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Website to meet people


Registered User
Feb 22, 2016
I was wondering if anyone knew of a good website to meet up and date people interested in tickling. TMF is a great place for discussion, but I feel like it's not really meant for people trying to get into the dating world.
I think Fetlife at this point is the only kink geared game in town. Alt.com too. But I haven't been to Alt in years.

Maybe people here should think about starting up Tickle Gatherings/ groups on MeetUp. Seems a pretty perfect set up and can stay invite only. Has a handy app too.
I've been on Meetup for other groups, so I think it's a good idea as it's a very efficient system, the way the whole thing works. But I thought you could only use it for groups in your area; the city or town you live in. Maybe if there were several tickling groups on Meetup that were spread out to reach people in various places, but were somehow still linked together, it could work. It sounds like a good plan. I'd be up for trying to organize it, if any others would.
Well...actually I think it would be up to each individual in his or her area to take it upon themselves to set up the Meetup group. I don't know if it's possible to link them together. The ultimate thing would be to actually set up something like a "Tickling Dating Site".

Can you imagine????? :jumpupanddown:
FetLife wasn't really intended to be a dating site. People like myself included have used it that way, but it suppose to be more like the kink version of Facebook. There is collar space, but I never had any luck on that site.
I've been on Meetup for other groups, so I think it's a good idea as it's a very efficient system, the way the whole thing works. But I thought you could only use it for groups in your area; the city or town you live in. Maybe if there were several tickling groups on Meetup that were spread out to reach people in various places, but were somehow still linked together, it could work. It sounds like a good plan. I'd be up for trying to organize it, if any others would.

I've heard there's a fee of around $150 per year to be a group on Meetup. If that's true, I don't think many people would want to shell out the money considering how hard it is to even get a munch together in places that don't have a huge city nearby.
Well...actually I think it would be up to each individual in his or her area to take it upon themselves to set up the Meetup group. I don't know if it's possible to link them together. The ultimate thing would be to actually set up something like a "Tickling Dating Site".

Can you imagine????? :jumpupanddown:

I can imagine it being a worse sausage fest than the TMF personals subforum LMAO
Yeah I don't know then. I mean I never started my own group there so I can't say. I just joined a group and went to a couple of the events they had, that's all, didn't pay anything, but I had no idea that that's what the group leaders had to do, pay $150 a year. This group I was in was for people with social anxiety issues and I got together with them at the local library, and we sat around and talked about our experiences. Wow. How exciting. I searched for other groups on the site and they were all along the lines of "Let's get together and play Tutti Frutti!" or knitting groups, well so many things along those lines, I'm just wondering if the people who run the Meetup site...what the hell would they even think of a "tickling" group? I think it may look kinda stange, sitting alongside all the other things they got there...
I was wondering if anyone knew of a good website to meet up and date people interested in tickling. TMF is a great place for discussion, but I feel like it's not really meant for people trying to get into the dating world.

No seriously, I do think that NEST, and any gatherings you are able to attend, are your best bet. Even if you are far from these, travelling is well worth it, if your interest and desire is strong enough. I have not yet been to either but I plan on it. The thing I like about these as opposed to a site, is that you can actually meet someone face to face, and use your VOICE, eye contact, etc., and for me this is how I work best...this is how you really know for sure that you're hitting it off with someone or not, getting the right vibes and chemistry and.....all that stuff. ;)
I think if we're this worried about trying to meet people to tickle, it wouldn't hurt to join as many regular groups of people as possible. I mean, what are we going to say otherwise? Lol "ya well I have this insane problem where hearing someone's laughter drives me up a wall, especially if it sounds like hilariousness". I mean, you'll make yourself crazy. You need some people you're attracted to, who find you to be a decent friend, who you can. ..you know, eventually physically express a connection.

I remember once dating sites had forums and this would come up. Looking back now, no wonder the topic could shame some men without tact but reward others. It all sounds like a matter of approach.

NEST always sounded cool but each year with me lately is a .... challenge to fit things in. In comparison, I like hair, and I am the guy on Instagram who likes other people's content on Instagram; people know I'm just a regular dudewith a couple pictures but still like/follow me back, so in my eyes it's like I've won some ground. I'm no longer as weird as I thought I was because I know on some level now, people find sense in what I like.
No seriously, I do think that NEST, and any gatherings you are able to attend, are your best bet. Even if you are far from these, travelling is well worth it, if your interest and desire is strong enough. I have not yet been to either but I plan on it. The thing I like about these as opposed to a site, is that you can actually meet someone face to face, and use your VOICE, eye contact, etc., and for me this is how I work best...this is how you really know for sure that you're hitting it off with someone or not, getting the right vibes and chemistry and.....all that stuff. ;)

Have you ever been to NEST, Ricklytickly? I'm starting to feel like I should try it out.

Mr.witch we here at the TMF do not allow festivals of sausages
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Have you ever been to NEST, Ricklytickly? I'm starting to feel like I should try it out.

No I haven't, which is exactly the reason I want to go, that and because I think that, personally at least, that is my best chance of hooking up with a partner, by meeting them face to face, which I find a lot more convenient and easier than online. That's the way I like to communicate anyway, and that's the way they're gonna know right off the bat exactly who and what they're dealing with...for the most part at least! But I won't be able to go to this year's in May as I'm too preoccupied with moving right now, but once I'm settled then yes, I plan to go next year.
I've only had one successful meetup with someone through fetlife, and while we played quite a bit, it eventually came to an end. I've most recently had success with okcupid and tinder. Just be honest with the person, tell them you're kinky and don't overstate how much you like the fetish. Just say you like tickling and think it's erotic. A girl I met not long ago said tickling is absolute torture to her, but when I mentioned I find it quite erotic she admitted she got a little turned on at the thought of using it sexually. If you out yourself as a tickle fetishist, they may see how fixated you are on it, and it can come off as weird and make you appear sexually selfish. Include it with other bdsm things, say you think it's really hot and move on.
A number of years back someone attempted to create a tickling match-up/dating site.

It flamed out spectacularly on the rocks that smash most such sites, gender demographics. it was 98% male. And thus failed. This community is not large enough, and too diffuse geographically to support such a focused site.

To meet someone into tickling, you need to work at it. Make community contacts, attend gatherings, and invest time into the process of becoming known. Becoming known is more then being a name on a list, it's being the sort of person that other want to talk with and get to know based on what you share in public venues.

Fetlife is not a dating site, but it's another place to show what sort of person you are, and to share aspects of yourself to perhaps be appealing to a possible match. Just as thus site is, and any others that allow connectivity.

Dating is hard. It's a job. When you want to target one specific quality AND find a match also, you go from job to work.

There is no magic wand and short cut to that work.

A number of years back someone attempted to create a tickling match-up/dating site.

It flamed out spectacularly on the rocks that smash most such sites, gender demographics. it was 98% male. And thus failed. This community is not large enough, and too diffuse geographically to support such a focused site.

To meet someone into tickling, you need to work at it. Make community contacts, attend gatherings, and invest time into the process of becoming known. Becoming known is more then being a name on a list, it's being the sort of person that other want to talk with and get to know based on what you share in public venues.

Fetlife is not a dating site, but it's another place to show what sort of person you are, and to share aspects of yourself to perhaps be appealing to a possible match. Just as thus site is, and any others that allow connectivity.

Dating is hard. It's a job. When you want to target one specific quality AND find a match also, you go from job to work.

There is no magic wand and short cut to that work.


Thanks for providing actual data to support my assumption Myriads. I've said it before, but in my experience, it's far easier to convert someone you're compatible with to being into tickling than it ever will be to find someone you're compatible with who's close enough and into you as well from this community. I think some people just want to believe there's some magic bullet to make it happen, but as you've said, it takes work.
Thanks for providing actual data to support my assumption Myriads. I've said it before, but in my experience, it's far easier to convert someone you're compatible with to being into tickling than it ever will be to find someone you're compatible with who's close enough and into you as well from this community. I think some people just want to believe there's some magic bullet to make it happen, but as you've said, it takes work.

Can't agree with you both more. When I was single, I never met a woman who was into tickling, in a TMF member sort of way.
But I met a hell of a lot of women who loved it.
I've only had one successful meetup with someone through fetlife, and while we played quite a bit, it eventually came to an end. I've most recently had success with okcupid and tinder. Just be honest with the person, tell them you're kinky and don't overstate how much you like the fetish. Just say you like tickling and think it's erotic. A girl I met not long ago said tickling is absolute torture to her, but when I mentioned I find it quite erotic she admitted she got a little turned on at the thought of using it sexually. If you out yourself as a tickle fetishist, they may see how fixated you are on it, and it can come off as weird and make you appear sexually selfish. Include it with other bdsm things, say you think it's really hot and move on.

Well this reminds me, that one time I was doing something sexual to a girl, then started to tickle her at the same time, in a subtle kind of way, which probably had never been done to her before, and she told me how much she enjoyed it and how it intensified the whole experience. But that doesn't mean it's going to work with everyone, which is why I think it's best to find someone already into tickling. Also it turned out that me and this girl had little in common and it became obvious that the relationship wouldn't work out. So if you're just after a "hook-up", OK, but if you want a relationship as well, then that's something you need to search for, and finding the right tickle partner would be pretty hard, I can imagine, but I would think it's possible, and definitely worth going for, if the desire is there to do it.
Thanks for providing actual data to support my assumption Myriads. I've said it before, but in my experience, it's far easier to convert someone you're compatible with to being into tickling than it ever will be to find someone you're compatible with who's close enough and into you as well from this community. I think some people just want to believe there's some magic bullet to make it happen, but as you've said, it takes work.

I agree it takes time and work. I haven't been active on this site long, but I've gotten a good feel for it and yes, it's a matter of going with the flow, giving it time, and even then it doesn't necessarily mean you'll find the right person. What I just said earlier on the previous post about getting a girl not previously into tickling to like it, well that may be possible with others, but then I wouldn't know because I haven't dated enough either. So I think it's fair to say that both are worth trying; dating in general and trying to get partners who haven't tried it, into it, as well as getting to know other tickle enthusiasts.
Can't agree with you both more. When I was single, I never met a woman who was into tickling, in a TMF member sort of way.
But I met a hell of a lot of women who loved it.

Well then this I did not know, because I just haven't been out there enough, dating at all really. So thanks for the info. Maybe I should try harder to do this. There are definitely things holding me back, yes. And I use TMF as an interest site, not really expecting to actually meet anyone. Although, yes, I admit, I definitely want to. I just don't think I'm in a position to give what it takes as far as a REAL relationship goes. So I'm here, getting to know people, making friends, etc. If anything happens, ok, but if it doesn't, well, ok.
I am going to create a social tickling network. I have been thinking time about it and I have this desire.
A number of years back someone attempted to create a tickling match-up/dating site.

It flamed out spectacularly on the rocks that smash most such sites, gender demographics. it was 98% male. And thus failed. This community is not large enough, and too diffuse geographically to support such a focused site.

To meet someone into tickling, you need to work at it. Make community contacts, attend gatherings, and invest time into the process of becoming known. Becoming known is more then being a name on a list, it's being the sort of person that other want to talk with and get to know based on what you share in public venues.

Fetlife is not a dating site, but it's another place to show what sort of person you are, and to share aspects of yourself to perhaps be appealing to a possible match. Just as thus site is, and any others that allow connectivity.

Dating is hard. It's a job. When you want to target one specific quality AND find a match also, you go from job to work.

There is no magic wand and short cut to that work.


98% guys really? It is funny, when I registered on this site, I thought there would be 0 females on it. Like foot fetish, I used to believe this kink of ours was male only. But as I started to participate in more English discussions I found out much surprisingly that there are a lot of girls registered here too. Chicago, Bellarisa, Khali, Bohemianne, Angélique, CapturedDoll, Firefox... to name just a few. Would you still say that all women combined still make up just 2% of the total membership? This is no challenge, as our Tzar you must have access to the statistics, but I am curious.

Apart from that, I agree with everything else you wrote. We are literally from all over the world, and even the Americans are scattered all across the map. 1 in Texas, 2 in Arizona, etc... Not sure I understand the difference between "job" and "work" though. Aren't these two words synonymous?
No. You only need an API retail in order to turn a web project into apk. In fact, there are applications which are used for it.
98% guys really? It is funny, when I registered on this site, I thought there would be 0 females on it. Like foot fetish, I used to believe this kink of ours was male only. But as I started to participate in more English discussions I found out much surprisingly that there are a lot of girls registered here too. Chicago, Bellarisa, Khali, Bohemianne, Angélique, CapturedDoll, Firefox... to name just a few. Would you still say that all women combined still make up just 2% of the total membership? This is no challenge, as our Tzar you must have access to the statistics, but I am curious.

I wasn't speaking about the TMF when I quoted that percent. I was speaking about the now long defunct tickling dating site.

The forum had a fairly high female member level, that is actually unusually big for a fetish site, but we have also worked very hard since we opened to be a place where female members might feel more comfortable with.

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