I can't make up my mind, but I'm going to babble anyway...
I'm really sitting on the fence on this one. Of course, my knee jerk reaction is to side with my fellow women (or should I say, those that are on the receiving end of the advances), and say that nobody should EVER lay an unwelcome hand on anyone...even if it's JUST tickling.
My other reaction is perhaps one which comes from a sheltered existance. I've never been tickled against my will. It has been my experience that the very nature of tickling is one of innocence and playfullness (speaking of the general populus here...and I guess a lot of us too). Even though I "get off" on tickling sometimes, I still see it as innocent from those that tickle me, or during those times that I tickle other people (except intimate tickling that is done between me and my husband...that's a WHOLE different story 😉 ). I see no reason why tickling between friends, or even aquaintances has to take on this serious boundary issue. In real life, at least in mine, I've never been tickled by someone that I didn't at least have a conversation with at first. It is usually during that discussion that I assess the other person's body language, and I'm sure, they are doing the same with me. I think that someone already said this, but I'll echo it, body language usually says it all. If you are any good at reading people you will be able to tell if any future touch is okay or not. But honestly speaking, sometimes the only way to really tell is to test the waters with an actual touch. Because let's face it, when you are talking to someone, and a playful tickle seems warranted most of us aren't going to ask "is it okay if I tickle you?" before we do it. I think that it was Siamese dream that explained the "touch and see" method in this thread, and I think she did it well. If after that first touch or tickle the person comes back with a "don't do that, I don't like it" well then, there's your answer...back off.
I'm a very physical person, so I will naturally make contact with a person who I'm engaged with, be it in conversation, or otherwise. If a guy (or girl for that matter) makes a wisecrack comment to me (in a playful attempt to get some reaction out of me), I will usually follow it up with a playful punch on their shoulder, or a tickle to the ribs...be it an aquaintance or a close friend. I would be totally shocked if the other person came back with a serious discussion about boundaries, and non-consentual touch. I usually play by the rule, when it feels like a natural thing to do, it usually is. Of course, I'm sure as with everything, there are exceptions to this rule.
Bottom line is that most people don't tickle unless some sort of a relationship has been developed first (even if it's just a conversation). Of course, there are those that might try it with a total stranger, and I think that those are the ONLY people that we should have issues with. Most guys, or should I say 'lers, don't do this kind of thing...even those that are into the non-con stuff. I don't think that most here would say that it's okay to tickle a person that you don't know. I haven't heard anyone disagree with this yet. Is there anyone who would just randomly tickle someone on the streeet without first establishing some kind of rapor? If so, then you folks are the true target of this thread...and deservedly so. I think that this type of touch is WAY out of line.
But for the most part, I think that most of us know how to play the social interaction game, right? And I don't think it's fair to lump those that are inclined to act phyisically aggressive (i.e. rapists, abusers, molesters, etc..) with those that will innocently tickle one that they are interacting with. A little perspective is all I'm asking for here.
I know that there are some here, mostly girls, that will say that there is no difference between someone that tickles, and someone that grabs your ass or breast without consent... non-invited touches are all the same (it was in one of the previous threads on the subject, but I can't remember who said it)...I disagree with this statement. I think that a playful poke to the ribs, and a sexual touch to one of my "private areas" are WORLDS apart. I put tickling along the same "touch lines" as a hug or a peck on the cheek. And if you think about it, a lot of us will give someone a friendly hug after just one meeting.
Just my thoughts on the subject...however scattered they might be 🙂