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TS - Day 06 - Northern Tharagya.

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I see the big tent. The guards stand about, watching all those that enter. Finally, after all of my tracking, the target is in the very tent before me. After seeing the supposed leader leave, no one has entered, except for two cloaked persons. One of those I knew was a woman, for I saw her right before she entered. I heard muffled laughter from the tent. Could it be that the target is being tortured? Well, it wasnt an opportunity I could pass.

With the cloak over my head, I walk towards the tent. The guards nod and acknowledge, permitting me to enter the tent. As I walk I see several women tied to posts and two more leaning over a man tied to the ground. I realized that 3 of the captives were the ones I followed the day before. It was a perfect opportunity to get them for being such a hassle of a mission.

I walk over the man, kneeling towards his head. The other slaves who were tickling acknowledge me as well, signaling me to begin.
"Hmmm, this should be fun..." I say, raking my nails upon the man's ribs. Slowly raking back and forth. My hand glides from his ribs to the upper sides, reaching his underarms.

"My, you are quite the ticklish one..." staring indifferently
OOC: sure i suppose. Perhaps the slavegirl that popped up before and is in the tent of the Merc commander? After all she was the one supposed to pop up. EDIT: hmm seems three now. Who is the new player char?


Valerios was by now hitting his head against the end of the table trying to let pain drive away the ticklishness.
He stopped and looked at the newcomer "Who..." he let out a short laugh as he tried to slide a few inches away from one pair of hands landing right into the territory of another pair "Are you?" he added.
His face was slightly red from lack of air but mostly a blush off embarassement.
"What is it you all want anyway?" he let out another semi-surpressed laugh which he quickly cut short they hadn't found too ticklish a spot yet to his great joy.
His breathing was a bit erratic by now and his chest moved up and down at a less cooled pace.
His gaze for a moment drifted to Rachel and the Elf.
He quickly looked away again. He barely saw Rachel except her legs and of the Elf he saw things he wasn't entitled to see.
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((Kalamos, I hate to intrude over here, but since it seems everyone has 2 characters could I possibly make one for over here? I have an idea I kind of like; should I do that on the characters page, or do it in a playground? Question for Cassandra too of course 😉
Technically speaking, they don't have *two* characters.
They are playing NPCs under Narrators' direction, as allowed by rules.

You could ask Cassandra to "loan" Rachel out while she is away, or you could play a fourth NPC slavegirl, so you can play while Tanandra is inactive.
((hehe 4 slave girls, this is gonna get messy for Valerious 😛 )
ticklishrilina said:
((Oh, I appologize, I thought thought Vegeta and Cassandra had 2 different characters 😉)

No problem. Just ask me and I am ready to help, if I can.
OoC: I don't mind if Rilina takes control of Rachel, at least for this thread. And I'm a little confused about what's going on right now. How many of the slavegirls in charge of torturing Valerios have already entered?
OOC: actually i do i even uploaded the bio of a second char. Question is... where did he go to Oo;
OOC: aaaah there they are i hadn't made a decent fullfledged bio for Magnus. Because since he's on his own for the most part i'd like him to become a pc. The dad can stay what he is an occassional and useful occuring NPC which people are free to let popup.
You know my stance about multiple PCs.
Why do you need a second char, Darth? 🙂
OOC: you have a stance on them? As for the other one because threads are constantly freezing is why i put him in the other thread. So i'm rping always somewhere. Plus he's the main antagonist from my hero.
I am usually against allowing multiple PCs; that is my stance. 😉

About frozen threads, that's unavoidable in multi-player situations.
I could solve the problem in a pinch, by controlling NPCs myself, and push you guys to the next scene.
But you'd still have to wait for other players to post.

I can only suggest you guys try and find a suitable co-player, with matching preferences and *pace*.

Finally, unless you are leaving Valerios and Tacidios back for a while, you should not be playing Magnus as well, at the same time.
You could post in a Sandbox, though, just to keep your writing gears well oiled.
But I am specifically against players controlling antagonistic characters.
It defeats the purpose of role playing.

I am sure we can work something out, so feel free to write me about that.
We've been through slow spells, with scant few players, and the need of keeping the game alive, even by bending the rules a bit.
I'd rather stick with the notion: one player, one active character.

You haven't replied to my question, though: whom would you like to team up with, to speed your gaming pace up?

I can have you team up with Kimiko, and let Rilina and Noelle play a slower paced game.
Noelle's char hasn't really joined this gaming continuum, so I could ask her to meet Rilina back in Bisanthium instead.


Or, I could freeze this Action, while Cassandra is away, and let you play Magnus's side story.

Please keep in mind I am not partial on letting you guys have several concurrently active main characters in this game.
(( I just want to play the one character if possible. Just tell me what ya want me to do, and if I should post the next part, and its done 🙂 ))
Ok, I'll be posting Actions for you while Cassandra is away.
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Kymis sat, watching the ordeal. It went on for quite some time, Valerious eventually succuming to laughter as the slaves tickled him. She could see that the redness on his face was caused only partially by the experience, some of it being from his embarrasment. But he wasn' t the only one embarrased in the tent. Kymis had tried to keep her head down throughout, worryingly thinking about what she would have to go through herself. And she had seen that Rachel had turned red as well, throwing sympathetic glances at Valerious occasionally, but mainly trying not to watch. She too must have known what would be coming later.

After a long time had past, and the sun was coming down outside, a gaurd put his head into the tent. He waited for a minute, watching the spectacle and grinning to himself, before telling them they had to stop. Reluctantly they got up, and after undoing the gags on the prisoners, they left. Valerious was still occasionally twitching, and panting to get his breath back, daring not to look up, such was his shame.

After a few minutes, still nobody spoke. Kymis decided to try and break the ice.
"We have to get out of here", with which, she continued trying to loosen her bonds.
Good: I'll be using bold face to give you DM-like narration.

You haven't eaten a full meal yet, and you are weak, scared and unsettled.
You keep pulling against the bonds, but without outside help you are not going to cut through.

This would be a good moment for Lust, Noelle's char, to appear: guards are getting tired, relief has yet to come, and since they feel safe, they are slacking off and skimping on security measures.

She could easily sneak in, as previously, planned, and pretend to bring food to the prisoners.
TS - Day 06 - Outside Bandit Camp.

Prying Eyes.

Active Characters:
Noelle "Lust" Sivios.
Saphyr Rythana.

Inactive Characters:

Why Denwyn had to stump you down with a partner defies reason.

He wanted you to take somebody familiar with Patrician villas along - as if you couldn't take care of the matter yourself - and to add insult to injury, he ended up choosing a little Rythian wretch to help you out.

Rythians are just loathesome:they won't worship the true gods, they consider females nothing more than property, and the women themselves do nothing to fight the oppression, as if content with their condition of glorified pets.

To her credit Saphyr did a good job, talking her way inside the Valerios estate, but you don't wholly trust her yet.

"Want to sneak in at dusk?" she chirps.
"That was the plan" you quip, without turning your gaze away.

The bandit camp is just a small palisaded stretch of soggy soil, on the northern outskirts of the Ragylan marshes, not too far from the wiry vegetation, engulfing the remnants of the paved road.

Tents litter the inside, thown around in haphazardous fashion, without a true sense of style and strategy.
The southern rim, for instance, is severely undermanned, and guards are slacking on their job, avoiding a fairly large damp spot altogether, in their patrol routes.

You kept probing and scrying the defences from a safe distance, all the day long, and you have a mental picture of the camp layout.
The shortest way in, the shortest way out.

Your target should lie not too far from the western gate - the second largest tent: people kept visiting it all over the day.

Lying back on the gnarled limb, you check your weaponry, mentally rehearsing every move, as a part of a soundless dance.

Sun goes down beyond the irregular slope, ad occasum.
The last rays catch a few glints off the enemy spears.
From the camp come music, singing and rejoyful commotion.

You signal Saphyr to move.
"Now is the moment."


Declare actions. 😉
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