3rd Level Green Feather
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If i got to massage your feet and said they were stinky, would you get mad at me?

If i got to massage your feet and said they were stinky, would you get mad at me?
did you remember knex?
My SNES.1. What was your favorite toy growing up?
Weirdest collarbone maybe. That's pretty weird, right?2. Underarms and sides, mostly. Perhaps its different for different people. What's the "weirdest" place that you're ticklish?
If the room was big enough? Heck yes!! Of course I've always wanted to have one of those scooby doo type houses where you can open bookcases by pulling on candlesticks and pushing tiles to open secret doors. How freaking awesome would THAT be?!3. My parents almost purchased a house right before I was born. In one of the bedrooms, the attic door was hidden away in the back of a closet. Wouldn't that make for an excellent dungeon hiding space?
I don't have a fetish for other people's feet, but I love having my own played with. I honestly don't know what that's called...4. Do you consider yourself to have a foot fetish? Does that qualify if you like having your own feet played with?
Like electricity. That's all I can even closely relate it to.5. How would you describe the sensation tickling brings?
A gargoyle. Hell. Yes.6. If you could transform yourself into any inanimate object (you could go back and forth), what would you become?
How do you mean? Do I get addicted to things easily? If it's engaging I do.7. Do you have an addictive personality?
It's nice to be untied if I've been yanking against restraints because my wrists and ankles get sore. But bondage is nice anytime.8. After a session, do you want to be untied immediately, or do you enjoy the bondage even if you've been tickled to 'death'?
...Any kind of love? Or a specific kind. (Friend, child, lover, I'd define each differently.)9. If an alien came down to Earth, and asked you for the definition of "love", what would you say?
Not at all. You will enjoy it more than you know.10. Do you feel guilty at all, for the fact that stumbledown may in fact consume my life?
All of them forever. Seriously. I LOVE the SNES. And I'm STILL game collecting for it.1. And your favorite game for the SNES?
Not as fun...? No such thing. LOL2. Is there a tickle spot you have that you can't stand having tickled? For some reason, it's just not as fun as the others?
Oh my god yes. But no one who goes around poking picture eyes is invited to come over. I just couldn't tolerate that in my house.3. If you had those pictures with the eyes missing, would you spy on your friends?
Massages. I'm a sucker for massages. And every now and again super light tickling mixed in is great. You know the kind. JUST enough to tickle, but not bad enough to pull away.4. What's the best thing someone can do to your feet?
I did. My parents even bought my sister and me the gargoyles board game. We rocked that shit.5. Did you watch the Gargoyles TV show?
Fallout is basically a post-apocalyptic game. After bombs were dropped all over the U.S. and beyond, there were only pockets of survivors that made it. Some stayed in shelters, others were underground. Some devolved into terrible things. But for everything the game encompasses, you're one of the survivors set out to make your way in the world, find your missing dad, help (or hurt) people, etc.6. What's Fallout about?
Spread eagle has been the most comfortable position for me so far. My limbs aren't crunched in every direction.7. What have you found to be the most comfortable bondage?
I don't mind semi-uncomfortable bondage sometimes, but I certainly don't want it painful.8. Is comfort something you're looking for when bound?
A lover is someone who you've chosen to be intimate with and share your life with because you feel like two halves of a whole. You can be yourselves with each other because that's what you like most about one another. It's sharing trust, kindness, support, successes and failures, and struggles. Your life becomes more enhanced by them, not brought down. You can think of reasons everyday why you're right for one another, and it's easy to do. You simply deeply appreciate everything the other person encompasses.9. Always making me think, Lily. I like that. How would you define "lover" love?
Sure thang.10. Do you mind if I call you Lily?
Thanks stumbleupon!You may thank Stumbleupon for my sig pic. 🙂
How do you handle being so hot and getting stared at in public?
I do, variety feels amazing.1. Do you like a mixture of light / hard tickles during a session?
I give them a test run through the old Johnson place. If they poke any picture eyes, I just can't get down with them being in my fantasy house.2. Do you normally do background checks on your friends to make sure they are not recovering eye pokers?
It would be safer to ask me what I hated, really. I was a cartoon addict. For example, because I was often dropped off at my grandma's house at certain times, there were only a select few cartoons on which I learned to hate. Duck Tales was high on that list of hate.3. I remember liking that show, because some of the voices were from the cast of TNG. What other cartoons were you a fan of as a youth?
I'm just gonna let it out right now that I was extremely annoying as a kid. Whew.4. Were you a rambunctious child?
I'd want it RPG based. I like more involved games. And I really like fantasy ones. I'd build something off from that I'm sure.5. If you could make a video game, what would be its premise?
I'm down with both.6. Do you prefer your feet together or separate when bound?
No. I think that there's more than one person out there for everyone, it just depends on what you're looking for at the time.7. Do you believe that there is a single "soulmate" for each person?
If I didn't have enough sleep, waking up is the shittiest thing ever.8. How easily do you wake up in the AM?
Intensely? Oh gosh, been a while.9. When was the last time you were really tickled intensely?
A ripped out magazine page with a list of songs, a light box, and Walter.10. Look to your left. What are 3 things you see?
Um, yes!If i was giving you a foot massage, then suddenly pulled out a can of whipped cream' would you panic?
I was Natural's favorite lee?? I thought Bella was!Are you still Natural's most favorite lee?
No, I like one spot at a time. It seems to tickle more because your brain is zeroing in on that single area.1. Do you enjoy having multiple spots worked over simultaneously? For example, one foot and your ribs tickled?
I succeeded anyway. I threw them off with a red herring.2. Would you have succeeded if it weren't for those meddling kids?
I watched that one and I think it was in neutral territory, because I liked Dale significantly more than I liked Chip. Chip was an asshole.3. What about Chip and Dale: Rescue Rangers?
Because I talked a lot, had tons of questions, and never cared if people got tired of me constantly talking and asking. These things had to be known!!4. Why do you think you were an annoying child?
Damage dealer, more action.5. When you play an RPG, do you prefer being a tank or a damage dealer?
LOL That song was so nerdy...and true.6. Do you want to date my avatar?
I use my cell phone and stereo. I like a warning with the stereo before I have to wake up.7. What do you count on to help you wake up?
I haven't no, but if I was in the right mood it could be fun. But if I was in the wrong mood, I hope whoever was doing it was wearing a nut cup.8. Have you ever been tickled awake? If so, your thoughts?
LOL I would have thought, "-sigh- Ohhhhhhhh maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan."9. If I had called it a "sole-mate", would you have respected me a little less?
My sister and I went to a local dog show for her puppy, then played video games, went out to eat, and went back up town for a fair and fireworks. 🙂10. What's the most fun you've had in the last 7 days?
I told you!! I can't until I unpack in the new apartment! Besides, what makes you think I need all this practicing? I'm amazing without LOLhave you been practicing??
I like it medium I think, I don't one spot for FOREVER, but if it tickles, why move away so quickly?1. What are your thoughts on changing tickle spots? Some ticklers do it often, to keep a 'lee guessing, and others focus on one area for a long time, then move on to another.
Kids love when adults can laugh at themselves and be stupid and fun. You can still be the parent/adult while having fun with them.2. I didn't know kids like herring. What other discoveries have you made about chilluns?
I did like Darkwing Duck, never watched Silverhawks, and I LOOOOOOOOOOOOVED TMNT!!!3. Darkwing Duck? Silverhawks? TMNT?
Very, and I have to be careful about assuming I can ask about something when it's actually private to them and they'd rather no one asked.4. Do you still consider yourself to be an inquisitive person?
LOL I was a priest with my highest level char. So yes, very much so.5. Do you feel bad for healers in MMO games?
I liked being a the lower levels atleast, and hunters the most I think.6. What was your favorite class in WOW?
Oh my no. Where's the fun in that?7. Do you provide nut cups to people who might find you asleep?
I have books of corny jokes. 😀8. As a rule, do you enjoy corny jokes?
I like the games, but I can't do the rides anymore. 🙁 They make me sick to my stomach, and that makes me saaaaaad.9. Are you a fair fan?
If they start moving me around, I'll probably wake up. When someone sleeps next to me, my body is on high alert and wakes up much more easily with noise or movement.10. Are you a deep sleeper? Could someone, say, slide some cuffs on you before waking you up?
It's definitely an art. Different every time. Screw science.1. Do you consider tickling to be a science or an art?
I had a few, a 4th grade teacher, and 2 high school teachers, one for speech/debate and the other for language arts. The 4th grade teacher always made learning fun, we sang songs, made balloon animals, etc. The debate teacher was one of the most caring I ever met. She even gave me a ride home one day when neither of my parents could get me. The language arts teacher was always asking us questions that forced us to think outside of our assumptions and comfort zone.2. Did you have favorite teachers in school? What made them so wonderful?
Mikey. 😀 And I really liked Baxter just cause he had a cool name with an X in it.3. Who was your favorite turtle? Who was your favorite villain?
I did! Now I'll have to start asking incredibly personal questions.4. Did you know you can ask any question you want in my thread Inquire with the Observer?![]()
Shadow. It was the only way I could level decently.5. Were you a healing priest, or a shadow priest?
I have. SUPER addictive, I gave the Sim everything I want in real life. Lucky assholes. Must be what having kids is like.6. Have you ever played the Sims / some other real life video game? What's the purpose?
Uh huh, the best place to find these as at Salvation Army. People just don't know the good shit when they see it.7. Seriously? Books of corny jokes?
I was a riding FIEND. No longer...8. Were you once a ride lover?
It takes a while before I get used to sleeping next to someone because it can be extremely annoying. But once I'm used to it, we cool.9. Do you enjoy sleeping next to someone, or prefer your space?
I guess sometimes I'm just not feeling being touched, so my brain shuts off my wee sensors.10. Do you have times when you feel more ticklish than others? What do you think causes that?
lol You aren't reading my responses in any of these, are you.Whats your favorite bondage position?
Ello Lovah!
What political party to YOU learn towards most?
Elllloooooo! I lean more towards democrats, for sure.
liberal. and to say that i lean in that direction would be a gross understatement. if i leaned any farther to the left, i would fall over.
how are you?
Wait, me or her? LOL I'm great. How're you?liberal. and to say that i lean in that direction would be a gross understatement. if i leaned any farther to the left, i would fall over.
how are you?
Thank ya. 🙂 Decided the old one was no longer me and needed a change. I have a cluster of favorites. Can I list one I hate? I really hated Pinocchio.Smart ladies you are.![]()
Purr, er, Lily, (like the name btw), what is your favorite Disney movie?