$50,000,000,000,000????????? Fifty smegging billion???? The entire annual defence budget for the UK is only about £28 billion. (About forty billion dollars I think.)
Let's put it this way. There is not a single country, with the possible exception of Western Samoa that the UK could beat in a war today if it was totally reliant on it's own resources.
As for overthrowing Saddam, well a huge percentage of the west's oil comes from Iraq, so all we have to do is monopolise it when we raze the bastards. That means we'd have more than enough money over a five year period to not only prevent Iraq disappearing up it's own arse, but also manage to make sure we don't bankrupt ourselves either.
Let's put it this way. There is not a single country, with the possible exception of Western Samoa that the UK could beat in a war today if it was totally reliant on it's own resources.
As for overthrowing Saddam, well a huge percentage of the west's oil comes from Iraq, so all we have to do is monopolise it when we raze the bastards. That means we'd have more than enough money over a five year period to not only prevent Iraq disappearing up it's own arse, but also manage to make sure we don't bankrupt ourselves either.