Okay, no more fooling around...
I've seen everyone's lists and you all have a pretty damn good handle on what some good villains are. Granted, this is favorite villain thread, but I choose my favorite villains based on how nasty they are, not by how much i like 'em.
1. AKU (Samurai Jack)
Say what you want about Darth Vader, Sauron, Randall Flagg or even J.R., but NOBODY and I mean NOBODY embodies the essence of pure, undiluted and unrepentant evil than the Almighty Aku. This immortal changeling from the absolute darkness, complete with flaming eyebrows, has destroyed virtually everything on Earth and enslaved countless species to serve him and worship his insatiably sadistic ego. There has never been a villain who was so joyously evil and malicious, not even by Biblical standards, and all other villains in all other fields would run in fear at the first sight of him.
2. GOD (Sandman series)
Garth Ennis made the Almighty a traditional self-absorbed despot of the cosmos in Preacher, but Neil Gaiman's more refined and infinitely more imaginative touch has made Him much more ambiguous, and in the process, much more sinister. Known as the Creator, he created the unbelievably bizarre Universe and its peripherals...and with less-than-benign intentions. Residing in isolation in His tower in the Silver City, he orchestrates the entire history of the Universe before it even plays out, determining who will be damned or worse before they even come to exist. Not only was he instrumental in Lucifer's rebellion, he designed it's execution before the Morningstar even thought of it. Calling his Creation "my little Drama", he rules over an existence that is doomed from the beginning, and so are the minions within it.
3. UNGOLIANT (The Simarillion)
Morgoth may be the source of all evil in Middle-Earth, but he comes behind when compared to this baaaaaaaaaad bitch. Ungoliant was the Great Spider, a spirit of inconceivable evil and malice, whose appetite was beyond insatiable. She generated webbing of pure blackness that consumed light and created unlight, which was so dark even the Ea could not see through. She singlehandedly ate the Trees of the Valar and was so voracious that she even tried and almost successfully ate Morgoth himself. Driven off by the Balrogs, she ate herself to death in the deserts, but not before giving birth to her only worthy successor....Shelob.
4. MORGOTH (The Simarillion)
Sauron got a lot of recognition for being the ultimate evil-ass in the Holy Book of Tolkien, but even the master was once the pupil. One of Iluvatar the One's failed sub-creations, this source of all evil destroyed almost all influence of the Valar on Middle-Earth and stole the Smials for himself out of jealousy for his Creator, who denied him the power to create life. Thus, he created his own perversions of life and even corrupted many Maiar spirits to his service, such as the Balrogs. He obliterated countless armies of Eldar before being defeated by Tinuviel and Beren, the forbidden lovers. Sauron took over afterwards, but was only half the villain that Morgoth was.
5. JODY/GRANDMA (Preacher)
You may wonder what these two mortals are doing above all the immortal villains seen below; that's because these the evil and villainy committed by these two people is so horrendously great, that it becomes a power itself. The 100+ year-old matriarch of the Custer clan sits wheelchair bound in a decrepit Victorian mansion in the south, where she oversees the legacy of her bloodline to the smallest detail. Keeping her children and grandchildren virtual prisoners in their home, she makes certain they keep their faith in the Almighty...and slow learning pupils spend up to a month lying in a coffin under the river without food or water. Jody is her henchman...a redneck so tough that he once beat a gorilla to death with his bare hands and so mean he nailed a dog's head to a fence while it was still alive; and that's just for starters. Even though grandma burned to death and Jody went out with a broken skull, based on their meanness alone...they ain't dead enough.
6. SKYNET (Terminator 1,2,3)
The T-800 butchered his way through a police station; the T-1000 killed anyone in his path; the T-X put her arm through a cop to drive his car...but Skynet was the one who told 'em what to do. Evolving into self-awareness in the cyber-primordial goo of the internet, Skynet decided that humans were unecessary competition and played the Orkin man with the world's nuclear stock. It then rounded up humans in death camps to rival the Third Reich and sent terminator's to slaughter humans in their hideouts regardless of age. So egocentric is this computer that it allows the Terminators to read-only on missions, denying them the free thought that gave it birth. It may not have emotions, but this mechanical sonofabitch is as mean as they come.
7. DARKSEID (DC universe)
The Stalin of Stellar is a demi-god who lives on an artificial planet called Apokalips. The entire planet is a Holocaust unto itself with an entire population enslaved and tortured on a regular basis all living in squalor above a giant furnace that gives the planet its life. Almost unkillable, this mastermind has no pity or remorse and seeks to destroy all life in existence through his relentless pursuit of the anti-life equation...as if his sun-like Omega Beams that shoot from his eyes weren't enough. In all the countless battles that he has created in his quest to dominate the universe, he's had his ass handed to him only once...by the indestructable Doomsday, who almost killed him without effort before being saved reluctantly by Superman. Based on what this monstrosity has done, the caped crusader should have been committed for his backfiring heroism.
8. APOCALYPSE (Marvel universe)
Marvel's paralell to Darkseid, this uber-mutant is perhaps the oldest of his kind and the most deadly. This cybernetic supremacist can control his density at an unheard of level, making him virtually impervious to harm by even the most powerful mutants and heroes in the world. With plans to exterminate all unworthy races and put himself on the top of the heap, this guy ranks among the most irritatingly stubborn villains of all.
9. DARTH VADER (Star Wars)
A lot of you are saying "ABOUT TIME!" and you're right. The cybernetic Dark Lord of the Sith is the embodiment of fascist fashion and menace. With his preternaturally-strong power of the Force, this cybernetic madman works for the Galactic Empire, which seeks to control all planets in its totalitarian greed. He does not take failure lightly and strangles anyone who does not carry out his orders in full. His presence itself is enough to make you wet yourself and his legendary (and enviable) voice foreshadow anything this 6'7" powerhouse can do.
10. BIG BROTHER (1984)
Baptists have a friend in Jesus...Dictators have a friend in the Brother. The creation of the impeccably pervasive propaganda machine of Oceania watches over the mentally enslaved population through various monitors placed on every wall in every bulding and square in every angle in the realm with the ominous "Big Brother is watching you." Abusing the trusting association that comes with older siblings, his henchman run the various Ministries that maintain civilian life, and his enforcers patrol the city monitoring the very thoughts of its inhabitants; and woe to the thinker who finds himself in the psychologically crippling torture chambers of his inner sanctum. While he himself does not exist and probably cannot be stopped, his unquenchable ego limited his range by alerting readers everywhere of his existence before our own political leaders could imitate him.
11. MR. MURDSTONE (David Copperfield)
The world is full of bad parents...and Mr. Murdstone is the granddaddy of them all. This domestic fascist and his equally dicatatorial and sexually repressed sister take over the young Copperfield's life when his guardian dies. He proceeds to show him who's boss with the hard edge of a cane on unlimited occasions most of them under false accusations by his sibling accomplice. While Copperfield eventually escapes his brutal and psychologically domineering sphere of influence, this materialistic Victorian still manages to wedge his way into the boy;s life for the pure love of being evil. Unfortunately, there's not an ass-whuppin' big enough for what this piece of shit deserves.
12. LUCIFER (Sandman)
Ah yes, the main man himself; the subject of limitless notoriety and books, along with credit for every bad thing that happens in the world, is actually nothing more than a glory hound. The second-most powerful being in existence (next to God), this fallen angel has long grown tired of doing things by the rules and gives up his post in Hell to run a nightclub in Los Angeles with his Lilithim lover Azakeem. But even this Rick of the Supernatural Casablanca can't keep the angry denizens of the universe away from him, and even his almost inexhaustible power is helpless against the weird physics of the Universe. His intellect dwarves Dr. Doom by light-years and even his failures end up reaping some rewards all due to his amoral and unbelievable cunning and strategy. Make no mistake about him though...despite his sterile suits and super-suave attitude, he doesn't give a fuck about anything unless he gets something out of it...and probably doesn't give a fuck about that either. A total scumbag is he wasn't so likable.
13. KEYSER SOZE (The Usual Suspects)
Out of all the villains on the list, this is the ONE guy you NEVER want to fuck with. A former Hungarian drug smuggler, he turned to the supreme embodiment of human evil when rival gang members captured his family in exchange for his business; Soze killed them rather than let them be bargaining chips. After going on a rampage of destruction, he went underground and became the underworld's most feared shadowplayer, driving fear into the hearts of the most powerful men on the planet. His genius enables him to manipulate people into working for him without their knowledge and will kill anyone he has to...but he will probably have their loved ones raped and castrated (or worse) first. With his devoutly loyal Pakistani lawyer Kobayashi in the trenches, the Sultan of Shadow is unstoppable and undeceivable. Word of advice, never speak his name, for he might be the man right next to you as others have found out the hard way.
14. HANNIBAL LECTER (The Silence of the Lambs)
If you ever had a mistrust of shrinks...this guy won't help you get over them anytime soon. A brilliant psychiatrist from Baltimore, Hannibal Lecter is refined, polite, sophisticated, educated, suave...and crazy as a mad fucking hatter. Beneath those piercing blue eyes and soft British accent lies a complete and total psychopath, who has a taste for human flesh. He absolutely despises captivity and is not afraid to wear your face as a mask if it will get him out into the wide world. Fortunately, the Good Doctor is as sweet and as charming as any hero of Harlequinn...as long as you don't behave rudely. His affecting voice has been known to trigger shuddering reactions in the female species (right Mimi?) and can be as chilling and as frightening as anything he might do to you.
15. THE JOKER (DC Universe)
The most insane fucking man in the world is also the most royal pain in the ass of any crime-fighter. This poster child for death got his green hair and white face looks from taking a reluctant bath in a chemical plant decades ago and has never been the same since. A brilliant chemist, his concoctions can leave you with a permanent and terminal smile on your face...it must be the novelty joke devices he stores them in. While he does know the sensation fo fear and even sadness, they never linger long enough to stave off an unbelievably homicidal sadism that has kept EVERYONE, including his fellow criminals, at odds with him. Despite his scrawny build, this guy just will not die, and hasn't seen an asylum cell that can hold him yet. If you find yourself merely dead after you meet him, consider yourself lucky.
Clint Eastwood and Roland the Gunslinger would piss themselves and run home crying to mama if they ever met this tough-as-nails sumbitch. A dead-ringer for Will Munny of Unforgiven, this unnamed gunfighter gained his insane thirst for blood during the Civil War and afterword found the accidental solace of a wife and child. But after seeing his potential, God sent a blizzard to keep him from bringing medicine to his ailing family. He went on a rampage, killing off an entire town before being sent to Hell, where the angel of death retired his sword to him in the form of two Walker Colts, thus becoming the Saint of Killers. The embodiment of pure and absolute rage, the Saint is completely invulnerable, has the strength of 1000 men and his guns can kill any being in existence, even the Devil (who he shot in the face before leaving Hell). He is the coldest and meanest sumbitch in existence and he froze over Hell to prove it.