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3rd Level Black Feather
Aug 22, 2010
Did anyone watch CNN this morning?There was a press conference about the presence of UFO activity around nukes sites.You,ve got to check this out.It,s right out of The Day the Earth Stood Still.
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Did anyone watch CNN this morning?There was a press conference about the presence of UFO activity around nukes sites.You,ve got to check this out.It,s right out of The Day the Earth Stood Still.

Don't believe in UFO's...only Alf.
Alf,s cool and you don,t need to believe,but did you check it out? It,s bizarre.CNN.com UFO,s eyed nukes.
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That's a bit disturbing. Anyone remember the Spiral Vortex over Norway?
That's a bit disturbing. Anyone remember the Spiral Vortex over Norway?
Yes it is.When I awoke this morning the tv was on so I only saw a few seconds.Later I wasn,t certain if had actually heard it or dreamed it,so when I got back from class I went online to make sure.I don,t know anything about the spiral vortex.What was it and what happened?
No i didn't check it out.
That,s OK, I don,t know anything about Alf except Mom had a doll,she would have been 43 this year.As for the sarcasm.....as Captain Beefheart said...One cold vibe won,t stop this here boogie.
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From what I could tell, the "spiral vortex" was an out of control missile. I could be wrong, as I really didn't pay much attention to this. As far as Aliens go, I am reasonably sure it's not them. XD
You are not too bad either Your Purpleness😉it would be different if it was just a couple of clowns making these statements but these are pilots, air traffic controllers and investigators from the military.
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Did anyone watch CNN this morning?There was a press conference about the presence of UFO activity around nukes sites.You,ve got to check this out.It,s right out of The Day the Earth Stood Still.
The word UFO is a perfect example of how activist extremists distort language to their own advantage. "UFO" was a perfectly innocent Air Force acronym which meant (and still means) "unidentified flying object", with emphasis on unidentified. People have always seen things in the sky that weren't immediately identifiable, and in many cases never became identifiable, because a great many UFOs tend not to hang around in one location. In the past, many people thought these UFOs were angels, or whatever supernatural beings were widely believed in whatever culture the observer(s) lived in.

Then came the aerospace age and suddenly UFO observers were starting to talk about ET space vessels. If you tell the average person you saw an alien space craft, they will laugh at you, maybe behind your back but there's laughter nonetheless. So the hardcore space-alien believers started looking for some "legitimate" way to describe their sightings, actual or theoretical, and lo and behold somebody latches onto the USAF term U.F.O., which described an occasional pilot observation with no controversial attachment.

But the alien-visitation nutjobs have managed to corrupt this objective term to the point where if you say UFO today, the average listener automatically assumes you're talking about space aliens. The MSM has had a great deal to do with spreading this nonsense because why let intelligence get in the way of a good controversy or conspiracy?
UFO? Hell yes UFO. Gerry Anderson rocks! I wanna go to the SHADO Moonbase.

I wonder if they'd let me wear a purple wig. 😉
That,s OK, I don,t know anything about Alf except Mom had a doll,she would have been 43 this year.As for the sarcasm.....as Captain Beefheart said...One cold vibe won,t stop this here boogie.

uh i wasn't being sarcastic..i truly do not believe in ufo's...
You are not too bad either Your Purpleness😉it would be different if it was just a couple of clowns making these statements but these are pilots, air traffic controllers and investigators from the military.

That's what makes it interesting and worth investigating, though. I think any such claim by a credible person should be investigated. Not that I buy into the idea of aliens coming to Earth, but I'd like to know what's actually causing them to see strange things in the sky. I think it's perfectly explainable phenomena. For example, a missile spiraling out of control. XD

I could go on and on about the various physical laws that prevent aliens from reaching Earth expediently, but that's all explained quite well on Wikipedia.
I think any such claim by a credible person should be investigated. Not that I buy into the idea of aliens coming to Earth, but I'd like to know what's actually causing them to see strange things in the sky. I think it's perfectly explainable phenomena. For example, a missile spiraling out of control. XD

See, that is exactly what fascinates me about UFO sightings, but sadly, the part that is usually overlooked! It's like it has to be aliens or nothing. If someone sees something, people will either say it's aliens and never look further into the matter, or they'll assume the person is nuts.
So many of the UFO explanations are fascinating in of themselves. Like the weird blue galaxy-like swirls over northern Europe that are in fact an incredibly bizarre malfunction of a Russian missile.

They look like special effects on a show like Stargate or Enterprise. Big blue energy swirls!

There's all the silly urban legends about the photos. That they're wormholes or something, but it's just a shitty Russian missile fucking up during night-time testing.

Edit: Here's the best video I can find! The first one here. http://www.universetoday.com/47219/what-was-the-norway-spiral/

Warning: It's in Norwegian.
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I,m glad that everyone of you got the chance to give your opinions about this,I,m just putting it out there.I hope that each of you watched this as I have.I can,t imagine what it must have been like for these men to stand up before reporters and give these statements knowing that 99.99% of the people will simply write them off as liars and nutjobs after serving their country.What they have seen I have no idea but it certainly made an impression on them,enough to risk their careers and be ridiculed.
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I think if aliens did indeed show up around earth they would not waste time just popping in look at us, then to leave. I believe in U.F.O., meaning I believe there are things in the sky that cant be identified right off the bat. I'll take in the alien version when they do something besides just look and run 😛. It's not impossible for them to get here though, not at all, we just don't have the tech to really travel through space effectively. I major in astronomy/theoretical Psychics and in theory long distance space travel is possible, just many years ahead of us. I mean long distance within one lifetime as well, in short time is relative to how fast something is moving. Go near the speed of light time for you slows, so getting somewhere about 20 light years away would take 20 years for people back on earth, but for the people traveling to it, they would arrive sooner from their point of view, and have aged that amount of time (lets say they only aged ten years). That's just guessing any alien race just uses speed and does not have a firm grasp on how space-time works.
You make a very good point as have everyone else,this seems ridiculous,I know.Has anyone ever seen anything that they were unable to explain?Something that seemed to defy the laws of physics or was perhaps just an optical illusion,I have,once,and I wasn,t alone,we were not stoned or drinking,we were probably 14 or 15,that,s why I find this so fascinating.I was too amazed to be frightened but my best friend was,he found it very disturbing and we never mentioned it or discussed it again,but we both know that we saw something.It looked like the tip of a chrome zeppelin protruding out from behind a cloud,a cloud that we wouldn,t have been able to see without this orange light reflecting off of this object,it made no sound,it just sat there,that is the best discription that I have.It wasn,t the moon or northern lights,I don,t know what it was.It was a dark summer night and we were my my backyard,I wanted to go and wake up my Dad but I thought that buy the time that I did it would be gone and he would think we were crazy.I had to walk my best friend home.
You make a very good point as have everyone else,this seems ridiculous,I know.Has anyone ever seen anything that they were unable to explain?Something that seemed to defy the laws of physics or was perhaps just an optical illusion,I have,once,and I wasn,t alone,we were not stoned or drinking,we were probably 14 or 15,that,s why I find this so fascinating.I was too amazed to be frightened but my best friend was,he found it very disturbing and we never mentioned it or discussed it again,but we both know that we saw something.It looked like the tip of a chrome zeppelin protruding out from behind a cloud,a cloud that we wouldn,t have been able to see without this orange light reflecting off of this object,it made no sound,it just sat there,that is the best discription that I have.It wasn,t the moon or northern lights,I don,t know what it was.It was a dark summer night and we were my my backyard,I wanted to go and wake up my Dad but I thought that buy the time that I did it would be gone and he would think we were crazy.I had to walk my best friend home.
As I may have poorly indicated in my previous post, UFOs are real. The Air Force didn't invent the name for a joke, it describes an actual set of aerial observations.

What is not realistic is a leap to the conclusion that UFOs are of extraterrestial origin, specifically of ETI origin. As Isaac Asimov pointed out, once somebody calls a sighting an alien spacecraft, it has stopped being a UFO, it has become an IFO, I for identified.

It is proof of the dishonesty of the space-alien conspiracy crowd that they insist on using "UFO" to name what they insist are identified events: alien spacecraft sightings.

This is what President Carter was trying to explain when he said he had seen a UFO. UFOs are real, space alien visitations ... not so much.
I major in astronomy/theoretical Psychics and in theory long distance space travel is possible, just many years ahead of us. I mean long distance within one lifetime as well, in short time is relative to how fast something is moving. Go near the speed of light time for you slows, so getting somewhere about 20 light years away would take 20 years for people back on earth, but for the people traveling to it, they would arrive sooner from their point of view, and have aged that amount of time (lets say they only aged ten years). That's just guessing any alien race just uses speed and does not have a firm grasp on how space-time works.

Let's put aside the fact that it would require an incalculable amount of energy, and would probably destroy both the ship and the pilot. Person A is inside of a ship that can go "near the speed of light". Person B is the outside observer. When Person A starts up the ship and gets moving at near-light speed, Person B will perceive Person A going slower than they actually are. Person A will never likely reach light speed and it will take considerably longer to reach the distance of 20 light years. Person A will have perceived those years normally, but Person B's grand children will probably have died of old age by the time Person A reaches the destination point.
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As I may have poorly indicated in my previous post, UFOs are real. The Air Force didn't invent the name for a joke, it describes an actual set of aerial observations.

What is not realistic is a leap to the conclusion that UFOs are of extraterrestial origin, specifically of ETI origin. As Isaac Asimov pointed out, once somebody calls a sighting an alien spacecraft, it has stopped being a UFO, it has become an IFO, I for identified.

It is proof of the dishonesty of the space-alien conspiracy crowd that they insist on using "UFO" to name what they insist are identified events: alien spacecraft sightings.

This is what President Carter was trying to explain when he said he had seen a UFO. UFOs are real, space alien visitations ... not so much.

I understand, as soon as some figure of authority gives this object a name it is no longer considered unidentified. This seems to me at least to be semantics. Let me qualify that by using an analogy....something or someone has been sighted lurking in your neighborhood at dusk and just before dawn by a few people....motor skills suggest a human, due to the clothing that this unknown is wearing, race or gender cannot be determined, there are no points of reference so height and weight are also a mystery. So what do we know for certain? Well, we know that the suspect is wearing a Dallas Cowboys cap. People are tense and uneasy because the story spreads quickly. Police are called to investigate. Three weeks later a press conference is held and the Police Captain states that the case has been indeed solved and the answer is that it is someone wearing a Dallas Cowboys cap. Case closed.
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I understand, as soon as some figure of authority gives this object a name it is no longer considered unidentified. This seems to me at least to be semantics. Let me qualify that by using an analogy....something or someone has been sighted lurking in your neighborhood at dusk and just before dawn by a few people....motor skills suggest a human, due to the clothing that this unknown is wearing, race or gender cannot be determined, there are no points of reference so height and weight are also a mystery. So what do we know for certain? Well, we know that the suspect is wearing a Dallas Cowboys cap. People are tense and uneasy because the story spreads quickly. Police are called to investigate. Three weeks later a press conference is held and the Police Captain states that the case has been indeed solved and the answer is that it is someone wearing a Dallas Cowboys cap. Case closed.
That analogy doesn't apply. There's no dispute about whether your lurker is a human, presumably adult-sized, and wearing a specific identifiable item of clothing. And the case isn't solved until they can put a name to the suspect.

That is hardly the situation with the vast majority of UFO sightings, which are often highly disputed among multiple witnesses as to size, distance, specific description, etc.

My point was that the space-alien enthusiasts insist that UFO sightings are all phenomena caused by ETIs, regardless of actual evidence (e.g., a verified alien spaceship).

Once a UFO gains a specific identification, it is no longer a UFO. Many UFOs have been subsequently identified and not one of them has ever been a verified space alien ship. Therefore the insistence by activist ETI proponents that all remaining UFOs must be space alien ships is far-fetched, to put it mildly. Not to mention the fact that naming them as ETI phenomena puts them (wrongly or prematurely) into the IFO category.
Look, I,m basically arguing against myself here because as I have stated previously that I saw something that I can,t explain. Let,s face it, the vast majority of people do not believe in UFO,s, let alone studying such phenomina and most people that do believe probably wouldn,t admit to it in any sort of public forum for fear that they would face scrutiny. There is no need to convince me, I,m on your side, but if the object is no longer present, then how am I to prove that I saw it? That,s all. All that I,m trying to say is that it will come down to the credibility of the person and as a 20yr old university student and lay-person, not professional in any field, yet, I doubt very much that I would be believed.
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