-I was born with hydrocephalus ("water on the brain") and without an esophagus. I am, in fact, still alive.
-The second condition, though rectified, has rendered me more susceptible to heartburn. If I eat garlic for supper, I can't really go to bed until 3 AM.
-I was diagnosed with arthritis when I was 20.
-I'm 5'2, if that.
-The girl I had a crush on in elementary school is now six feet tall.
-I discovered tickling on the Net when I was 13. Didn't start feeling the need to go beyond gorging myself on pics and clips until about two years ago.
-There's an entry in my baby journal for November 1983 that observes how I enjoy crawling around, kissing people's feet and shoes.
-The first fingers on each of my hands are double-jointed.
-I learned to read when I was two and a half.
-I'm self-taught on the keyboard, I've been playing since Christmas 1993.
-Video as an origination medium is the bane of my existence.
-The first space movie I direct will use motion control photography as extensively as possible.
I've had a peanut butter sandwich every day for lunch since I was five years old.
-Except for the school year of grade two, in which I was made to eat cheese-slice sandwiches. In protest, Kraft Dinner is the only cheese product I'll eat.
-I hate change.
-When I get rich, I'm buying my old house back.
-Puberty took away my singing voice. I'm slowly getting it back. Maybe.
-I have never initiated a relationship in real life.
-I am a virgin.
-I rarely care what people think--except people I care about.
-My social intelligence varies wildly by the second.
-My Latin name is Prolixopratus Deogratius Veneratius.
More later, if I think of 'em.