I Have to Laugh
After having been chewed out on numerous occasions for my disdain for the human race by members of interactive society, I look up this thread and find these same types of people lamenting about the horrors of Valentines Day.
And it makes the homicidal anti-socialite in me quiver with warm, happy feelings. Cruel ironies do that.
Sorry to say it ShiningIce, but that's what you get for trying. Perhaps this will teach you a valuable lesson and you'll pack it in and give up. Your mind and your wallet will thank you later for it.
I only say this because if I had made the same type of comments (or worse) about Valentine's Day before this, i would have had my head handed to me...in a cyber sort of way.
It isn't that bad being alone ShiningIce. Your time is your own, you don't have new and potential in-laws breathing down your neck; your schedule revolves around YOU; your stress levels will decrease without a winged harpy pecking at your soul, tearing strips of it away with incessant nagging, clinging and chaotic emotional swings. Not to mention that you won't have to worry about any pesky menagerie of friends to construct your demise while your significant other is hanging out with them at lunch.
I may be making mass generalizations, you might say, but think about it: If I was entirely wrong, why would there be four-hundred-thousand songs of every genre (especially country) about these things? If they weren't true, stand-up comedians would run out of material.
But now that I think about it, is there really a logical reason for Valentines Day? It is a social holiday where people spend money to purchase material representations of admiration to give as a token of love to their companions...I was under the impression that women emphasized the importance of loving someone all the time. SO wouldn't the taking of ONE day especially make it seem rather petty? And wouldn't the anticipation of material tokens reflect the insecure consumerism and materialism of women?
Think of what Valentines Day would be like without someone: you could sleep in late, go out and do your thing, go drinking with all the other single guys, stay up late and eat cheeseburgers for dinner.
But if you DO have someone, you'll be spending all day making preparations to stifle the raging possessiveness and insecurities of your g/f and in the end shell out $200 for a dinner you can't afford at a restaurant you;d never go to on a regular night eating a dish you can't even pronounce listening to music by slow dancing music by artists on the hitlists of every human being with taste (Kenny G and John Tesh being the most notorious). Your house that evening will smell like vanilla-scented candles for days while watering roses that weren't going to last anyway, while trying to smooth out the wrinkles of a $500 suit that you only rented for the night.
Which one is simpler and more fun?
It's still up to you SI, but it would do you some good to at least entertain my advice: pack it in, give it all up. You'll probably never find the one you;re looking for...everyone's too picky (including myself) and nothing ever turns out right in the end. You'll pop less aspirin and you'll never have to apologize for someone else's imagination.