Grateful thanks, Scav! So pleased you enjoyed the Martin Maxwell script! I'm rather sorry I never got around to doing anything with it... I suspect it would have been a kick to produce! As you're a child of the '80s, so was my infancy in the late '50s/early '60s... the moon was pretty fertile soil for nonsense fantasy back then! "Missile to the Moon" posited giant spiders and lumbering rock giants, while "Cat Women of the Moon" hinted at more alluring wildlife. Then again, H. G. Wells' astronauts encountered moon calves, lush greenery and breathable atmosphere... yesterday's cutting-edge inevitably becomes today's ridiculous! Damn it, I
wanted the Apollo crews to find moon calves! Screw all that golf!
I did complete a silent car-chase short called "Speed Demons" (an anti road-rage piece) which featured nothing but stop motion elements, and it was indeed loads of fun to shoot! The central part of "Alex" would likely have looked identical (with the addition of spliced-in actor reactions). It's the
only part of the project I regret not doing!
Hollywood's fumbled Lovecraft so badly (even entertaining stuff, like the Stuart Gordon oeuvre, manages to miss his tone and minimize his thematics), it's seemed that going outside of big budget studio product would be the only way to do him justice. What a refreshing development that such is finally being done: earlier this year, the H. P. Lovecraft Historical Society put together a short, low budget but chillingly accurate film adaptation of "The Call of Cthulhu" (, and now comes this new interpretation of "Colour Out of Space", my all-time favorite Mythos tale! Thanks so much for the deliriously welcome news and for providing the link! This story's been officially filmed only twice to my knowledge: as a 1965 Boris Karloff vehicle "Die, Monster, Die!"... silly, but still fun; then once again in 1987 as "The Curse", a god-awful direct-to-video mess featuring Claude Akins. Needless to say, neither did the short story any favors. Alas, I wasn't able to view the trailer (short-comings inside my rather primitive computer system, most likely), but the still photos look wonderfully encouraging! The site itself is creepy and brooding... they certainly got the mood right! A search has revealed that the trailer's made its way onto Youtube... I'll try that next!