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Well this reminds me, that one time I was doing something sexual to a girl, then started to tickle her at the same time, in a subtle kind of way, which probably had never been done to her before, and she told me how much she enjoyed it and how it intensified the whole experience. But that doesn't mean it's going to work with everyone, which is why I think it's best to find someone already into tickling. Also it turned out that me and this girl had little in common and it became obvious that the relationship wouldn't work out. So if you're just after a "hook-up", OK, but if you want a relationship as well, then that's something you need to search for, and finding the right tickle partner would be pretty hard, I can imagine, but I would think it's possible, and definitely worth going for, if the desire is there to do it.

The typical experience, or generally a woman I interact with favors the new flow of attention so much she decides she likes the things that make me hard.

I'm not sure what I prefer hearing, that I'm seeking networking between other guys because no women are engrossed in tickling in other areas beyond this forum, that there's a healthy population of female forum members that aren't interested in other men on this domain, or if there are charts/graphs that actually measure how subjective either statement appears to be.
I am going to create a social tickling network. I have been thinking time about it and I have this desire.

I believe myriads is trying to say a site that is developed with the idea of pushing people towards eachother, especially geared to a specific topic such as this one, is less primed for success than a site for people who like a discussion environment about tickling so they can join aloof and naturalize their experience.
Know what I think works? Dating a woman and becoming an average couple, but when nobody's looking, making vibrating electrical engine noises and sliding my fingers into crevices that aren't for sex. That probably creates the laughter I'm hungry for.
The typical experience, or generally a woman I interact with favors the new flow of attention so much she decides she likes the things that make me hard.

Not trying to start anything here, I promise..but that seems a bit negative, and selling yourself short. Ever consider that maybe she favors (or favored) you, and liked doing things that made you happy?
I think that's one reason you don't see as many women here...a lot are just more fluid about what they're into; since a lot of guys are quite hard-wired in their likes and dislikes, it seems that a lot of them develop their likes, based on who they like.
Not trying to start anything here, I promise..but that seems a bit negative, and selling yourself short. Ever consider that maybe she favors (or favored) you, and liked doing things that made you happy?
I think that's one reason you don't see as many women here...a lot are just more fluid about what they're into; since a lot of guys are quite hard-wired in their likes and dislikes, it seems that a lot of them develop their likes, based on who they like.

I appreciate your observation. I'll admit, it did read a bit negative the way I wrote it. I've actually put a fair amount of thought into this, since I've mentioned my dating history in threads over the years. A lot of my experience thus far has not really been acquired from "normal" means. When I say normal I mean like I try to date....but my methods of finding a date have been through trying to meet people from personals/sites/miscellaneous shit/fixed paths to try and get people married (which is what dating online is). So my experience could very well be compromised to nothing, if not for the lack of comprehension.

My situation (and anyone who's not looking and facepalming at this might be in this one as well) is I simply need to make better friends. Like really good friends. I'd say even tho I like to think I'm different from people I share the same path of hardwiring you describe in guys. Like a lot of the foot guys who post here they "knew since they were children that they were into feet" I was into what I was into and it's created a lifelong challenge. How I break the cycle? Still in development.
I dotn know why some message that I wrote dissapeared. It doesn't matter I am goind to create the tickling social network because I have the correct tool for that. I wish you enjoy it. I will ask for your opinion when I do the work.
Well this reminds me, that one time I was doing something sexual to a girl, then started to tickle her at the same time, in a subtle kind of way, which probably had never been done to her before, and she told me how much she enjoyed it and how it intensified the whole experience. But that doesn't mean it's going to work with everyone, which is why I think it's best to find someone already into tickling. Also it turned out that me and this girl had little in common and it became obvious that the relationship wouldn't work out. So if you're just after a "hook-up", OK, but if you want a relationship as well, then that's something you need to search for, and finding the right tickle partner would be pretty hard, I can imagine, but I would think it's possible, and definitely worth going for, if the desire is there to do it.

I wholeheartedly disagree. In almost all of the relationships I've been in, the girl was pretty comfortable with invorporating tickling into our sex life. One eventually really enjoyed it and we increased the intensity until we were doing 30+ minute sessions solely based on tickling. Only one flat out said she hated it and things didn't work out because of various reasons (that included). All of the other ones were happy to find something that brought me so much pleasure, even at the cost of a little torturous tickling. It's all about give and take. If you're selfish and you just tickle the person and don't meet their needs, they're going to resent you for it. But if you find out what their fantasies are and meet them, you're much more likely to act out your fantasies as well
I wholeheartedly disagree. In almost all of the relationships I've been in, the girl was pretty comfortable with invorporating tickling into our sex life. One eventually really enjoyed it and we increased the intensity until we were doing 30+ minute sessions solely based on tickling. Only one flat out said she hated it and things didn't work out because of various reasons (that included). All of the other ones were happy to find something that brought me so much pleasure, even at the cost of a little torturous tickling. It's all about give and take. If you're selfish and you just tickle the person and don't meet their needs, they're going to resent you for it. But if you find out what their fantasies are and meet them, you're much more likely to act out your fantasies as well

Ayup. Very well said. It's much easier to find someone whose interests are compatible with yours than it is to find someone who has the exact same interests with the exact same intensity, as some guys have clearly said they're looking for.
I wholeheartedly disagree. In almost all of the relationships I've been in, the girl was pretty comfortable with invorporating tickling into our sex life. One eventually really enjoyed it and we increased the intensity until we were doing 30+ minute sessions solely based on tickling. Only one flat out said she hated it and things didn't work out because of various reasons (that included). All of the other ones were happy to find something that brought me so much pleasure, even at the cost of a little torturous tickling. It's all about give and take. If you're selfish and you just tickle the person and don't meet their needs, they're going to resent you for it. But if you find out what their fantasies are and meet them, you're much more likely to act out your fantasies as well

But then I haven't done much dating either, so I wouldn't know. In another part of this thread, someone said they had more luck converting someone (if that's the right word) into tickling, rather than finding someone who was already into it, and I said, oh, OK, I had no idea, because I just haven't been with enough girls, period. So, I'm glad to learn this! ;) Yeah, it was just an ASSumption of mine, but then it's good that I'm on a site like this, to learn things, lol.
Well then this I did not know, because I just haven't been out there enough, dating at all really. So thanks for the info. Maybe I should try harder to do this. There are definitely things holding me back, yes. And I use TMF as an interest site, not really expecting to actually meet anyone. Although, yes, I admit, I definitely want to. I just don't think I'm in a position to give what it takes as far as a REAL relationship goes. So I'm here, getting to know people, making friends, etc. If anything happens, ok, but if it doesn't, well, ok.

This was the one.
Well then this I did not know, because I just haven't been out there enough, dating at all really. So thanks for the info. Maybe I should try harder to do this. There are definitely things holding me back, yes. And I use TMF as an interest site, not really expecting to actually meet anyone. Although, yes, I admit, I definitely want to. I just don't think I'm in a position to give what it takes as far as a REAL relationship goes. So I'm here, getting to know people, making friends, etc. If anything happens, ok, but if it doesn't, well, ok.

Can't agree with you both more. When I was single, I never met a woman who was into tickling, in a TMF member sort of way.
But I met a hell of a lot of women who loved it.

This is both, think I got it right now, both posts, from yesterday.
I wasn't speaking about the TMF when I quoted that percent. I was speaking about the now long defunct tickling dating site.

The forum had a fairly high female member level, that is actually unusually big for a fetish site, but we have also worked very hard since we opened to be a place where female members might feel more comfortable with.


Oh okay, my bad. I thought you meant the tickling community in general. As I said, it has long been my perception that our fantasy was a predominantly male one. But I was very happy to find out on the TMF that I was wrong. Kudos to you and this amazing community for making this a lady-friendly place :bubbleheart:
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