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UNTOLD TALES OF UNKNOWN UNIVERSITY: Michael’s New Best Friend (M/M Intense)


2nd Level Red Feather
Jan 23, 2004
Poor Michael! He thought he had it made after escaping from the clutches of Tommy, his blackmailing college roomie. Some people never learn, though, and Michael soon found himself back in the same old trick bag!



Michael’s New Best Friend


T.T. Gore​

“EEEEYAAAA-HAA-HAA-AAAAH-HAA-HAA-HAA!!!” Michael screeched, wiggling his upthrust bare behind in a frenzy of anguished hilarity. “OH PLEEEE-HEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEEEESE!!! NO MOOOOOORE-HOR-HOR-OOOOR-HOR-HOR-HOOOOOORE!!!”

“Now don’t be such a SISSY!” Shawn chortled. “You KNOW you like it, cupcake!”

“OH-HO-HO-OH-NO-OH-HO-HO-HO-HO!!!” Michael bellowed by way of reply. Shawn noted with interest that the slender cutie’s legs were covered with goose bumps that made every dark hair stick up like a tiny quill.

He’d been tickling his nude roomie for a mere ten minutes but already Michael’s silken skin was bedewed with a delicate sweat whose musky aroma teased Shawn’s flaring nostrils. The naked stud licked his lips, stroking his upright organ with his free hand as he swirled the feather over Michael’s swaying scrotum. The slender cutie was stark naked, securely duct-taped to the brass frame at the foot of the bed, legs apart, bent over at the waist, wrists bound to the corresponding ankle. It was a position well calculated to expose his family jewels, his curvaceous buttocks and his anal orifice to attack from the rear—and Shawn was making the most of the opportunity!


Ah, how Shawn relished the music of his prisoner’s hysterical laughter! Michael had thought he was SO sly…tormenting Shawn in his coy, suggestive manner…

The whole thing was NUTS! He’d never so much GLANCED at another guy in a sexually speculative way before coming to Unknown University. Then one afternoon in the locker room after lacrosse practice, Shawn realized that the sight of his naked teammates was…arousing him. Blushing furiously be concealed the evidence with his towel, dressed quickly and slunk out. He told himself that it had been a momentary aberration of no real significance…but those new and humiliating feelings refused to go away…

Precisely how Michael has managed to detect Shawn’s well-concealed bi-curious vibe was a good question, but detect it he had, and the slender cutie lost no opportunity to toy with his roomie’s emotions. He took to parading around clad in nothing but a bath towel that had a way of slipping off to expose his shapely legs and curvy derriere. He favored Shawn with knowing smiles, significant looks and seemingly casual touches. He made remarks that seemed innocent but carried hidden meanings…
Confronted with this cruel cock-teasing campaign, Shawn had endured weeks of guilt-ridden torture, masturbating in secret at every opportunity, with visions of sweet, slender, silk-skinned doe-eyed, dark-haired Michael dancing in his head…

He’d put up with this merciless mistreatment for a full semester. After Christmas break, however, Shawn returned to campus with a firm determination to get back at Michael. Rather miraculously, an opportunity to turn the tables on the slender cutie soon presented itself. For several days he’d had been rooting around in their dorm suite, looking for something—anything—that might give him leverage over his sadistic roomie. And one afternoon he discovered exactly what he needed!

“Look what I found in your desk drawer,” Shawn said that evening, dropping a file folder in Michael’s lap.

“What were you doing in my d—” Michael’s eyes widened as he recognized the folder.

“Yeah,” Shawn chuckled. “It’s the Western Civ midterm. However did it find its way into your desk drawer, hmmm?”

“I d-d-don’t…” Michael stammered, blushing prettily. “I m-m-m-mean I d-d-didn’t…”

“Ah, but you did!” Shawn beamed. “And just IMAGINE what would happen if people found out that you’d stolen it!”

“Hey, Shawn, come on…” Michael gulped. “You wouldn’t rat me out, would you…?”

“Wouldn’t I? Well, maybe not.” Shawn smiled at his trembling roomie. “But if I keep quiet, cupcake, what’s in it for me, hmmm?”

Michael’s blush deepened as the implications of the intimate nickname that Shawn had used sank in. But he realized that he had no choice …

So an assignation was arranged. Through his friends on the lacrosse team, Shawn learned of an off-campus house, confidently secluded, that would be unoccupied for the duration of the upcoming weekend. He procured a key, scoped the place out and decided that one of the upstairs bedrooms would be ideal for his purposes.

On the appointed day he was there waiting when Michael arrived as instructed.

Now as it happened bi-curious Shawn had become a habitual visitor to several websites whose content may easily be surmised. On one of them he’d come across a certain story of all-male bondage and discipline, the scenario of which seemed perfect for his own purposes. Thus it was that the unsuspecting Michael received a big surprise: not the mutual masturbation session he’d been expecting but something rather more exotic!

When he was instructed to get naked and assume the position to be bound to the bedrails, the slender cutie uttered not a peep of protest. He knew he had no choice in the matter and could only pray that Shawn’s intentions were not TOO sadistic! Michael was relieved when his roomie merely flourished a feather as he knelt. But then, very gently, that feather stroked the delicate sac that dangled between his thighs—and Michael went absolutely BUGFUCK!

“HIIIIEEEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HEE!!!” he shrieked, gyrating his buttocks in a futile attempt to evade the feather’s hellish caress. But there was no escape—the duct tape held him fast—and the feather danced daintily between his quivering thighs!

It was bullshit, the slender cutie insisted to himself in a rare moment of clarity—total, unmitigated fucking BULLSHIT! And so fucking UNFAIR! He’d returned to campus at the beginning of the semester to be greeted with glad tidings: His roommate Tommy had transferred to another school! The asshole who’d caught him skimming cash from the campus bookstore receipts, and who’d used that information to blackmail him into hilariously kinky same-sex slavery, was history! And then it got even better, for his new roomie turned out to be a handsome jock, well-built, brunette and hirsute of torso… the perfect target for a sly campaign of cock teasing…

If only he’d been more careful! But no—and now Michael found himself right back in the same fucking trick bag—!

“I really should have turned you in to the administration,” Shawn chuckled as he feathered his roomie’s balls. “But they’d kick you out, cupcake—and though you’ve been rather mean to me I must admit that I’d miss you!”


“On the other hand,” Shawn went on, “you HAVE been a bad boy and you DO need to be punished!”

“OH-HO-HO-OH-HO-OH-HO-HO-OH-NO-HO-HO!!!” Michael howled. “OH-HO-HO-HO-OH-NO-HO-HO!!!”

“And as your roomie, I feel an obligation to undertake the responsibility of administering your punishment!”


“Honestly, cupcake, it’s for your own good!”


So it went for quite some time—a considerable slice of eternity, as it seemed to poor Michael!

When at long last he was granted a respite, the slender cutie sagged in his bonds, trembling uncontrollably and gasping for air. But for the tape that held him fast, he’d have collapsed to the floor.

“Let’s take ten, shall we?” Shawn patted his prisoner’s upthrust derriere. “It’s going to be a long night, cupcake, and I wouldn’t want you to poop out on me!”

“Please…” Michael gasped. “Please…no more… Can’t take any more…”

“Oh, baloney!” the naked stud exclaimed. “You’d be surprised how much tickling a guy can take!”

Remembering the hellish year with his former roomie, Michael admitted to himself that it was all too true. Despite his aching sides and belly, despite the sweat that covered his skin, despite the watery weakness of his muscles, despite the struggle for oxygen, despite the feather’s intolerable caress—he could take more! And deep in his heart, he WANTED more—!

“Aha, but what have we here?” Shawn suddenly inquired, breaking in on Michael’s disconnected train of thought. “Could it possibly be that you’re ENJOYING your punishment, cupcake?”

Apparently he was! Suddenly Michael became aware of the fact that he was sporting an ERECTION! The tickling had turned him ON—!

“Naughty boy!” Shawn chuckled. “It seems that I’ve found the key to your heart…”

“Yes! Michael cried, seizing upon this heaven-sent opportunity to slip his bonds. “Oh YES, Shawn! Just set me free and we can—EEEEEEEEK!!!”

The naked stud had delivered a brisk slap to Michael’s buttocks. “Not so fast!” he said in a chiding tone. “There’s still the matter of your punishment.”

“P-p-p-punishment…? B-b-b-but I thought…”

“You must admit, cupcake, you WERE rather mean to me!” Shawn favored the slender cutie’s backside with another slap. “Playing with my feelings the way you did. So it’s only fair that I get to give you a real punishment…”

“Oh please…” Michael gasped. “No more… …”

“But considering how mercilessly you teased ME,” Shawn observed, “I think it’s only fair that YOU get teased as well!”

“No! Oh NO—!!!”

“One more hour,” Shawn snickered. “Then we’ll see…”

And with no more ado, the naked stud resumed his fiendishly laughable assault!

“GAAAAAAR-HAR-HAR-AAAAR-HAR-HAR-AAAAR-HAR-AAAAR-HAR-HAR-HAR!!! The slender cutie howled. The feather was probing the delicate crevice between his butt cheeks and it tickled like a mad BASTARD! Michael writhed with an energy born of pure, unadulterated desperation but his struggles were unavailing. The duct tape held him fast and there was nothing to do but squat there helplessly—laughing—and laughing—and LAUGHING—!

As for Shawn, though, this sadistic scenario was a dream come true! To have Michael at his mercy, to lovingly torment the most delicate portions of the slender cutie’s masculine anatomy, was incredibly sexy! Michael’s high-pitched, girlish laughter, his piteous pleas for mercy, the wiggling of his curvy fanny, the scent of his musk, made the naked stud’s cock and balls throb with passion!

“Come on!” he cried. “Laugh a little LOUDER for me, cupcake!”

And though he scarcely dared to admit it to himself, the naked stud was nurturing a turnabout fantasy…with Michael in control…and Shawn himself in duct-tape bondage…laughing his naked ass off as his balls were mercilessly stroked with the same hellish feather…

The emotions called up by this fantasy incited Shawn to redouble the intensity of his laugh-riot ministrations! With joyous abandon he stroked the backs of Michael’s quivering legs, his scrotum, his buttocks, his asshole—and the slender cutie responded with an absolute HISSY fit!

“EEEEEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HIIIIEEEE-HEE-HEE-EEEEEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE!!!” Michael shrieked. His muscles convulsed in an attempt to turn himself inside the fuck OUT as the indescribably potent jolts of ticklish sensation raced along his overloaded nervous system! It seemed to him that he could actually FEEL his brain flying to pieces inside his skull as the remorseless torment drove him closer and closer to the brink of total fucking INSANITY—!

“That’s right, cupcake!” Shawn commanded. “LAUGH for me! Laugh yourself SILLY for me! Laugh your sexy fucking ASS off for me! Laugh your pretty little HEAD off for me—!”

And Michael did his hysterical best! For the next half hour he positively SCREAMED with laughter—but there was only so much that human flesh could bear. Little by little his laughter faded to a frantic but feeble croak and his struggles dwindled to an exhausted shiver. But even so Shawn continued to tickle and he didn’t stop until he noticed that poor Michael had actually passed out!

The naked stud let five minutes pass. Then with three brisk slaps, he roused his prisoner from the murky depths of unconsciousness.

“We’re not done quite yet, cupcake!” he chirruped, gazing avidly at Michael’s butt cheeks, which the impromptu spanking had rendered a blushing shade of pink. “I suppose it makes me a bad person, but I must confess that I rather ENJOY tickle torturing you!”

Michael sobbed—but before he could utter a coherent plea for mercy, the tickling began again!

“EEEEEEYAAAAAA-HAA-HAA-AAAAH-HAA-HAA-AAAAH-HAA-HAA!!!” the slender cutie shrieked. The feather was dancing between his thighs—stroking his balls—overloading his nervous system with horrifically potent sensations of tickling that made him strive to turn himself inside the fuck OUT—!

“Tickle, tickle, TICKLE!” Shawn sang. “Somebody likes to be TICKLED—!”


“Tickle, tickle, TICKLE! Somebody’s turned on by TICKLING—!”

That was doubly true! Both Shawn and Michael were in a manly way, and the former found himself hard pressed to refrain from jerking off! He knew that he should cease and desist, release Michael and let their relationship advance to the next level—but the naked stud simply couldn’t bring himself to STOP—!

“Tickle, tickle, TICKLE, cupcake! Who’s your special FRIEND—?”


But there was more—much more—before the naked stud relented at last and released Michael from bondage. The slender cutie was so drained of energy that Shawn had to put him to bed. And the moment that his head touched the pillow, Michael fell into a deep sleep…

And the balance of the roomies’ weekend getaway? Suffice to say that they worked on their relationship with joyous dedication—so much so that by Sunday evening Shawn could no longer be described as bi-curious…his curiosity along those lines being thoroughly satisfied. And where tickling was concerned, the naked stud was afforded an opportunity to experience the hysterical pleasures of the feather…but that, of course, is another untold tale of Unknown University…
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