Do you have any idea how awesome you are?!?
Of course I have. 😀 xD
Haha, kidding. X'P "The Jante laws" you know. X'P
Sure, blame poor old Jante... 😛 I think I know the REAL reason! 😉 😀
How's reading that book coming along? 🙂
Oh, yeah? What's the real reason then? xD
Okay. 🙂 It's kind of hard to read that much when you're as tired as I am today xD, but I've still come pretty far. 🙂
I think we both already know the answer. 😉
Aww, you're tired? Then maybe a power-nap is in order? 🙂 But you only have yourself to blame for it! 😛
I don't. 😛
Yep. xD Nope, 'cause I'm going to bed early so I'll sleep then instead. 🙂 No, I can blame you as well. 😉 X'P
Haha, but the aspects of being a 'lee that we talked about.
Hope you get a full night of sleep for tomorrow! 🙂 Nervous? 😱
But what has those to do with the Jante law? xD
I hope so too. 🙂 Not very right now actually. 😀 But that might come later 😛 xD
What I meant was that it isn't the Jante Law that has you humbled!
Haha, well that sounds good. ^^ When does the test start tomorrow? 🙂
Hello Little Swede!!!! How are you today? Are you being good?
Are you happy to finally be back home after the test? 😀 (whenever you'll actually get home, that is. 😛)
I get that. xD But what has me humbled then? 😛
I've already told you that. 😉 Don't tell me you've forgotten that already? 😱 Haha. xD
Why, your subbyness, you subby 'lee!
Bah, no fair! 🙁 Time paradox!
Lol. xD !
Fair, cause you made me before and now I do the same. xD X'P
Fair enough. ^^ Let's just sit and be cranky for a while! 😛
So how's my favorite 'lee this fine evening?
Lol. xD That's not what I meant, I meant that we're even now 😉
Lol. X'P I'm fine. 🙂 Not as tired as I should be. :O
Aww ok then. XD
Wait, so I'M the tired one right now?!? 😱 This is... unsettling! XD
Haha. xD
Haha, apparently you are.
Eh, I'm going to outlast you anyway!
Getting tired yet? XD
Lol, how could you? 😉 You're SLEEPING right now. 😉 Or at least about to 😛
Nope 😉 And you've already gone to bed X'P
What's your favorite smell in the whole wide world? 😀
Meh! D: Meanie XD
How are you today, and how is the studying going? 🙂
Meanie indeed. 😀
I'm fine. 🙂 Well, if you count studying as "checking the school e-mail", then I've already begun. Otherwise; I'm screwed. 🙁 But I WILL get it done! 🙂 Later. X'P
Haha, well GET TO WORK! And you actually get stuff sent to you through your school email?!? 😱