Wielder of 100 Feathers
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I remember one Beatles Album had a black rose on the cover. Did you get Blackest Lily from the album you were listening to?
I've considered there might be some hippy-age going on. I've met them when I had to knock on their door to give them mail that was delivered to me by mistake. She opened the door a sliver, took it, and shut it quickly. And one night I came home and their door was WIDE open, like they were airing out the place. Strange people.1. Have you considered the fact that you might have a tribe of nymphomaniac pygmies living next door?
I do a little of both depending on what's a better bargain. I investigate what's been bagged though so they don't slip the crap in at the bottom.2. When at the grocery store, do you pick your own fruit or buy the already bagged items?
At this point in my life if they weren't picking on me, I'd think something was wrong.3. Were you picked on as a lass by your elder sisters?
It definitely helps relieve the days tensions.4. Do you consider tickle torture to be a form of stress release?
For a long time I made half a turkey sandwich with mustard and spinach on whole grain bread with a yogurt, piece of fruit, and bag of carrots. Now I just bring whatever is leftover from dinner. I neeeeeeed variety!5. What do you usually bring for lunch?
Liu Kang was never an interesting character to me, so if they did I'd be fine with the decision. But isn't Johnny Cage the one who always bites it in every movie?6. If they made a new MK movie, would Liu Kang have to be killed in the first five minutes?
I would shoot cats out of holes in my hands and the cats would eat them to the skeleton. Then one would jump back on my shoulder and glower while I posed in some ridiculous way.7. If you were a MK character, what would your finisher be?
It can take me a while if I feel I can't rely on them or trust them.8. How long does it take you to feel "close" to someone?
Punching them until a blue bruise appears. No one likes getting blueberries.9. If raspberries are making a "pfft" sound on someone's flesh, what would a blueberry be?
It might take me around a week. I'll be taking care of other things at the time, and a new place deems I keep putting things in difference places till I find the right area for everything.10. When you move, how long will it take you to unpack all your schtuff?
I remember one Beatles Album had a black rose on the cover. Did you get Blackest Lily from the album you were listening to?
You did! I think it's a beautiful name.Did I read that you would have liked to be named Lily?
I haven't, but I learned a little about it when I found out you could use it in Animal Crossing. How dorky is that?1. Do you practice Feng Shui?
I like the fruit, just not the blueberry punch. I haven't been bruised, but I have had some extreme soreness afterward.2. Well, some people like blueberries, I'm sure. Have you ever been bruised from tickling?
Lady Fluffyteats Whiskerbeard3. Your MK character might be the most epic of all time. What would their name be?
He would say, "Walt-ality" in a VERY official voice, the most official of all of them.4. Would the deep voiced announcer guy say "Fatality", "Cat-ality", or "Walter Attack 3.0"?
If you look at the MK characters, NEARLY all of their bodies are exactly the same, save for a different color outfit. Girls? Boys? Doesn't matter. The only different thing the girls might have going is MAYBE a different hairstyle. I want to see them make someone look like Dhalsim.5. At some point, do you think the MK people just said "Everyone likes Scorpion and Sub-Zero, so let's just change the color and create an army"? Seriously, Ermac? Who the hell was that?
I'm both. I LOVE salty foods, but they are bad for you so I try not to eat too many. But who can resist sweet snacks? Mmmmm.6. Are you a salty or a sweet snack fan?
The ugly fruit. Nothing has looked less appealing or made me want to try it more.7. What is one fruit you've always wondered about, but never tried?
She's the only person I've lived next to where I've had to knock on there door. Maybe I should find out!8. Do people frequently react so abruptly when you knock at their door?
Hell. NO. I hate sales, all of it. I hate the pressure given to you to try to convince someone to buy something they don't want. Funny thing though, about 3 hours ago some kids came to my door trying to sell a local newspaper. They looked like they hated doing sales too.9. Would you ever be a door-to-door salesperson? If so, what would you sell?
The sensations, because they produce the laughter. 🙂10. What's more fun for you, the laughter or the sensations when being tickled?
So hair is your kryptonite?With the previous posts of chess between you and I and what would distract me so you'd be able to cheat...did you know that if you'd play with your hair alot while you made your cheating move that you'd more than likely get away with it and win the match?
I wife IS pretty b.a. I'm pretty sure, in fact, that any ass she looks to kick she probably could.Speaking of matches, who'd win in an intergender tickle fight between myself and your online "wifey", Ms Skippy? 😀
So hair is your kryptonite?
Well, I've watched both, but it seems you have to be much more dedicated to Star Trek to keep up with all these movies and TV shows, while Star Wars was just movies. So for the sake of spending time with me, I'd say Star Wars, though in the end I don't think it really matters.1. Would you rather date a Star Trek nerd or a Star Wars nerd?
I don't think I'd want to advertise more than my appearance already does. That's like making a pig wear a sign that says, "Pig". I can't be fashionably redundant.2. You're officially dorky, but that's pretty frickin cool. Would you wear a shirt that said "Dork"?
My stomach for sure. It aches so bad even if it's not tickled because of all of the laughing I do.3. What part of your body is usually most sore post-tickle?
I'm not sure the coat is cat-lady enough. It strikes me more as Hipster Matrix. Walter is doing good, he's been sleeping all day. I guess he was tired from all the sleeping he did last night.4. I think your MK character should wear the coat from the S.A. How is Walt, by the by?
I did not know! Dhalsim does it for you, huh. I'm more of a Chun Li girl myself.5. Dhalsim. . . Are you aware that you're quite possibly the coolest lady I know?
I totally have and I thought it was the biggest piece of shit ever. The acting was AWFUL. So was the storyline for that matter...and the dialogue. I ask myself to this day why couldn't they have done the movie justice and made it EXTREMELY cheesy and kickass like it was clearly meant to be. And if Chun Li's dumbass cohorts wouldn't have busted in when they did, she would've had M. Bison's ass on a platter before they could ruin anything. I like the animated movie better.6. Have you seen the Street Fighter live action movie with Van Damme?
Extra buttery and salty popcorn or sea salt and vinegar potato chips.7. What's your ultimate salty snack? Ultimate sweet snack?
Out of curiosity, what would you really do if they accepted your invite?8. I've always wanted to wait for someone who wants to know if I have found Jesus to knock on my door. I'd answer the door nude, then ask if he / she wanted to come in and help me look for him. Does this make me some sort of strange character?
I don't think I have been. I guess it's strange I made that comparison without actually having been through it.9. You mentioned previously that being tickled is like electricity to you. Do you enjoy getting shocked by electricity?
I don't mind either way, as long as the glasses don't look shitty on them. If they do, it's time to shop for new glasses.10. Do you prefer your gents to have glasses, or not?
If I was SuperSketch, yes lol. But since I'm only human, if I see a woman as beautiful as you playing with her hair, brushing it or whatever, I just can't help but stop and stare until either you left my area of sight or stopped the action.
What is your kryptonite when it comes to guys, SuperBlackestLily? 😀
My kryptonite...hmm...I get weak in the knees for well built guys.
Well, that cancels me out lol.
Did you know I ask your "wifey" a lot of "hair-raising" questions on her questionaire thread?
Just how many hair-related questions can I ask of you before you get tired of it? 😀
If you could be a furry, what animal would you be?
Firefox is CRAP for that. It closes on me all the damn time.1. Don't you hate when you have a whole series of questions lined up, then your browser closes, and you have to retype them?
I'm usually always tired when I wake up. It takes me a little bit before I'm functioning for the day.2. Aren't you ever tired right after you wake up?
Street Fighter. I like the game's ease of movement much better than MK's, at least on the super nintendo.3. I was always a Blanca or Zangief fan. Technically, E. Honda, once I learned how to do the Infinite Slap thing. MK or Street Fighter?
Hummm...that's a good question, I'm not sure. It hasn't been tickled in forever.4. How ticklish would you say your stomach is?
Either or is acceptable.5. Do you prefer the word "stomach" or "tummy"?
If it's a kid I'm a total frickin sucker and usually buy something. If it's an adult...well...I don't know. No adult salespeople have come to my door. It looks like they've figured me out.6. If someone wanted to come into my house whilst I was nude to look for Jesus, I'd likely scream like a girl, try to kick them in the shin, and then lock myself in the bathroom. Cause I'm badass like that. What do / would you do when salespeople come to the door?
I think she'd let out these ferocious feline shrieks, like when two cats get into a fight and make those horrible screeching noises.7. Would Lady Fluffyteats Whiskerbeard cackle incoherently during the fight?
I totally want to see a Zelda movie. They made a mock preview for one at one point.8. If you could turn any videogame into a movie, what would it be?
I don't know too much about outside fetishes that I don't naturally crave, but I'd be willing to experiment to see what's out there.9. I can see the electricity comparison. Is there a fetish that you could see yourself getting into in the future?
You need to go shopping.10. Here is a picture of myself. Please let me know how my glasses look.
What are my options? ANY animal?
Any animal that has fur...
Damn, there goes my crow dreams. Alright fine, I'll pick either buffalo, coyote, or fox.
Only if I had a really long day before. Or if it's raining. It's amazing to sleep when it's raining.1. Have you ever gotten a full night's sleep, then wanted to go back to bed an hour or so later?
Bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs, and french toast. Mmmmm.2. What's your favorite breakfast food?
I can think of a few off the top of my head: Sakura and Rose. I know there's one that covers herself in wraps too, but I can't remember her name.3. Were there other female SF characters besides Chun Li and Cammie?
My feet. It was great. 🙂4. What was the last body part you had tickled?
Fishing and cooking over an open fire. Makes everything taste better, even if it's crappy.5. What's the best part of camping?
The mosquitoes. GRRRRR.6. And the worst part?
If it was mosquito infested I'd probably want a tent. I don't want to suffer the consequences.7. If you went on a camping trip with a ticklephile, would you do a session in the open woods, or would you need a tent?
Live action. They used to have an animated Zelda TV show. I wouldn't be opposed if they made an animated one though.8. Would you want a live action or animated Zelda?
Those are definitely my two biggest ones. Everything else kind of pales in comparison to them.9. If I may be so bold, what are the other fetishes besides tickling / bondage that you crave?
You're getting closer, but we're not quite there yet.10. How bout these specs?
Does Children of Men count as a war movie? I loved it.If you watch war movies,do you have any favorite ones?
Sorry to ruin your crow dreams...I can definitely see you as a fox, though 😉
If you woke up one day and discovered that you were in someone else's body, what would be your reaction?