Lately I've been playing GTA: San Andreas, Chrono Trigger for the SNES, and Diablo II: LoD, with a little Warcraft 3 thrown in there.
The new GTA, for anyone who is wondering, is great although there is not really enough new features to keep you busy for that long. The plot is well developed, although in order to progress the storyline you have to complete missions, which can sometimes be frustrating. For example, some missions don’t really require skill or tactics, just luck and patience. This aspect can make the game get old very fast.
Also some new features have been added to this game. Some of the more obvious include more vehicles and weapons, but you can also swim, workout, eat and much more. You also have a development system in this game; for example, if you spend most of your time running your stamina will go up, or if you spend all your time at the gym you muscle will increase. These new features add a breath of fresh air to the series.
I am also currently awaiting: Halo2, HL2, World of Warcraft, Metal Gear Solid 3, and GT4