how was ya 4th?
The actual 4th was SUPER lame, but a few days before was pretty amazing! How was yours?
ya i hear ya there mine was ok got drunk and shot some fireworks off and im still in one piece lol
What's your last name.
Does this rag smell like chloroform?
NO U!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you ready for rhinoceros invasion?
I am going to be the worst guest EVAR. I'm watching YouTube videos about boorishness, just to pick up on new techniques.
Are you ready to be smothered with your own shitty foam pillow?!
LOL I would be HIGHLY surprised if smothering your host with a shitty foam pillow would be covered in a youtube video. Your technique will be terrible and ineffective.
What I lack in technique I more than make up for in brute force. Such is the rhinoceros way.
We've covered Mario Kart... But what OTHER games am I going to humiliate you at?
Do you have a SNES? N64? I have a couple of Karts. 😀
I have Mario Kart for both of those systems. 😀 I used to have it for the gamecube as well but my retardo brother traded it in at a gaming store like a stupid hobbitses.
Perfect, those are the two I've mastered. 😀
We won't be playing EITHER of them. ONLY WII!!!
That's fine, little n00b, I'll pwn you in the arena of your choosing. 😀
Will you cry like Lyz when you lose? Or will it be a wife-slapping frenzy?
No...rhino-slapping frenzy, aided by wife. >:] A VICTORY slapping when I win!
I'm a gonna win!
Aided by WHICH wife? Do you have a secret, extra, bionic steroid gorilla wife whom I've never met? Because it's been proven that, in a rumble, 1 Rhino > 3 IFD. 😀
WRONG. Rhinos are yoked and uneducated.So... By what percentage do your "powers" increase when they're combined?
TRICK QUESTION! You can't answer, because that would require you to divide by zero. 😀
Dude, Sandrock was just here and sorted through all of the comics. He took a huge portion of Spiderman...I think he plans on gloating later...just fyi.Moi? Up to no good , as per usual. You know the deal.
How's the summer vaykay treating you thus far? Participate in any skulduggeries yet?