I really didn't want to step into this thread, but it looks like it's calmed down so I'll give it a go.
I'm not sure if anyone remembers but I used to draw art for this forum years ago (had to be at least 2 or 3) and you can still find some of it circulating- especially at the anime tickling forum. In fact, I knew grippedchimp and Jokaell (wherever he is) a lot better then because we were all up and coming artists.
Now years later, I know that I've improved, just by merely looking back at my old work. I know anatomy, facial structure, value, and big words like "contraposto." Whether we intend to or not, we all get better if we keep at it. I'm not majoring in art at college, it would be like majoring in football or dinner. Art is something fun for me, so generally I don't review and critique other artists having fun because I know we're all just in it for the thrill.
The only thing I want to point out is that it was apparent rajee wasn't looking for criticism from his first post in this thread, so it wasn't necessary to give him any. Celtic is more than welcome to offer constructive criticism as long as it's done tactfully, even offer advice- who knows? I think Celtic does good work. If he's willing to help there's nothing wrong with that. People just need to know when it goes over the line.