No, not anymore. Having been to gatherings, I'm sort of used to seeing public things. But if you want, I'll letFirst of all, Skippy is amazing. I stayed up all night watching that clip over and over. Oh Elmer, you sly devil.
1. Do you still have cartoonish reactions to seeing tickling on TV?
BEAUTIFULLY. It's in a treasured place on my TV shelf where I use it almost everyday.2. How's the PS3 treating you?
I love to either read, bake, or watch movies. There is nothing better than slacking.3. What's your favorite things to do on a snow day?
I guess it depends on if you're single, happily in a relationship, or unhappily in a relationship. 😉4. Valentine's Day: fun romantic holiday, or capitalist ploy?
What? I'm sorry, I was busy being excited.5.
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Doesn't this excite you?
That IS pretty friggin sweet.this is M. Bison's theme song heading into our likes??
Totally Looney Tunes.Favorite show to watch as a kid? 😀
It's sort of on hold right now. 🙁 I'll probably be picking it back up in February. But she's understanding of it, so we coo'.We got some major catching up to do. How's D&D? Still playing?
I'm going to try my absolute hardest to be there.are u going to nest this year?
He's got NOTHING on me. ALRIGHT?!? NOTHING.I know you love to do your thang in the kitchen , but you don't get as into it as Randy Marsh does , do you?
I don't think I resemble any celebrity honestly. They tried to tag me as a few in that "What celebrity would play you in a TMF movie" thread.OK, here's one. What celebrity do you resemble?
If you have to ask you are undeserving. But don't fret my good man, for at the time of NEST, you'll be screaming it along with, "I'm soooooo sorry! You guys are the best! I'm weak. Weaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak!" That's how it always ends for everyone.What the hell does IFD stand for? 😛
No, it's sort of more my own forgetfulness. When I browse the forums, I just look at the topics on the first page, that's it. If this moves to another page I sorta...fuggetaboutit.Has the PS3 been keeping you from answering questions??
I have not. At the moment I want to spend my casholas on picking up another wii-mote.Have you picked up DC Universe Online yet??
He's fab, enjoying me being home so he gets more petting time in.How's Walt??
I expect nothing less.If we ever meet, the world may slow down to a crawl, while angels sing, and babies dance the marimba while wearing the major character costumes from Lion King. Are you OK with that?
How much snow did you get? 😛
When do you need the reminder? I'll mark it down. 😉1. Can you remind me that I need to invest in lion king costumes, marimba lessons for infants, a choir of angels, and I need to call NASA about renting the Time-Slower? KTHX!
A good chunk of it I spent either sleeping, reading, cleaning, or baking. The ONLY way to spend a snowday.2. I just had 3 days off from school. How did you spend your time?
It hadn't occured to me actually. LOL3. Have you subscribed to this thread yet?
Oh gosh, 2 days ago maybe?4. When was the last time you had really dirty tickling thoughts?
I've got my eye on the latest Final Fantasy, but then I started looking at the other games available and they all look so amazing. :'(5. What kinds of games are you in the market for?
I caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan't. :'(6. I have an extra Wii-Mote that we never use. Want to come get it?
Yes yes yes. I forget EVERYTHING if I don't write it down.1. Well, angels can start to rust if you keep them around too long, so maybe sometime this summer. Are you the type of person who needs to have things written down??
The dry erase board might be kinda cool. The post it notes might make me looka a little nutty...2. Would you ever consider covering a wall in dry erase board / post it notes, for easier writing??
Nah, we don't need it.3. Do you use a SmartBoard in your classroom??
It's been a little while. I don't remember my dreams too often, and when I do they are usually EXTREMELY bizarro.4. When was the last time you had a dream involving tickling??
Um SHYES. Sometimes I just want to save them for posterity.5. Don't you wish you could save certain dreams, and replay them on other nights??
It totally would.6. Wouldn't Dream DVR be a HUGE seller?
My complex shovels most of it, but I did shovel the back and sides of my car just in case. 😀I notice that you enjoyed your snow days. Did you have to shovel it?
No Albany for me, I'm gonna gun for NEST though!Are you home this weekend or in Albany?
They are assholes today and keep yelling at me where ever I go. It's REALLY annoying.How are your kitties?
Steelers or Packers?
So what, I don't warrant a simple text for my FB message? 😡
Who'd win in a fight, Wolverine or Bigby Wolf?
Congratulations again on your recent promotion , but um ... does this mean I will now have to start respecting your authoritah?
You didn't respect it before?!!?
Allow it to load and play the 3 second scene starting at the 36 second mark please.
I eat nails and shit tacks. Your ass is GRASS.Have you been saying your prayers, taking your vitamins, and drinking your milk? 'Cuz you're gonna need all the help you can get. 😀
Did you have authoritah before?
What 3 second scene?
I eat nails and shit tacks. Your ass is GRASS.![]()
Even were it true, how would the grassy composition of my ass be relevant? You're not a herbivore: You just stated that your diet consists of nails. In case you're wondering, I'm also not a nail. Don't be fooled by the oft-used descriptive expression "tough as "___." 😀
Who approached you about becoming a mod? And what was your response initially? 🙂
Oh it was just a showing of my toughness. I'll be harvesting your horn for making sweet looking rhino shank and various other decorating paraphernalia. But don't you fret, I'll make it as painless as possible. A swift ass beating if you will. 😎