn the men to keep their shield up, and pray for the Emperors' aid.

The road narrows into a winding muddy lane, with thick vegetation beside and above.

As your agmen draws closer, a few impatients raiders let a couple of arrows out; you can hear muffled curses as the bolts fall a few paces short of their target.

The soldiers slow to a jittery halt, spying the treeline from under their shields.

Behind, you hear the shrill cries of women being assaulted; the raiders probably reached your rearguard, and they are now having a go at your baggage train, and the hapless slaves.

"Your orders, Dom?"
The cruelty off war

"We cannot the bagagetrain. We must defeat the main force before us before we can deal with the rest" he said.
"We advance... and we kill" he said dryly "And we hope we can finish this threat before we get outflanked" he said raising his sword high.
"Forward... for the Empire!" he ordered.
The line moved on.
"Prepare to assault...".

As soon as they'd be within the textbook distance they would attack... but not before. They would advance calmly for now... .
The enemy would have as much trouble reaching them from front or back... troublesome terrain worked both ways.
He also hoped the plunder and the small rearguard left at the baggagetrain would give them the needed time.

As soon as they reached the small horde off assailants Maximos spoke "Ready..." he said.
When they came within range "Prepare to fire the pilum..." he said.
As the enemy awaited them... taunting with cries and the battering off sword on shield... the Legionaries prepared to throw their light pilum.
"NOW!" a volley was fired.
There was no time for a second. Not everyone even carried a second one because off the situation.
Now it would be battle... . Gladius and heavy pila would be the weapons off choice.
"Maintain the line!" he yelled.
His right handman repeated the orders.
"Charge!" he ordered as they were within reach.
The line charged forward. Barely breaking as they were close to the enemy.

In a few moments... the two groups would clash... .
For the Empire.

Fifty armoured men grimly charge the thin line of bandits.

The half hearted attack dies off as the foes scatter about; only a few of them stay behind, only to be cut down as blades of grass.

Vyrai and garathioi strike true; the surviving raiders flee, trusting the vegetation to hide their retreat.

As the agmen loses coherency, more bandits pop up, from under the bushes: they let loose an arrow or two, felling a couple more soldiers.

"This is no proper way to fight!" curses a recruit, quivering from under his shield.

"Hit and run tactics, they use." mutters the Dekarkos, as the unit forms back into a solid testudo.

"Cowards!" spits another soldiers, shaking his skutamos to the unseen foes.

Guerrilla Warfare.

Active Character:
Maximos Valerios.

Your forces are quickly dwindling. Perhaps 45 legionnaires or so survived so far.

The impatient raiders blooped their ambush; you had time to warn your men, before the bandits could let loose their wicked bolts, from point-blank distance, and cut you down to the last man.

Had they waited a bit more...

Now, they are using guerrilla tactics to draw you closer and deeper in the forested marshland.

You feel as if hundreds of eyes were spying on you, ready to strike as you show your back unprotected to the sneaky foes.

Behind, cries and shouts from the baggage train tell you the battle is still raging on.

Your men look upon you for directions.

Feel free to ask for a "sit-rep", before committing your troops.
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OOC: a what? And please do 😛


Maximos frowned "Where are the scouts and the cavalry?" he frowned "I need them" he said to his optio.
Inspecting the Field.

Active Character:
Maximos Valerios.

You peer, from under your helm, trying to make out details from the battlefield around.

Light is filtering through the canopy above, but if your calculation are correct, sun will go down in a few hours.

You surprise yourself by thinking, in the midst of combat, that you'll be late for your evening report.

Deyos, you have to fight for your life now, no time for idle thoughts of that kind!

Your agmen is currently arrayed in a close formation, in a mud ridden clearing,
facing a narrow lane.

Vegetation is thicker, that way, almost shielding the swampy track from human gaze; for a brief moment cries subside, and you can hear the buzzing and natural sounds once again.

Raiders must be taking their time, back at the baggage train; desperate cries do pierce the air, at times, so you must presume the pillaging is still going on.

Before your unit lie a few felled bandits; while they first looked like beasts, they are just wearing pelts, giving them a feral appearance.

No surprise the wetnoses mistook them for haunts.

Your men seem esitant to march on; beyond the clearing, the muddy track is only a few paces wide, at best - your agmen would have to collapse and join a narrower formation to fit in.

As your troops stand motionless, spying the thicket for enemy signs, you hear a soft rustling.

You can barely tell its general direction when you feel a swooshing sound, and a pitiful moan beside.

Another soldier's been hit; his shoulder pierced by a barber arrow.

As you clench your teeth, the cowardly knaves let a few more missiles loose, almost teasing you into charging them headlong.
Valerios Maximos: For all men can be slain...

"Look at them men... these are not beasts but mere men! Undisciplined raiders! They strike in a lowly way but that is because they fear us. United we can defeat them. Imperial discipline will prevail!" he yelled inspiring his men.
He looked at his men. Some archers were among them. "Form a wall. We advance slowly. Protect the archers... protect each other. Archers... fire when you can!" he ordered. "We cannot loose the eagle!" he said. The signifer stood next to him.
Hold that up!

"To the Selyban! To the Standard of the Moon!"

The Kentarkos yells twice, before realising those were East-Morean troops, recruited and trained to fight under the sign of the Sun!

Cursing to himself, the leader repeats his orders, shouting his head hearse, almost lifting the scared signifer to air.

"Hold the Signa up! UP!!!"

The agmen advances slowly; men fan around, leaving gaps for archers to shoot through.

In ancient times, when the Republic was young, bowmen used to come from the lowest rungs of Morean Society.

The Morean Army was a hard-hitting melee-monster; fresh recruits considered a honour to serve as lightly armoured spear-casters - but all longed to raise in rank and become full-fledged soldiers.

Nobody took the lowly bowmen seriously - they were good to catch some game, to add some flavour to the dinner with, but that was that.
No army could win with arrows alone.

Until Kayzar tried to conquer Althwyr...


Active Character:
Maximos Valerios.

Rightly feared, Aygosian Archers are renowned for their keen sight and even keener humour.

A few of them joined your detachment, when you left Kaphraktos; you wish you had carried along more.
Nobody could expect *this*...

As you direct the formation change, you count a scant four, maybe five of them. Not enough to turn the tide of battle - but maybe good for driving a few cowardly bandits away.

"Show them they cannot provoke the Empire without feeling the wrathful caress of its iron fist!"

You could swear those disrespectful perverts are chuckling!
Laughing at you!?

"Alright, slackers! Let them feel your stings... in the heart, for a change!"

The closest archers sneers, while drawing his heavy composite bow.
A veritable masterpiece of horn, sinews, leather and wood, the Aygosian Arcus is considered the final equaliser - capable of killing patrician and plebeian alike, in the hand of a proficient shooter.

While few in numbers, most of the archers manage to strike true - as the pitiful moans of felled raiders can testify.

"That's it! Let the scum know we will not suffer casualties without retaliation, now!"
Counterattack: Maximos Valerios

Maximos frowned. Where the hell are the other men of the column?
And the cavalry? And had nobody protected the flanks during their advance?
There would be hell to pay when he... if he got back alive.

Reaching the forest edge... he frowned.
Entry into it would be ridiculous. The enemy archers had fled into it.
It would be impossible to track them and eliminate them.
He had hoped to draw them out... they weren't biting the bait.
He snorted.
There had to be a way... .
The first few skirmishes they won but if he advanced there only advantage would be lost.
Across the field he noticed something...
A small bridge leading over a stream.

If they took position there... the enemy would need to leave the forest by quite a long bit.
He scratched his neck. Behind him there was much noise at the baggagetrain.

Either he could try to take position there or encircle... move over the little bridge flanked by the river and the plain to buy time and end up behind the attacked baggagetrain.

"Alea Ecta Est..." he murmured.
His second frowned a moment.
Every time Valerios Maximos said those words it meant they were in a tight spot and he was about to do something ridiculously daring, risky but if it worked it would improve their chances.
"Form a wall of steel! We're going to do a little retreat..." he said.
"Archers keep an eye out..." he said.
Slowly the troops retreated but not back to the baggagetrain. They moved towards the stream... .

Archers fired back and he lost another man. But it seemed that the enemy was hesitant to leave the forestedge.
They had no clue as to what the enemy were up to.
And perhaps... they were more battered than expected.

The bodies on the ground near the forestedge made the formation loose up a bit but as soon as one veered towards the river where no conflict had been the formation tightened again.
In the distance there was still sound of battle. Apparently the raiders had trouble in their skirmish against the well trained guards left behind. They probably had merged on on spot forcing the enemy to face them.

"Move the men over the bridge... maintain a shield wall" he said to the optio "After that we're going to attack the remnants of the raiders at the baggagetrain in the back" he said "Let us hope the archers do not expect it and think we're running off..."
The stream was muddy and rather big. In the distance he saw another bridge. It would be problematic to get into the stream and out of it for the enemy.
That was good.
But it would not be a too big obstacle... .

As the men took place at the other side off the river they marched with great speed to the baggagetrain.
They were weakened. Some were slightly wounded but mostly there numbers had been greatly thinned.
Even some of the old veterans Maximos knew and had depended upon during his first years had died in this pathetic attack.

'Such a waste...' he thought.
His optio, a close friend of his remained firm though taking care of the flank that might be attacked from archers still.

Upon seeing the signifer's eagle his heart rejoiced though...
Even this disaster could be overcome if they acted as true Imperial soldiers.
Disciplined, determined and versatile.

But what worried him was... what kept the others?

Approaching the baggagetrain. He saw some skirmishing in the distance. The Raiders were gaining the upperhand. Many women and children had been killed.
Anger filled the hearts of the men... .
Maximos had anticipated this... .

"Hold the lines men!" some wanted to rush forward even though that went in against their training.
"Only together we can bring vengeance to those barbarian scumbags!" he said.
"Take no prisoners... let none live... kill kill kill and do it fast... for danger lurks at our flank!" he said to them.

The Legionaries formed ranks ready to attack.
"Advance!" he ordered.
The Legionaries began to move.
The Raiders only know noticed the trouble they were in.
But the carts, mules and belongings... even the killed formed obstacles and as they wanted to retreat the defenders attacked them in the back.

Seeing the chaos... and a chance to kill them before escaping he deemed it worth the risk to assault prematurely... .
It would break the ranks but in this situation with all these things in the way... rank was useless.

"Attack! For the Emperor!" he yelled. The men roared "Mars Mars Mars!".
Charging forward the Legionaries crashed into the raiders in the back.

Blocking blows and stabbing forward Maximos held the center... moving forward. Enraged and under the effects that came from battle.
A true adrenaline rush.
Blocking a blow... he struck again. And again... .
Until all lay dead.

He breathed tired... .
Looking around he recognised the men staring at him... waiting for orders.
On the floor he saw a face her recognised... an old friend. He sighed... .

"Form ranks... form ranks!" he said. The few survivors of the baggagetrain escort joined him.
There were even 2 archers among them. And some off the women and old man who had survived by staying behind the escort held weapons too.
He refused to sigh.

'What now?' he frowned. The archers would soon be upon them unless they gave up... .
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You are still stranded in the marshes; you are down to about 40-45 soldiers.

You've reached the baggage train, even with survivors and the odd cavalryman, you are leading just a fraction of the whole army column.

And Bisanthium is still two days too far...
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