Very HoT.. I was gonna ask why she keeps coming back if she hates it so much. Either way, enjoy!!
Will this be on the members site?
Hey TB, any updates on new models at all? I notice some exciting models have followed your twitter, Marnie Moore , Flora Ivy for example and that Jay was at a foot party with Marnie as well as Evski Vicious. I’d be interested to see if there are any shoots booked? Hope you are well!
Need new blood.Always the same ones returning.. Once you've seen them tickled a few times, then its enough in my opinion. Each to their own though i guess!!
Rachelle is coming back? OMG! I thought she had stopped. I love her videos but she seems to really hate being tickled I wondered if she finally had enough and stopped.
She is so gorgeous I look forward to seeing her.
Tremendous respect for Natasha. As a Ukrainian national, she is obviously going through some very tough times at the minute. Her whole family are still in the country and I know that it is on her mind all the time. Nevertheless, she's managed to put a brave face on it, and carry on working and shooting...she did say that she finds the tickling is great stress relief (she is insanely ticklish!) and I genuinely think that the shoots have helped her to clear her head for a little while at least. Certainly, it's great to see her smiling 🙂
There's still more of Natasha to come - including a great scene with Rachelle going to town on her! She's also shooting again Violet and Missy Jay this Sunday so if you'd like a custom with her, get in touch!
Any chance to see the same scene, with bareet in f/f action? woulf be fantastic🙂
First of the new scenes with Rachelle, looking cute with a retro vibe. Two years without being tickled didn't do her much good as the long break just made it worse for her...she was way too ticklish this time!
She's had the good sense to make sure she doesn't leave it so long next time, so it won't be so bad - she's back again next week 🙂
Great to see Rachelle back! Any chance with Rachelle loving payback we could get her to get a model back?
The scene with Rachelle and Natasha looks awesome. Any idea when the release date will be?