"Ladies, would you be so kind as to untie me...."
The women, almost trance-like, removed daggers of their own and sliced through the ropes. Seeing what was happening, the advancing mercenary stopped and stared dumbly for a moment. Shaking himself out of his stupor, her took three steps forward before throwing his knife with deadly accuracy despite its length.
With an almost sleepwalk-like fluidity, one of Orion's former tormentors caught it and threw it back. Caught completely off-guard, the man stumbled back before falling down, his own dagger buried in his throat.
"Now if you two would be so good as to kill the rest of your companions," Orion said, "I have to become...decent."
The women-warriors drew their weapons and flung themselves towards Rachel's tormentors while Orion almost casually slipped back into his clothing, his iron mask not able to hide his glibness that was designed only to mock Longinus.