I had a couple of embarrasing moments when My secret was found out.
1) I was 17 and I was not very secretive about my tickling love, (I didn't tell anybody, but when I printed stuff out and saved pics to files I didn't hide it) my dad wasn't big with computers and when he used ours he only downloaded music. Well one day I found an awsome story that sent me through the roof in a matter of speaking. So I printed it out and carried it through the living room. Dad asked me waht it was so covering the title I showed him it was writing and I said it was a story I wrote. For some reason he was curious so he held out his hand and took it! Distinctivly I grabbed it away laughing and joking and told him it was a rough copy. I walked into the bathroom and tore it up and threw it in the trash. (My dad called my older brother) out of his room and told him to get in the trash and get the story. Now I ripped it into tiny bite sized pieces and they put it together again somehow and it was 5 pages long too! They saw a website and went to it and pictures came up of tickling. Thats how my secret was exposed to my Dad and Brother. Dad was furious, but my Brother was understanding (sorry he isn't one of us, he has another fetish that why.)
2) A couple years passed (a year before I left home) and I made a really good friend, (lets say his names Chris) Well I felt with all my heart that I could trust this guy, because my secret was really eating me up inside. Well while on the internet talking to him I told him that I had to tell him something. He made a small joke to lighten the mood and instead of just coming out and telling him I gave him the adress to my website. He went there and this is how the conversation went...
Chris: Where did you get those pics?
Jordan: The internet.
Chris: lol
Jordan: What?
Chris: Thats weride?
Jordan: What?
Chris: Those pics
Jordan: What about them.
Chris: Its pretty bad man.
Now this reaction pissed me off. My best friend calling me weride and saying this was bad. I got off the internet and didn't talk to him for a week. When I finally did he apoligized, but it did'nt stop. Everytime I talked to him he would say "hows you tickling?" or when I had to go he would say "going back to your tickling sites?" It totally pissed me off. Well he lives next to my mom and when I went to see her, he came over and we were about to go to town when my mom went to get ready. Well we started to talk and this is what happened... Now mind you I don't know how tickling got brought up so I'm proablly making the first line up.
Chris: So hows your tickling (mom just closed the door to her room.)
Jordan: Will you leave it alone! Mom could hear!
Chirs: I don't care.
Exact words. First time I ever yelled at my friend. This was the time I would tell him to go, and I expected him to because he stood there looking surprised. But instead he never brought it up again. And were still friends.
3) Last story... I was in the blazer with Mom and this was the night last year when I made the topic (JUST BOUGHT THE GAMECUBE, BUT TOO TIRED TO PLAY) in the general disscussion board. After I got the cube we went to taco bell (thank God for taco bell 12:00 p.m. at night!) Well I was telling her about the time Chris found out about my secret. And she asked me "What secret?" And I swallowed some taco and told her. And this was embarrasing telling my Mom, and she said "Oh, well don't tell him anything else in the future." And that was it!
Well thanks for listening, bu-bye!