TS - Day 06 - Outside Bandit Camp.
Prying Eyes.
Active Characters:
Noelle "Lust" Sivios.
Saphyr Rythana.
Inactive Characters:
Why Denwyn had to stump you down with a partner defies reason.
He wanted you to take somebody familiar with Patrician villas along - as if you couldn't take care of the matter yourself - and to add insult to injury, he ended up choosing a little Rythian wretch to help you out.
Rythians are just loathesome:they won't worship the true gods, they consider females nothing more than property, and the women themselves do nothing to fight the oppression, as if content with their condition of glorified pets.
To her credit Saphyr did a good job, talking her way inside the Valerios estate, but you don't wholly trust her yet.
"Want to sneak in at dusk?" she chirps.
"That was the plan" you quip, without turning your gaze away.
The bandit camp is just a small palisaded stretch of soggy soil, on the northern outskirts of the Ragylan marshes, not too far from the wiry vegetation, engulfing the remnants of the paved road.
Tents litter the inside, thown around in haphazardous fashion, without a true sense of style and strategy.
The southern rim, for instance, is severely undermanned, and guards are slacking on their job, avoiding a fairly large damp spot altogether, in their patrol routes.
You kept probing and scrying the defences from a safe distance, all the day long, and you have a mental picture of the camp layout.
The shortest way in, the shortest way out.
Your target should lie not too far from the western gate - the second largest tent: people kept visiting it all over the day.
Lying back on the gnarled limb, you check your weaponry, mentally rehearsing every move, as a part of a soundless dance.
Sun goes down beyond the irregular slope, ad occasum.
The last rays catch a few glints off the enemy spears.
From the camp come music, singing and rejoyful commotion.
You signal Saphyr to move.
"Now is the moment."
Declare actions. 😉