The Lottii custom looks amazing. Will absolutely get it when it become available. I assume that you will publish it and that you aren't just showing us pictures of private customs that we can't get just to mess with us.
Btw can I ask a question I've been meaning to ask for a while. Why didn't you ever work with Brandy UK or Jasmine Sinclair when they were both in the tickle business? I know they don't really do that sort of work these days but back in the day they were pretty big. It would have been great to see them under your hands and since they operated in the same country...
Anyway, great one as ever.
I have no plans to start selling these as individual clips to individual customers I'm afraid. IndTickler knows why I'm not going to be discussing this with him.
Not much being posted recently on here?? I see plenty of updates on instagram and twitter, but not here or on the clips4sale very much these days. Also so many clips seem to have gone AWOL from the members site. So many previous clips from 1,2,3 or more years ago have never been released so doubt most of them will to be fair, which is a shame. Just wish the updates were as regular as they used to be pre 2020!
Still, i guess your the only real main man in terms of tickling video productions from the UK and I will always be very grateful for that and all the work and time you have put in over the years.. so thank you!!
Not as many updates on here recently, but no shortage of content being produced. Despite the UK lockdown, I have actually been able to continue shooting, though at a reduced level (I didn't shoot any new content at the start of the year). I'm fortunate in that I also have a lot of other content shot from last year and from previous years - this means that the members site will never run out of updates, unless I actually decide to quit.
Re: previewing it here, there are issues sometimes. Posting to Instagram involves quick editing pics on a phone and posting so I try to do it regularly, particularly as people like BTS previews. When I post screen caps here, I have to actually edit the footage first. This means sorting out all the footage, colour correcting and grading it which takes time for each scene. If it's a two-camera scene as in the Lottii example above, it's typically several hours of matching video from two different types of camera, with different lenses etc so that they eventually look the same. I have got much better at this over the years and am much happier with the picture quality, but the trade-off is that it takes a lot of time. I then have to manually scan through the footage, selecting individual frames for screen-grabs that I will eventually use for gifs and promotion, here on Twitter etc. Of course, if I then further tweak the footage (if the colour is a little off, for example) then I will do another set of screen grabs and so on.
This doesn't just take time, but it also takes it's toll on my eyes which after a while start to cause problems. I'm a migraine sufferer and after overdoing things for a time, I'll inevitably get a spate of daily headaches severe enough to limit my ability to do pretty much anything visual for more than a few minutes at a time. This includes basic stuff like driving, watching TV, sending emails etc. Editing has to go on hold as squinting at a screen just makes the problem much worse and prolongs the time it takes for it to go away. I've actually just finished a two week period of some of the worst headaches I've ever known, with blurring in my right eye. Unfortunately it's a consequence of doing this long-term. Shooting new clips under fluorescent lights doesn't help either. Not looking for sympathy here, just giving you an explanation of what's involved in this type of work and why there will always be dips in output.
My main priority throughout is to keep the website updated twice weekly. Unlike other companies, I always produce new clips exclusively for the site rather than just sticking clips4sale updates on there. This means more work to manage the clips for both. As the members site is subscription-based, I have a duty to maintain regular updates on there (even when I'm having problems with my eyes!) so it always takes priority. This may mean that I don't have time to get C4S releases uploaded or released when I would like to but that's just the way it goes. Actually getting the clips out takes priority over promoting clips on here, so if I don't have time to do it all then you may not see new previews posted here at that time. It has nothing to do with content not being produced.
As for clips not getting released. Not all of them will. Not every scene I shoot or preview is going to end up on the site. Some don't make it because when I go over them, they're just not up to scratch. Sometimes they get lost in all the content I shoot. I have around 30 hard drives containing content and I often dip into old archives to work on scenes for the site but it doesn't mean I'm going to produce every single one. Ultimately, I shoot a lot of clips so that I can choose the hits rather than the misses. That said, people will often bring up an older clip and I may go back and work on it.
You're Absolutely right and support your effort. But we all as uktickling viewers now a days want to see many of older clips which you produce in 2012-2015/16. Many of people unsubscribe membership site like me due to lack of old clips which you gave screenshot here in tmf but won't release neither at site nor c4s. that's why we all members requesting you to see about older clips get release at membership site that like me others subscribe again to site if older content will release. If you think you had much stress you can make a discussion board where we can select older clips you didn't release or overloop for any reason and you can recall them easily and working on them. Don't think bad it's just my opinion as well��
There aren't enough days for me to produce and release single clip I've ever shot. As I've tried to explain, there are various reasons why some clips will never be released whereas others will appear on the site in due course. Unfortunately, the clips that you personally feel are the most important will not necessarily be the same clips that other people feel are important. When you start producing content, one thing you learn very quickly is that everybody wants something different and everybody feels that their favourite clip or theme will be the most popular. I have to make choices over what to release and when, based on various factors, including practical issues but also a need to include as many different clips, themes and models on the site as possible. Whilst I do upload older clips, I don't want the members site updates to be all about clips from 7 or 8 years ago as often people will want to see current and new stuff too. I'm currently working through a lot of scenes from 2018-2019 for the members site, as these clips were on the the damaged hard drive and many have never even been previewed and I want to get some of them out...they include models that I have never even had a chance to showcase!
As for starting a discussion topic about what to release, this wouldn't work for the reasons given above. Even if people did agree on what they wanted to see, it's not always going to be practical from my point of view. Clips take time to make and whilst I always note suggestions, ultimately I have to work on what I can within the time I have available. Rest assured, I'll always try and keep it fresh and exciting rather than just putting the same clips or models out every week!
Thanks for your words. But there are a lot of clips you missed to release in past that would hit up the site rather than now. Many of fans want to see older clips as well as newer. Our matter is just to see good hot clips that produced by you. We don't think about older or newer clips as well, we want hotter clips which can be older and newer but many of fans want to see older clips because those were definately best clips you ever shoot. We are very upset that you didn't release that so some of us unsubscribe uktickling, please don't mind. But if customers see the older one clips which I shared will definately pleased and appreciate your work which some users want to see or want to get privately which I saw here in forum. So if you upload that ones definately many customers will view again to site as well as like us. This is our opinion.
And second one, I want to ask you if you not release that clips ever can we demand you personally for that because you said not all individual clips for every customers before. So, I'm asking you if some of us want to take from you will you be provide that clips privately for us or not at all? If you provide then can we be able to ping you dm or email?
Thanks for your words. But there are a lot of clips you missed to release in past that would hit up the site rather than now. Many of fans want to see older clips as well as newer. Our matter is just to see good hot clips that produced by you. We don't think about older or newer clips as well, we want hotter clips which can be older and newer but many of fans want to see older clips because those were definately best clips you ever shoot. We are very upset that you didn't release that so some of us unsubscribe uktickling, please don't mind. But if customers see the older one clips which I shared will definately pleased and appreciate your work which some users want to see or want to get privately which I saw here in forum. So if you upload that ones definately many customers will view again to site as well as like us. This is our opinion.
And second one, I want to ask you if you not release that clips ever can we demand you personally for that because you said not all individual clips for every customers before. So, I'm asking you if some of us want to take from you will you be provide that clips privately for us or not at all? If you provide then can we be able to ping you dm or email?
I understand your point, but you are speaking for yourself, not for everyone - even if some people want to see the same clips you do, others will want to see other things too. As I've tried to explain there are practical considerations also. If I had to chase down and work on every older clip whenever it gets requested, I would never finish anything because I would be endlessly searching through old hard drives, many of which I actually keep in the studio, not at home.
As to your second point, no, I don't want to produce clips privately for individuals as this creates yet more work just to produce something for one person. In the past, I have agreed to produce these clips as customs charged at custom rates. It's not something I want to look at right now as I have enough to do with actual customs and producing content for the site.
There aren't enough days for me to produce and release single clip I've ever shot. As I've tried to explain, there are various reasons why some clips will never be released whereas others will appear on the site in due course. Unfortunately, the clips that you personally feel are the most important will not necessarily be the same clips that other people feel are important. When you start producing content, one thing you learn very quickly is that everybody wants something different and everybody feels that their favourite clip or theme will be the most popular. I have to make choices over what to release and when, based on various factors, including practical issues but also a need to include as many different clips, themes and models on the site as possible. Whilst I do upload older clips, I don't want the members site updates to be all about clips from 7 or 8 years ago as often people will want to see current and new stuff too. I'm currently working through a lot of scenes from 2018-2019 for the members site, as these clips were on the the damaged hard drive and many have never even been previewed and I want to get some of them out...they include models that I have never even had a chance to showcase!
As for starting a discussion topic about what to release, this wouldn't work for the reasons given above. Even if people did agree on what they wanted to see, it's not always going to be practical from my point of view. Clips take time to make and whilst I always note suggestions, ultimately I have to work on what I can within the time I have available. Rest assured, I'll always try and keep it fresh and exciting rather than just putting the same clips or models out every week!
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We are very upset that you didn't release that so some of us unsubscribe uktickling, please don't mind.
Umm, yeah hold on a second. If you yourself have a problem with certain things about the way he's running his business you have every right to state your concerns. But don't state your concerns and say "We are very upset" trying to make it appear as if all UK Tickling customers have the same issues you do. I've been a UK Tickling fan for quite some time and I know a lot of other people are too and although some people may not agree with things he does sometimes it's very rare that people are angry or "upset" with what he's doing. You have to realize that your issues are just that your issues and the rest of us don't necessarily feel the same way.
Umm, yeah hold on a second. If you yourself have a problem with certain things about the way he's running his business you have every right to state your concerns. But don't state your concerns and say "We are very upset" trying to make it appear as if all UK Tickling customers have the same issues you do. I've been a UK Tickling fan for quite some time and I know a lot of other people are too and although some people may not agree with things he does sometimes it's very rare that people are angry or "upset" with what he's doing. You have to realize that your issues are just that your issues and the rest of us don't necessarily feel the same way.
Turtleboy didn't release that clips or don't want to sell anyone because this clips will lay golden eggs in his studio and home. So, he is waiting for the eggs for 10 years and still waiting....looooool... hahahahaha
Been reading these comments lately and I kinda agree with both sets of opinions. Sometimes I do wish TB would release some of the old content but at the same time if he did that all the time there would be no time for the new ones? Over the years UK tickling has changed, TB use to post previews on here, at Xmas he would release a free clip now and again, but that’s all stopped. sometimes I feel as though the customs take over but not everyone can afford a custom clip. As for the membership I stopped being a member a few month back simply because I feel it’s the same models that get posted on there like cherry, missy jay, Katie, storm etc. It would be nice to see some old content on there like ruby, Izzy, Mia... I don’t run the site it’s not my business I just thought I’d express my opinion while we’re on this subject. I love UK tickling and what TB does is amazing, I purchase clips frequently so please don’t jump on my back and attack me for having my opinion lol!
Turtleboy didn't release that clips or don't want to sell anyone because this clips will lay golden eggs in his studio and home. So, he is waiting for the eggs for 10 years and still waiting....looooool... hahahahaha
Don't worry...he is still waiting when the old clips lay golden eggs in his studio and house![]()
I absolutely loved your videos with Tillie being tickled - so sooo sexy and sooo ticklish and a great laugh - my two favourites were "Tillie Is Face-Down & Tickled To Tears!" & "Tillie's Ultimate Tickle Session". 2017 was her last video, do you think you will ever have her back at UK Tickling to tickle? I'd love to see more videos tickling her 🙂
Oh my gosh Stevie is beautiful
Okk fine.Agree with you.
You had an opportunity to buy the clips that you wanted, directly at the time. I didn't particularly want to do this, but was willing to entertain the idea - and then you wasted my time. Since then, you've gone out of your way to be creepy and annoying, trying to get the model's personal contact details, my contact details, flip-flopping between posting abusive comments and threats, boasting about pirating my content, destroying my business...then kissing my ass and begging forgiveness. And then being a dick again. We are not going to do business together. For future reference, none of your behaviour is an effective way of getting what you want. Other producers, models etc will simply block and report you.
As for the Zoe clips that you and a couple of others are keen on, the reality is that they would have been released eventually anyway. It's just that you were so demanding about getting them sooner, I was initially prepared to look at private sales, which I discussed with you. Whilst I'm not prepared to go into anything like this with you, I will be releasing another of her clips on to the website in the near future, and others will follow in time. Be patient, or not. I don't care, but please don't message me on here, via Twitter, email or anywhere else again.
Really agree with your words.You should release them all in websites that no-one can privately demand or harass you to get that. If you release in site all users who have membership can simply join site and get that clips. Many users want some of that m/f old clips recently which I've seen. According to my perspective you should add the old clips which I send some of screenshot to site so that we can access them directly from site, don't need to demand privately to you. Please don't worry that I unsubscribed your site due to lack of that old ones which was really hot and good clips made by you. According to your wish if you really add that old videos of jay harris, zoe, jaw clips which haven't released yet in near future , I will definately subscribe again to your site after that.
Keep your job nicely. Greet from @dirtbox24