I'm extremely ticklish inside of my underarms and ALL over my breasts--especially the sides of my breasts and across the fronts to my nipples. I can't think of any of my gf's (tickle buddies!) who aren't ticklish in some way on their breasts. How about it women? Care to 'fess up to this right along with me?
Following my ub and breasts, my plump pussy lips, inner things, and anywhere near my vagina is deliciously ticklish to feathers, soft brushes, or light butterfly kisses from other women's lips ... I giggle and squirm like crazy. So I can definately understand why genitals, either guy or gal, penis or pussy, would be such a popular tickle spot to play with. Erotic tickling is my favorite way of playing with my gf's. Feathers and soft brushes work best!
this is a very sexy post; very hot reading it, thanks for posting it!